- Overview
- Report Settings
- Styles Option Description Report Title Title Define the font formatting to be applied to the Report Title. Description Define the font formatting to be applied to the Report Description. Border Define a border for the Report Title & Description if one is required. Background Define a custom background colour for the Report Title & Description area if required. Column & Row Headings Text Define the font formatting to be applied to table Column and Row headings. Background Define the background colour to be applied to table Column and Row headings. Header Height Define the height of the table headers in pixels. Header Padding Define the space between the text in each header cell and the cell border in pixels. Data Text Define the font formatting to be applied to table cells. Cell Height Define the height of the table rows in pixels. Cell Padding Define the space between the text in each cell and the cell border in pixels. Cell Spacing Define the space between each cell in pixels. Row Shading Define an alternate row shading colour for the body of tabular reports. Row Highlight Define a highlight colour displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over a row. Section Title Text Define the font formatting to be applied to Report Section titles. Background Define a background colour for Report Section titles. Header & Footer Header Define the contents of the left, middle, and right page header areas used in report exports. The following components are available: Date: this will insert the current date into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Page No: this will insert a page number on each page of the report when it's exported, printed, or shared. Description: this will insert the report description into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Title: this will insert the report title into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Time: this will insert the current time into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Space: this will insert a space into the header, for use between two components, for example: date space time. New Line: this will insert a line break into the header, for use between components, for example: title new line description. Text: this will allow the administrator to provide custom text to be used in the header. Image: this will allow the administrator to select an image to use in the header, such as a logo. Footer Define the contents of the left, middle, and right page footer areas used in report exports. The following components are available: Date: this will insert the current date into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Page No: this will insert a page number on each page of the report when it's exported, printed, or shared. Description: this will insert the report description into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Title: this will insert the report title into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Time: this will insert the current time into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Space: this will insert a space into the footer, for use between two components, for example: date space time. New Line: this will insert a line break into the footer, for use between components, for example: title new line description. Text: this will allow the administrator to provide custom text to be used in the footer. Image: this will allow the administrator to select an image to use in the footer, such as a logo. Text Define the font formatting to be applied to header and footer text used in report exports. Report Summary Text Define the font formatting to be applied to Report Summary text. Default Chart Colour Specify the default chart colour to be used in Report Summary charts. "> Styles Option Description Report Title Title Define the font formatting to be applied to the Report Title. Description Define the font formatting to be applied to the Report Description. Border Define a border for the Report Title & Description if one is required. Background Define a custom background colour for the Report Title & Description area if required. Column & Row Headings Text Define the font formatting to be applied to table Column and Row headings. Background Define the background colour to be applied to table Column and Row headings. Header Height Define the height of the table headers in pixels. Header Padding Define the space between the text in each header cell and the cell border in pixels. Data Text Define the font formatting to be applied to table cells. Cell Height Define the height of the table rows in pixels. Cell Padding Define the space between the text in each cell and the cell border in pixels. Cell Spacing Define the space between each cell in pixels. Row Shading Define an alternate row shading colour for the body of tabular reports. Row Highlight Define a highlight colour displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over a row. Section Title Text Define the font formatting to be applied to Report Section titles. Background Define a background colour for Report Section titles. Header & Footer Header Define the contents of the left, middle, and right page header areas used in report exports. The following components are available: Date: this will insert the current date into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Page No: this will insert a page number on each page of the report when it's exported, printed, or shared. Description: this will insert the report description into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Title: this will insert the report title into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Time: this will insert the current time into the header when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Space: this will insert a space into the header, for use between two components, for example: date space time. New Line: this will insert a line break into the header, for use between components, for example: title new line description. Text: this will allow the administrator to provide custom text to be used in the header. Image: this will allow the administrator to select an image to use in the header, such as a logo. Footer Define the contents of the left, middle, and right page footer areas used in report exports. The following components are available: Date: this will insert the current date into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Page No: this will insert a page number on each page of the report when it's exported, printed, or shared. Description: this will insert the report description into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Title: this will insert the report title into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Time: this will insert the current time into the footer when the report is exported, printed, or shared. Space: this will insert a space into the footer, for use between two components, for example: date space time. New Line: this will insert a line break into the footer, for use between components, for example: title new line description. Text: this will allow the administrator to provide custom text to be used in the footer. Image: this will allow the administrator to select an image to use in the footer, such as a logo. Text Define the font formatting to be applied to header and footer text used in report exports. Report Summary Text Define the font formatting to be applied to Report Summary text. Default Chart Colour Specify the default chart colour to be used in Report Summary charts.
- Layout Option Description Filter Location Select the default location for User Prompt filters to be displayed on the Report page. Filter Width Select the default length for User Prompt filter values display. Drill Through Popup Allow Drill Through reports to display in a lightbox if configured to use the 'Popup New Window' option. "> Layout Option Description Filter Location Select the default location for User Prompt filters to be displayed on the Report page. Filter Width Select the default length for User Prompt filter values display. Drill Through Popup Allow Drill Through reports to display in a lightbox if configured to use the 'Popup New Window' option.
- Private Reports Option Description Allow Share This will allow Private Report Writers to assign other users access to their report. Watermark Select an image to use as a watermark on Private Reports. (Optional) Report Marker Enter text to be used as a marker below the description for all Private Reports. (Optional) "> Private Reports Option Description Allow Share This will allow Private Report Writers to assign other users access to their report. Watermark Select an image to use as a watermark on Private Reports. (Optional) Report Marker Enter text to be used as a marker below the description for all Private Reports. (Optional)
- Public Reports Option Description Watermark Select an image to use as a watermark on Public Reports. Report Marker Enter text to be used as a marker below the description for all Public Reports. "> Public Reports Option Description Watermark Select an image to use as a watermark on Public Reports. Report Marker Enter text to be used as a marker below the description for all Public Reports.
- Chart Settings
- Image Settings Option Description Chart Image Format Specify the image format for charts to be generated as. Draggable Thumbnails Allow you to open a chart in a new window and drag the image into an open program or save it for later use. "> Image Settings Option Description Chart Image Format Specify the image format for charts to be generated as. Draggable Thumbnails Allow you to open a chart in a new window and drag the image into an open program or save it for later use.
- Animated Loading Option Description Animated Chart Loading Animate the chart as it loads. Display Animation Animate the chart multiple times per session - each time the chart is reloaded, filtered, or changed. Per Session Define the number of times charts animate within a session, this is animations across the system, not per chart. "> Animated Loading Option Description Animated Chart Loading Animate the chart as it loads. Display Animation Animate the chart multiple times per session - each time the chart is reloaded, filtered, or changed. Per Session Define the number of times charts animate within a session, this is animations across the system, not per chart.
- Active Charts Option Description Active Chart Highlighting Allow users to hover over an area on a chart with the mouse to highlight it. Active Outline Define the colour to outline the current active area. Active Fill Define the colour to fill the current active area. Tooltip Outline Define the colour to be used to outline chart tooltips. Tooltip Background Define the background colour to be used for chart tooltips. Define two different colours to use a gradient. Tooltip Title Define the colour of the Title text in chart tooltips. Tooltip Text Define the font and colour of the descriptive text in chart tooltips. "> Active Charts Option Description Active Chart Highlighting Allow users to hover over an area on a chart with the mouse to highlight it. Active Outline Define the colour to outline the current active area. Active Fill Define the colour to fill the current active area. Tooltip Outline Define the colour to be used to outline chart tooltips. Tooltip Background Define the background colour to be used for chart tooltips. Define two different colours to use a gradient. Tooltip Title Define the colour of the Title text in chart tooltips. Tooltip Text Define the font and colour of the descriptive text in chart tooltips.
- Colour Defaults Option Description Default Style Use only one colour per category or series by default. Colours Define grids of colour to be applied to charts by default. The first grid is for solid colours, the second is used to perform gradient shading when enabled. GIS Colours Define the default colours to be used for GIS maps. Chart Background Define the default chart background colour. Leave blank to set as transparent. Plot Background Define the default plot background colour. Leave blank to set as transparent. Annotation Range Default Define the default colour to be used for Annotation Range highlighting on charts. Bubble Shading Style The bubbles will consist of two colours shaded together to give a rounded effect. "> Colour Defaults Option Description Default Style Use only one colour per category or series by default. Colours Define grids of colour to be applied to charts by default. The first grid is for solid colours, the second is used to perform gradient shading when enabled. GIS Colours Define the default colours to be used for GIS maps. Chart Background Define the default chart background colour. Leave blank to set as transparent. Plot Background Define the default plot background colour. Leave blank to set as transparent. Annotation Range Default Define the default colour to be used for Annotation Range highlighting on charts. Bubble Shading Style The bubbles will consist of two colours shaded together to give a rounded effect.
- Line Defaults Option Description Width Define the default thickness of lines used in charts. Shapes Line Shapes mark each data point on line charts. "> Line Defaults Option Description Width Define the default thickness of lines used in charts. Shapes Line Shapes mark each data point on line charts.
- Fonts Option Description Title Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Title text. Axis Title Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Axis Title text. Axis Label Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Axis Label text. Legend Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Legend text. Label Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Label text. Series Selection Define the font to be applied to Chart Series Selection text. "> Fonts Option Description Title Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Title text. Axis Title Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Axis Title text. Axis Label Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Axis Label text. Legend Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Legend text. Label Define the font formatting to be applied to Chart Label text. Series Selection Define the font to be applied to Chart Series Selection text.
- Map Settings Option Description Google API Access Specify if Google Maps can be used. These require internet access to work. Google Maps Point Limit Specify the maximum number of single points to be displayed at any one time. Google GIS Label Background Define the colour to be used for Map Label backgrounds. Google GIS Label Border Define the colour to be used for GIS Maps Label borders. "> Map Settings Option Description Google API Access Specify if Google Maps can be used. These require internet access to work. Google Maps Point Limit Specify the maximum number of single points to be displayed at any one time. Google GIS Label Background Define the colour to be used for Map Label backgrounds. Google GIS Label Border Define the colour to be used for GIS Maps Label borders.
- Dashboard Settings
- Tab Styles Option Description Content Area Background Define the colour to be used for the tab body. This will be displayed around the portlet areas on the tab. Top Margin Define the top margin height and colour. This is the spacing above the tab images on the dashboard and below the main navigation bar. Background Define the colour to be used for the background behind the tab images. Image Height Define the height of the tab images. Divider Define the colour to be used as a horizontal divider between the tab images area and the main body of the tab. Bottom Margin Define the height of the bottom margin. This is the spacing between the tab images and the sub tabs, or the top portlets on a tab. Sub Tab Height Define the height of the sub tab area. This is the space below the bottom margin and above the top portlets on a tab. Sub Tab Divider Define the colour to be used as a horizontal divider between the sub tab titles and the main body of the tab. "> Tab Styles Option Description Content Area Background Define the colour to be used for the tab body. This will be displayed around the portlet areas on the tab. Top Margin Define the top margin height and colour. This is the spacing above the tab images on the dashboard and below the main navigation bar. Background Define the colour to be used for the background behind the tab images. Image Height Define the height of the tab images. Divider Define the colour to be used as a horizontal divider between the tab images area and the main body of the tab. Bottom Margin Define the height of the bottom margin. This is the spacing between the tab images and the sub tabs, or the top portlets on a tab. Sub Tab Height Define the height of the sub tab area. This is the space below the bottom margin and above the top portlets on a tab. Sub Tab Divider Define the colour to be used as a horizontal divider between the sub tab titles and the main body of the tab.
- Portlet Styles Option Description Border Define a colour to be used as a border for each portlet area. Background Define a colour to be used as the background for each portlet area. Title Define the font formatting to be applied to portlet Title text. Title Background Image Hide the tab images behind the Title text of each portlet area. This will mean that the background colour is shown instead. Title Background Colour Define the background colour of the portlet Title area. This will be displayed when the Title Background Images are disabled. Action Buttons Portlet buttons will only be displayed when the user hovers over a portlet. "> Portlet Styles Option Description Border Define a colour to be used as a border for each portlet area. Background Define a colour to be used as the background for each portlet area. Title Define the font formatting to be applied to portlet Title text. Title Background Image Hide the tab images behind the Title text of each portlet area. This will mean that the background colour is shown instead. Title Background Colour Define the background colour of the portlet Title area. This will be displayed when the Title Background Images are disabled. Action Buttons Portlet buttons will only be displayed when the user hovers over a portlet.
- Filter Styles Option Description Panel Background Define a colour to be used as the background for the filter panel area. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Title Define the font formatting to be applied to the filter Titles. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Group Background Define a colour to be used as the background for filter groups. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Group Title Define the font formatting to be applied to filter group Titles. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. "> Filter Styles Option Description Panel Background Define a colour to be used as the background for the filter panel area. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Title Define the font formatting to be applied to the filter Titles. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Group Background Define a colour to be used as the background for filter groups. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel. Group Title Define the font formatting to be applied to filter group Titles. This is not used if filters are displayed through the Left Navigation Panel.
- Display Settings Option Description Default Dashboard Width Define the default width of the dashboard in pixels or % of the current window. Alignment Specify the default alignment of the dashboard. Tab Buttons Specify the location of the dashboard tab buttons, or disable them completely. These are the Add Tab, Edit, and Remove buttons. My Content Location Specify the location of the My Content panel, or disable it completely. This contains Favourite, Draft, and Recently Accessed content lists. Associated Reports Location Specify the location of the Associated Reports panel, or disable it completely. Search Location Specify the location of the Search box on the Dashboard, or disable it completely. This allows users to perform a content search, displaying results on the Browse page. "> Display Settings Option Description Default Dashboard Width Define the default width of the dashboard in pixels or % of the current window. Alignment Specify the default alignment of the dashboard. Tab Buttons Specify the location of the dashboard tab buttons, or disable them completely. These are the Add Tab, Edit, and Remove buttons. My Content Location Specify the location of the My Content panel, or disable it completely. This contains Favourite, Draft, and Recently Accessed content lists. Associated Reports Location Specify the location of the Associated Reports panel, or disable it completely. Search Location Specify the location of the Search box on the Dashboard, or disable it completely. This allows users to perform a content search, displaying results on the Browse page.
- Filter Settings Option Description Filter Location Specify the default location of the filter panel on the Dashboard. This can be overridden on a tab by tab basis. Apply Style Specify the default display of the filter Apply button or text. "> Filter Settings Option Description Filter Location Specify the default location of the filter panel on the Dashboard. This can be overridden on a tab by tab basis. Apply Style Specify the default display of the filter Apply button or text.
- Loading Settings Option Description Page Refresh Each time the user changes the tab they are viewing, only the items relevant to the tab are reloaded, such as reports, filters, units, etc. This is only compatible with browsers that support HTML5. Refresh Overlay Displays a coloured overlay on the tab while it loads to indicate it is refreshing. Loading Indicator Displays a loading indicator for the tab. Report Loading Load all the reports on a tab at the same time or sequentially. "> Loading Settings Option Description Page Refresh Each time the user changes the tab they are viewing, only the items relevant to the tab are reloaded, such as reports, filters, units, etc. This is only compatible with browsers that support HTML5. Refresh Overlay Displays a coloured overlay on the tab while it loads to indicate it is refreshing. Loading Indicator Displays a loading indicator for the tab. Report Loading Load all the reports on a tab at the same time or sequentially.
- Storyboard Settings
- Browse Settings
- Styles Option Description Background Colour Define a colour to be used as the background for the browse page. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Colour Define a colour to be used as the background of the search bar. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Height Define the height of the search bar. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Bottom Border Define a colour to be used as the bottom border of the search bar. This applies to all layout options. "> Styles Option Description Background Colour Define a colour to be used as the background for the browse page. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Colour Define a colour to be used as the background of the search bar. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Height Define the height of the search bar. This applies to all layout options. Search Bar Bottom Border Define a colour to be used as the bottom border of the search bar. This applies to all layout options.
- Thumbnail Layout Option Description Alignment Specify the default alignment of the thumbnail tiles on the browse page. Columns Specify the maximum number of thumbnail columns displayed on the Browse page. If the current window size cannot accommodate this number it will be reduced. "> Thumbnail Layout Option Description Alignment Specify the default alignment of the thumbnail tiles on the browse page. Columns Specify the maximum number of thumbnail columns displayed on the Browse page. If the current window size cannot accommodate this number it will be reduced.
- List & Folder Styles Option Description Alternate Row Define a colour to be used for every second row displayed in the Browse list. Hover Define a colour to be used to highlight a row the mouse is hovered over in the Browse list. Selected Define a colour to be used to highlight a row that is currently selected in the Browse list. "> List & Folder Styles Option Description Alternate Row Define a colour to be used for every second row displayed in the Browse list. Hover Define a colour to be used to highlight a row the mouse is hovered over in the Browse list. Selected Define a colour to be used to highlight a row that is currently selected in the Browse list.
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
This page allows administrators to configure a wide range of defaults and formatting settings for content that fall under the following tabs:
- [#Report Settings]
- [#Chart Settings]
- [#Dashboard Settings]
- [#Storyboard Settings]
- [#Browse Settings]
Report Settings
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Chart Settings
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Dashboard Settings
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Storyboard Settings
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Browse Settings
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Unknown macro: {horizontalrule}
Unknown macro: {styleclass}