Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Brushing allows users to restrict results in their chart by choosing to Include or Exclude certain areas. This is a far more interactive method of filtering, as the user defines what they want to see or remove by highlighting the particular area on their chart.
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Once the chart has been created, you are able to restrict results to the ones you select by:
- Click and drag to highlight an area on the chart
- Select the Include option
- You will now notice that the chart has been restricted to only the values you selected in the highlighted range
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Once the chart has been created, you are able to remove results that you select from the chart by:
- Click and drag to highlight an area on the chart
- Select the Exclude option
- You will now notice that the chart has removed the values you selected in the highlighted range
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Once the chart has been brushed, you are able to reset results by:
- Click and drag to highlight an area on the chart
- Select the Reset option
- You will now notice that the chart has been returned to its original state
Incompatible Charts
Unknown macro: {styleclass}
Brushing is not available on all chart types. The following are incompatible:
- Histogram
- Z Chart
- Maps
- Meters
- Waterfall
- Event
- Week Density
Unknown macro: {horizontalrule}
Unknown macro: {styleclass}