Unknown macro: {styleclass}
An additional properties file may be specified when using silent installation. For historical reasons, the properties in this file have different names, but map to the same values as the custom properties file. The silent installer properties file must exist on the file system of the computer being installed onto. The file name must be the first argument after the -silent
java -jar yellowfin-yyyymmdd-full.jar -silent install.properties java -jar yellowfin-yyyymmdd-full.jar -silent install.properties option.winservice=true option.serverport=8090
When passing command-line arguments to the silent installer, you must include a silent installer properties file as the first argument before any additional options, even if it is just an empty file. The following will not work:
java -jar yellowfin-yyyymmdd-full.jar -silent option.winservice=true option.serverport=8090
An example silent installer properties file:
InstallPath=/applications/yellowfin InstallTutorialDatabase=True InstallUsageReports=True InstallJapaneseLangPack=False InstallSpanishLangPack=False ServicePort=8080 InstallService=False DatabaseType=MySQL CreateYellowfinDB=True CreateYellowfinDBUser=False DatabaseHostname=localhost DatabaseName=yellowfin DatabaseDBAUser=root DatabaseDBAPassword= DatabaseUser=yf DatabasePassword=secret
Unknown macro: {horizontalrule}
Unknown macro: {styleclass}