- Overview
- Custom Properties File
- Properties The following properties are used to populate default user options, or provide the installation options used in silent installation. Property Value option.installpath The directory to install into [*] option.winservice true/false Install a Windows Service to Start/Stop Yellowfin option.licencefile Location of the Yellowfin Licence File [*] option.serverport App Server Port Default = 80 option.db.dbtype The Database Type to install into. Valid values are: CacheDB, DB2, HSQLDB, Ingres, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Progress, SQLServer, SybaseASE, SybaseASA option.db.createdb true/false Create a new Database for Yellowfin option.db.createuser true/false Create a new Database User for Yellowfin option.db.sqlauthtype sqlserver/windows The Authentication Type to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.dbtype=SQLServer Default = sqlserver option.db.sqldomain The Authentication Domain to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.sqlauthtype=sqlserver option.db.sqlinstance The Named Instance to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.dbtype=SQLServer option.db.progressdriver Location of the Progress JDBC driver file [*] Only used if option.db.dbtype=Progress option.db.hostname Database Server Hostname Default = localhost option.db.port Database Connection Port Default depends on Database Type option.db.dbname Database Name Default = Yellowfin option.db.username Database Username Default = YellowfinUser option.db.userpassword Database User Password Default = password option.db.dbausername Database DBA Username Used when creating a new database or user option.db.dbapassword Database DBA User Password option.pack.tutorial true/false Install the Tutorial Database and Sample Reports Default = true option.pack.usage true/false Install a Data Source Connection to the Yellowfin Configuration Database, and Sample Usage Reports. Default = false option.pack.lang.es true/false Install the Spanish Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.fr true/false Install the French Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.ja true/false Install the Japanese Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.pt true/false Install the Portuguese (Brazil) Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.zh true/false Install the Chinese Language Pack Default = false * file paths are relative to the target system being installed into "> Properties The following properties are used to populate default user options, or provide the installation options used in silent installation. Property Value option.installpath The directory to install into [*] option.winservice true/false Install a Windows Service to Start/Stop Yellowfin option.licencefile Location of the Yellowfin Licence File [*] option.serverport App Server Port Default = 80 option.db.dbtype The Database Type to install into. Valid values are: CacheDB, DB2, HSQLDB, Ingres, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Progress, SQLServer, SybaseASE, SybaseASA option.db.createdb true/false Create a new Database for Yellowfin option.db.createuser true/false Create a new Database User for Yellowfin option.db.sqlauthtype sqlserver/windows The Authentication Type to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.dbtype=SQLServer Default = sqlserver option.db.sqldomain The Authentication Domain to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.sqlauthtype=sqlserver option.db.sqlinstance The Named Instance to use when connecting to SQL Server. Only used if option.db.dbtype=SQLServer option.db.progressdriver Location of the Progress JDBC driver file [*] Only used if option.db.dbtype=Progress option.db.hostname Database Server Hostname Default = localhost option.db.port Database Connection Port Default depends on Database Type option.db.dbname Database Name Default = Yellowfin option.db.username Database Username Default = YellowfinUser option.db.userpassword Database User Password Default = password option.db.dbausername Database DBA Username Used when creating a new database or user option.db.dbapassword Database DBA User Password option.pack.tutorial true/false Install the Tutorial Database and Sample Reports Default = true option.pack.usage true/false Install a Data Source Connection to the Yellowfin Configuration Database, and Sample Usage Reports. Default = false option.pack.lang.es true/false Install the Spanish Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.fr true/false Install the French Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.ja true/false Install the Japanese Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.pt true/false Install the Portuguese (Brazil) Language Pack Default = false option.pack.lang.zh true/false Install the Chinese Language Pack Default = false * file paths are relative to the target system being installed into
- Example
The following information is collected by the installer prior to performing the installation:
- Whether to install the Tutorial Database and Sample Reports
- Whether to install the Sample Usage Reports
- Whether to install the optional Language Packs
- Location of the Yellowfin Licence File
- App Server Port
- Whether to install a Windows Service (only when the graphical installer is run on a Windows system)
- Connection Parameters for the Yellowfin Database
- Installation Directory
In the graphical and command-line installations, these values are entered by the user. Default values may be specified in the custom properties file or on the command-line, which will be displayed in the graphical installation. In the silent installation, there is no user input, so the values specified in the custom properties file and on the command-line are used.
Custom Properties File
The custom properties file (custom.properties
) is included in the installer. All options that affect the installation behaviour can be set in this file. See [Adding Files to the Installer] for more information.
By specifying HSQLDB as the database type (option.db.dbtype=HSQLDB
) you are selecting to install into the HSQL embedded database. This will create a self-contained database in the Yellowfin installation, and all other database options are ignored (option.db.*
An additional option is used to set the installer interface language:
Installer Interface Language |
Currently supported languages are en
- English, ja
- Japanese, and fr
- French. If you do not specify this option, the gui installer will prompt you to select a language before launching:
The command-line installer will use English as the interface language if none is selected.
The following is an example section from custom.properties showing the pre-selection of user options:
lang=en option.serverport=8080 option.db.createdb=true option.db.createuser=true option.db.dbtype=SQLServer option.db.sqlauthtype=sqlserver option.db.hostname=localhost option.db.port=1433 option.db.dbname=yellowfindb option.db.username=yfuser option.db.userpassword=yfpassword option.db.dbausername=sa option.db.dbapassword= option.pack.tutorial=true option.pack.usage=true option.pack.lang.ja=true option.pack.lang.es=true