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This section describes how users can be maintained within the application.

User Management

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Access to Yellowfin is based on users existing within the system. Through the Administration Panel administrators can create, edit and delete users within the application.

User List

The user list provides you with the ability to browse all the users within the system. To access this list click the 'User Management' link on the Administration Panel. This will open a new page a display and list of all users.
If you have many users and you want to find a specific user you may have to use the search facility or use the forward and previous links to browse the list.

Search Users

To search for users within your system you can either use the search facility from the Administration Console or the User List page.

  1. Type in the users first or last name (filter by role drop down) and click the GO button.
  2. A list of users matching your query will be returned.

Add User

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  1. To create a new user click the 'create new user' link on the Administration Panel or the add link on the User List page.
  2. This will open a new user form. Complete the form by filling in their name, email address, time zone, allocate a role and provide a password - this will be changed the first time they login.

Change Password

If a user forgets their password as the administrator you can change it. Open their profile through the user management section.
Type in new password details and confirmation email.
You will have to inform the user of their new password. They will be requested to change it the first time that they log in.

Change Role Access

As discussed in the security section of this document role management is a vitally important function of your system administration. This is because by granting people a role within the system you will be allowing them access to modify your data.
If the role a person has a large number of permissions this could put you at risk if the person should no longer have access.

Bulk User Import

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With Yellowfin you can load a large set of users into your application through the Bulk User import process. This is available through the User Management area.

  1. To load you bulk users navigate to the manage users page. Below the list of your users you will see the Bulk Import Link. Click this link to continue.
  2. You users should be contained in a CSV format with data contained within quotes. See the example below and on the screen for more detail. The file must contain the following parameters:
    First Name, Last Name, Initial, Salutation Code, Language Code, Time Zone Code, Email Address, UserName, Password, Role Code
  3. Click the browse button to locate and load your file.
  4. Click the Upload Data File to load and save your new users.

Deleting Users

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To remove a user from the system you must delete them - they will then not be able to login and access reports.

  1. To delete a user go to the user list
  2. Select the person you wish to delete by ticking the check box and clicking the delete link
  3. You will have to confirm the deletion on a confirmation page. Click OK to continue with the user deletion.

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