You want to measure the density of an occurance or a metric value based on an hour, relative to other times in the same day of the week.
Chart Data Options
1. Click on the Create link and select Report to begin building your report.
In order to complete this tutorial you will need to import some sample data to use. Make sure you have a writable data source prepared.
2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the CSV Import as the build tool.
3. Select your writable data source in order to store the spreadsheet data.
4. Select a view category
5. Select the [^WeekDensityChartSample.csv] file.
6. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.
7. You should now see the spreadsheet preview (as pictured here). Select Report as the category for each of the columns.
8. Set the spreadsheet name to be Week Density Chart Sample and the description to Tutorial Data.
9. Change the Transaction ID field to a Dimension and ensure the Transaction Time field is recognised as a Timestamp.
10. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.
11. You should now be on the Step 1. Report Data page. To start with, set the Output Options to Chart Only by selecting it in the Report Options section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart.
12. Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the next to the Report category to expand it.
13. Drag and drop Transaction Time, Transaction ID, and Transaction Value into the Columns area.
14. Apply a Count Distinct to the Transaction ID and Sum to the Transaction Value fields.
15. Click on at the top of the page to move to the next step.
19. In the Chart Data section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart.
20. Set the Label to Transaction_Time, set the Series to Count Distinct: Transaction_ID or Sum Transaction_Value.
21. Click the Refresh link to generate your chart.