- Created by Yellowfin Admin , last modified by Former user on Apr 09, 2014
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# application name
installer.appname.full=${installer.appname} ${installer.appversion}
# general installer text
installer.warn.guionheadless=Headless environment detected, but graphical installer requested.\nIf installation fails, try running the command-line installer.
installer.error.cmd=Error running cmd-line installer
installer.error.silent=Error running silent installer
installer.quit.title=Are you sure you want to quit?
installer.quit.msg=This will cancel the installation.
installer.title.msg=Installation of ${installer.appname.full}
installer.footer.msg=(Yellowfin Pty Ltd (c) - http://www.yellowfinbi.com/)
installer.language.title=Language Selection
installer.select.language=Please select language:
installer.complete.msg=${installer.appname} Installation Complete
installer.complete.startrun=To start ${installer.appname}, run {0}
installer.complete.stoprun=To stop ${installer.appname}, run {0}
installer.failed.msg=${installer.appname} Installation Failed
# names and descriptions of the packs available to be installed
installer.pack.core.description=The ${installer.appname} application server.
installer.pack.tutorial.name=Tutorial Database
installer.pack.tutorial.description=Ski Team sample database.
installer.pack.usage.name=Usage Reports
installer.pack.usage.description=Yellowfin usage reports and dashboards.
installer.pack.lang.ja.name=Japanese Language
installer.pack.lang.ja.description=Japanese language translation files.
installer.pack.lang.es.name=Spanish Language
installer.pack.lang.es.description=Spanish language translation files.
installer.pack.lang.pt.name=Portuguese Language (Brazil)
installer.pack.lang.pt.description=Portuguese language (Brazil) translation files.
installer.pack.lang.zh.name=Chinese Language
installer.pack.lang.zh.description=Chinese language translation files.
installer.pack.lang.fr.name=French Language
installer.pack.lang.fr.description=French language translation files.
# general text for the various installer panels
installer.infopanel.info=Please read the following information:
installer.licencepanel.info=This software product is subject to a licence agreement.
installer.licencepanel.accept=I accept the terms of this licence agreement.
installer.licencepanel.notaccept=I do not accept the terms of this licence agreement.
installer.jreversionpanel.title=Incompatible JRE Version
installer.jreversionpanel.msg=The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on this system is not compatible with ${installer.appname}. The version found is {0} but the minimum required version is {1}.
installer.jreversionpanel.missing=Unable to determine the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version.
installer.jreversionpanel.download=Please download a JRE suitable for your system from:\nhttp://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/
installer.packspanel.info=Select the packs you want to install:
installer.packspanel.snapshot=Package snapshot:
installer.packspanel.dependancies=The selected package requires the following packs to be installed
installer.packspanel.required=Note: greyed out packs are required.
installer.packspanel.space=Total space required:
installer.packspanel.freespace=Available space:
installer.packspanel.freespace.insufficient=Insufficient free disk space for this installation.
installer.licencefilepanel.filespec=Licence Files
installer.licencefilepanel.empty=Licence file not specified. Do you wish to continue?
installer.licencefilepanel.invalid=The selected file does not appear to be a valid licence file. Do you wish to continue?
installer.licencefilepanel.msg=A valid Yellowfin licence file is required to install and use Yellowfin. If you do not have a licence file, please see your Yellowfin supplier or visit http://www.yellowfinbi.com/
installer.licencefilepanel.info=Select the licence file:
installer.optionspanel.invalidport=The port you have entered is not valid. Please check the value.
installer.optionspanel.portlabel=Web Server Port:
installer.optionspanel.svclabel=Install ${installer.appname} server as a service
installer.optionspanel.info=The ${installer.appname} Server will run on port 80 which is the default web server port. If you have another web server on this system this configuration will not work. Good alternatives are port 8080, 8081, etc.
installer.optionspanel.title=General Options
installer.dbtypepanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.dbtypepanel.info=Please select the type of database you will be installing ${installer.appname} into.
installer.dbtypepanel.dbtypelabel=Select database type:
installer.dbtypepanel.as400=AS/400 DB2
installer.dbtypepanel.hsqldb=HSQLDB (Embedded - Not for Production)
installer.dbtypepanel.sqlserver=SQL Server / MSDE
installer.dbtypepanel.sybasease=Sybase ASE
installer.dbtypepanel.sybaseasa=Sybase SQL Anywhere/IQ
installer.progressdriverpanel.filespec=Jar Files
installer.progressdriverpanel.invalid=The selected file does not appear to be a valid Progress JDBC Driver file. Do you wish to continue?
installer.progressdriverpanel.intro=A valid Progress JDBC Driver is required to connect to Progress databases. You will need to have the Progress client networking tools installed to install ${installer.appname}.
installer.progressdriverpanel.info=Select the Progress JDBC Driver:
installer.progressdriverpanel.empty=JDBC Driver not specified. Do you wish to continue?
installer.sqlauthpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.sqlauthpanel.info=Please select the authentication type you wish to use to connect to SQL Server. If you choose Windows Authentication, please also enter the logon domain below.
installer.sqlauthpanel.sqlauth=SQL Server Authentication
installer.sqlauthpanel.winauth=Windows Authentication
installer.sqlauthpanel.domainlabel=Logon Domain:
installer.createdbpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.createdbpanel.info=If you are re-installing ${installer.appname}, you can choose to use the existing database. Otherwise, the installer can create a new database to install ${installer.appname} into.
installer.createdbpanel.createnew=Create new ${installer.appname} database
installer.createdbpanel.existing=Use existing database
installer.createuserpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.createuserpanel.info=${installer.appname} can use an existing database user/password combination to connect to the configuration database, or the installer can create a new user.
installer.createuserpanel.createnew=Create a new database user
installer.createuserpanel.existing=Use an existing database user
installer.dbinfopanel.validate.title=Validate Connection Details
installer.dbinfopanel.validate.msg=Do you wish to validate the connection details entered?\nThe installer will attempt to connect to the database using the information entered.
installer.dbinfopanel.hostname.empty=You must supply a Database Server Host for the installation.
installer.dbinfopanel.invalidport=The port you have entered is not valid. Please check the value.
installer.dbinfopanel.dbname.empty=You must supply a Database Name for the installation.
installer.dbinfopanel.username.empty=You must supply a username to access the ${installer.appname} database.
installer.dbinfopanel.password.nomatch=Both versions of the password must match
installer.dbinfopanel.dbausername.empty=You must supply a DBA username.
installer.dbinfopanel.dbapassword.nomatch=Both versions of the DBA password must match
installer.dbinfopanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.dbinfopanel.info=Please enter the following database parameters, which are required to configure the ${installer.appname} application.
installer.dbinfopanel.hostnamelabel=Database Server Host:
installer.dbinfopanel.portlabel=Database Server Port:
installer.dbinfopanel.dbnamelabel=Database Name:
installer.dbinfopanel.userinfo=The ${installer.appname} username and password will be used for the application server to access the ${installer.appname} configuration database.\nNOTE: You should avoid using the DBA userid for this.
installer.dbinfopanel.confirmpasswordlabel=Confirm Password:
installer.dbinfopanel.dbauserinfo=The DBA username and password will be used to create the ${installer.appname} configuration database and the database user. It will grant access to the database user on all tables of the ${installer.appname} database.
installer.dbinfopanel.dbausernamelabel=DBA Username:
installer.dbinfopanel.dbapasswordlabel=DBA Password:
installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.error=Error testing connection:
installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.success=Connection was successful.
installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.driver=Unable to load the JDBC Driver:
installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.adminconn=Unable to connect using DBA user:
installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.userconn=Unable to connect using ${installer.appname} user:
installer.targetpanel.notarget=No target directory selected.
installer.targetpanel.notwriteable=This directory can not be written to. Please choose another directory.
installer.targetpanel.targetexists=The directory already exists. Are you sure you want to install here and possibly overwrite existing files?
installer.targetpanel.create=The target directory will be created:
installer.targetpanel.info=Select the installation path:
installer.processpanel.info=Installing ${installer.appname}
installer.processpanel.errortitle=Installation Error
installer.processpanel.errormsg=An error occurred during installation:
installer.shortcutpanel.info=Select a Program Group for the Shortcuts:
installer.shortcutpanel.createfor=Create Shortcuts for:
installer.shortcutpanel.allusers=All Users
installer.shortcutpanel.currentuser=Current User
installer.finishpanel.successful=Installation has completed successfully.
installer.process.attachuser=Attaching user to the database
installer.process.cleanup=Cleaning up installation
installer.process.createdb=Creating database
installer.process.createuser=Creating database user
installer.process.createsequences=Creating sequences
installer.process.createtables=Creating tables
installer.process.extract=Extracting distribution
installer.process.grantaccess=Granting user access
installer.process.loaddata=Loading data
installer.process.updateconfig=Updating configuration
installer.process.updatedb=Updating database
installer.process.shutdowndb=Closing database connections
installer.process.winservice=Installing Windows service
# text used by the command-line installer
installer.cmd.installdir.prompt=Enter the installation directory:
installer.cmd.installdir.exists={0} exists and is not a directory
installer.cmd.installdir.cantcreate=Unable to create directory {0}
installer.cmd.licencefile.prompt=Enter the location of the ${installer.appname} licence file:
installer.cmd.file.notfound=File not found: {0}
installer.cmd.file.dir={0} is a directory. Please enter full path and filename.
installer.cmd.licencefile.empty=Continue without specifying a licence file?
installer.cmd.port.prompt=Enter the ${installer.appname} appserver port:
installer.cmd.port.invalid=Invalid port (must be 1-65535)
installer.cmd.dbdetails.title=${installer.appname} Database Details
installer.cmd.dbdetails.info=Please select the type of database you will be installing ${installer.appname} into.
installer.cmd.dbtype.prompt=Database type?
installer.cmd.invalidselection=Invalid selection
installer.cmd.sqlauth.info=Please select the authentication type you wish to use to connect to SQL Server.
installer.cmd.sqlauth=SQL Server Authentication
installer.cmd.winauth=Windows Authentication
installer.cmd.sqlauth.prompt=Authentication type?
installer.cmd.sqldomain.prompt=Please enter the logon domain:
installer.cmd.progressdriver.prompt=Enter the location of the Progress JDBC driver:\n (eg. $DLC/java/jdbc.jar)
installer.cmd.createdb.prompt=Create new database?
installer.cmd.createschema.prompt=Create new schema?
installer.cmd.loaddata.prompt=Load new data?
installer.cmd.createuser.prompt=Create new user?
installer.cmd.dbport.prompt=Database server port (leave blank for default):
installer.cmd.tutorial.prompt=Install tutorial database?
installer.cmd.usage.prompt=Install usage reports?
installer.cmd.lang.ja.prompt=Install Japanese language pack?
installer.cmd.lang.es.prompt=Install Spanish language pack?
installer.cmd.lang.pt.prompt=Install Portuguese language pack (Brazil)?
installer.cmd.lang.zh.prompt=Install Chinese language pack?
installer.cmd.lang.fr.prompt=Install French language pack?
installer.cmd.install.info=${installer.appname} installation information
# button labels
# windows service name must not contain non-alphanumeric characters (no spaces!)
installer.winservice.description=Yellowfin Application Server - http://www.yellowfinbi.com/
# start-menu shortcut names and descriptions
# shortcut titles must not contain invalid characters for filenames
shortcut.homepage.title=${installer.appname} Homepage
shortcut.homepage.description=Open the ${installer.appname} homepage in your web browser
shortcut.startserver.title=Start ${installer.appname} Server
shortcut.startserver.description=Starts the ${installer.appname} application server
shortcut.stopserver.title=Stop ${installer.appname} Server
shortcut.stopserver.description=Stops the ${installer.appname} application server
shortcut.uninstall.title=Uninstall ${installer.appname}
shortcut.uninstall.description=${installer.appname} uninstaller
# application name installer.appname=Yellowfin installer.appversion=6.1 installer.appname.full=${installer.appname} ${installer.appversion} # general installer text installer.warn.guionheadless=Headless environment detected, but graphical installer requested.\nIf installation fails, try running the command-line installer. installer.warning=Warning! installer.error=Error installer.error.cmd=Error running cmd-line installer installer.error.silent=Error running silent installer installer.quit.title=Are you sure you want to quit? installer.quit.msg=This will cancel the installation. installer.title.msg=Installation of ${installer.appname.full} installer.footer.msg=(Yellowfin Pty Ltd (c) - http://www.yellowfinbi.com/) installer.installing=Installing installer.language.title=Language Selection installer.select.language=Please select language: installer.complete.msg=${installer.appname} Installation Complete installer.complete.startrun=To start ${installer.appname}, run {0} installer.complete.stoprun=To stop ${installer.appname}, run {0} installer.failed.msg=${installer.appname} Installation Failed # names and descriptions of the packs available to be installed installer.pack.core.name=Core installer.pack.core.description=The ${installer.appname} application server. installer.pack.tutorial.name=Tutorial Database installer.pack.tutorial.description=Ski Team sample database. installer.pack.usage.name=Usage Reports installer.pack.usage.description=Yellowfin usage reports and dashboards. installer.pack.lang.ja.name=Japanese Language installer.pack.lang.ja.description=Japanese language translation files. installer.pack.lang.es.name=Spanish Language installer.pack.lang.es.description=Spanish language translation files. installer.pack.lang.pt.name=Portuguese Language (Brazil) installer.pack.lang.pt.description=Portuguese language (Brazil) translation files. installer.pack.lang.zh.name=Chinese Language installer.pack.lang.zh.description=Chinese language translation files. installer.pack.lang.fr.name=French Language installer.pack.lang.fr.description=French language translation files. # general text for the various installer panels installer.infopanel.info=Please read the following information: installer.licencepanel.info=This software product is subject to a licence agreement. installer.licencepanel.accept=I accept the terms of this licence agreement. installer.licencepanel.notaccept=I do not accept the terms of this licence agreement. installer.jreversionpanel.title=Incompatible JRE Version installer.jreversionpanel.msg=The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on this system is not compatible with ${installer.appname}. The version found is {0} but the minimum required version is {1}. installer.jreversionpanel.missing=Unable to determine the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version. installer.jreversionpanel.download=Please download a JRE suitable for your system from:\nhttp://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ installer.packspanel.info=Select the packs you want to install: installer.packspanel.snapshot=Package snapshot: installer.packspanel.dependancies=The selected package requires the following packs to be installed installer.packspanel.description=Description installer.packspanel.required=Note: greyed out packs are required. installer.packspanel.space=Total space required: installer.packspanel.freespace=Available space: installer.packspanel.freespace.unknown=Unknown installer.packspanel.freespace.insufficient=Insufficient free disk space for this installation. installer.licencefilepanel.filespec=Licence Files installer.licencefilepanel.empty=Licence file not specified. Do you wish to continue? installer.licencefilepanel.invalid=The selected file does not appear to be a valid licence file. Do you wish to continue? installer.licencefilepanel.msg=A valid Yellowfin licence file is required to install and use Yellowfin. If you do not have a licence file, please see your Yellowfin supplier or visit http://www.yellowfinbi.com/ installer.licencefilepanel.info=Select the licence file: installer.optionspanel.invalidport=The port you have entered is not valid. Please check the value. installer.optionspanel.portlabel=Web Server Port: installer.optionspanel.svclabel=Install ${installer.appname} server as a service installer.optionspanel.info=The ${installer.appname} Server will run on port 80 which is the default web server port. If you have another web server on this system this configuration will not work. Good alternatives are port 8080, 8081, etc. installer.optionspanel.title=General Options installer.dbtypepanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.dbtypepanel.info=Please select the type of database you will be installing ${installer.appname} into. installer.dbtypepanel.dbtypelabel=Select database type: installer.dbtypepanel.as400=AS/400 DB2 installer.dbtypepanel.cachedb=CacheDB installer.dbtypepanel.db2=DB2 installer.dbtypepanel.hsqldb=HSQLDB (Embedded - Not for Production) installer.dbtypepanel.ingres=Ingres installer.dbtypepanel.mysql=MySQL installer.dbtypepanel.oracle=Oracle installer.dbtypepanel.postgresql=PostgreSQL installer.dbtypepanel.progress=Progress installer.dbtypepanel.sqlserver=SQL Server / MSDE installer.dbtypepanel.sybasease=Sybase ASE installer.dbtypepanel.sybaseasa=Sybase SQL Anywhere/IQ installer.progressdriverpanel.filespec=Jar Files installer.progressdriverpanel.invalid=The selected file does not appear to be a valid Progress JDBC Driver file. Do you wish to continue? installer.progressdriverpanel.intro=A valid Progress JDBC Driver is required to connect to Progress databases. You will need to have the Progress client networking tools installed to install ${installer.appname}. installer.progressdriverpanel.info=Select the Progress JDBC Driver: installer.progressdriverpanel.empty=JDBC Driver not specified. Do you wish to continue? installer.sqlauthpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.sqlauthpanel.info=Please select the authentication type you wish to use to connect to SQL Server. If you choose Windows Authentication, please also enter the logon domain below. installer.sqlauthpanel.sqlauth=SQL Server Authentication installer.sqlauthpanel.winauth=Windows Authentication installer.sqlauthpanel.domainlabel=Logon Domain: installer.createdbpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.createdbpanel.info=If you are re-installing ${installer.appname}, you can choose to use the existing database. Otherwise, the installer can create a new database to install ${installer.appname} into. installer.createdbpanel.createnew=Create new ${installer.appname} database installer.createdbpanel.existing=Use existing database installer.createuserpanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.createuserpanel.info=${installer.appname} can use an existing database user/password combination to connect to the configuration database, or the installer can create a new user. installer.createuserpanel.createnew=Create a new database user installer.createuserpanel.existing=Use an existing database user installer.dbinfopanel.validate.title=Validate Connection Details installer.dbinfopanel.validate.msg=Do you wish to validate the connection details entered?\nThe installer will attempt to connect to the database using the information entered. installer.dbinfopanel.hostname.empty=You must supply a Database Server Host for the installation. installer.dbinfopanel.invalidport=The port you have entered is not valid. Please check the value. installer.dbinfopanel.dbname.empty=You must supply a Database Name for the installation. installer.dbinfopanel.username.empty=You must supply a username to access the ${installer.appname} database. installer.dbinfopanel.password.nomatch=Both versions of the password must match installer.dbinfopanel.dbausername.empty=You must supply a DBA username. installer.dbinfopanel.dbapassword.nomatch=Both versions of the DBA password must match installer.dbinfopanel.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.dbinfopanel.info=Please enter the following database parameters, which are required to configure the ${installer.appname} application. installer.dbinfopanel.hostnamelabel=Database Server Host: installer.dbinfopanel.portlabel=Database Server Port: installer.dbinfopanel.dbnamelabel=Database Name: installer.dbinfopanel.userinfo=The ${installer.appname} username and password will be used for the application server to access the ${installer.appname} configuration database.\nNOTE: You should avoid using the DBA userid for this. installer.dbinfopanel.usernamelabel=Username: installer.dbinfopanel.passwordlabel=Password: installer.dbinfopanel.confirmpasswordlabel=Confirm Password: installer.dbinfopanel.dbauserinfo=The DBA username and password will be used to create the ${installer.appname} configuration database and the database user. It will grant access to the database user on all tables of the ${installer.appname} database. installer.dbinfopanel.dbausernamelabel=DBA Username: installer.dbinfopanel.dbapasswordlabel=DBA Password: installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.error=Error testing connection: installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.success=Connection was successful. installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.driver=Unable to load the JDBC Driver: installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.adminconn=Unable to connect using DBA user: installer.dbinfopanel.conntest.userconn=Unable to connect using ${installer.appname} user: installer.targetpanel.notarget=No target directory selected. installer.targetpanel.notwriteable=This directory can not be written to. Please choose another directory. installer.targetpanel.targetexists=The directory already exists. Are you sure you want to install here and possibly overwrite existing files? installer.targetpanel.create=The target directory will be created: installer.targetpanel.info=Select the installation path: installer.processpanel.info=Installing ${installer.appname} installer.processpanel.errortitle=Installation Error installer.processpanel.errormsg=An error occurred during installation: installer.processpanel.finished=Finished installer.shortcutpanel.info=Select a Program Group for the Shortcuts: installer.shortcutpanel.createfor=Create Shortcuts for: installer.shortcutpanel.allusers=All Users installer.shortcutpanel.currentuser=Current User installer.finishpanel.successful=Installation has completed successfully. installer.process.attachuser=Attaching user to the database installer.process.cleanup=Cleaning up installation installer.process.createdb=Creating database installer.process.createuser=Creating database user installer.process.createsequences=Creating sequences installer.process.createtables=Creating tables installer.process.extract=Extracting distribution installer.process.grantaccess=Granting user access installer.process.loaddata=Loading data installer.process.updateconfig=Updating configuration installer.process.updatedb=Updating database installer.process.shutdowndb=Closing database connections installer.process.winservice=Installing Windows service # text used by the command-line installer installer.cmd.installdir.prompt=Enter the installation directory: installer.cmd.installdir.exists={0} exists and is not a directory installer.cmd.installdir.cantcreate=Unable to create directory {0} installer.cmd.licencefile.prompt=Enter the location of the ${installer.appname} licence file: installer.cmd.file.notfound=File not found: {0} installer.cmd.file.dir={0} is a directory. Please enter full path and filename. installer.cmd.licencefile.empty=Continue without specifying a licence file? installer.cmd.port.prompt=Enter the ${installer.appname} appserver port: installer.cmd.port.invalid=Invalid port (must be 1-65535) installer.cmd.dbdetails.title=${installer.appname} Database Details installer.cmd.dbdetails.info=Please select the type of database you will be installing ${installer.appname} into. installer.cmd.dbtype.prompt=Database type? installer.cmd.invalidselection=Invalid selection installer.cmd.sqlauth.info=Please select the authentication type you wish to use to connect to SQL Server. installer.cmd.sqlauth=SQL Server Authentication installer.cmd.winauth=Windows Authentication installer.cmd.sqlauth.prompt=Authentication type? installer.cmd.sqldomain.prompt=Please enter the logon domain: installer.cmd.progressdriver.prompt=Enter the location of the Progress JDBC driver:\n (eg. $DLC/java/jdbc.jar) installer.cmd.createdb.prompt=Create new database? installer.cmd.createschema.prompt=Create new schema? installer.cmd.loaddata.prompt=Load new data? installer.cmd.createuser.prompt=Create new user? installer.cmd.dbport.prompt=Database server port (leave blank for default): installer.cmd.tutorial.prompt=Install tutorial database? installer.cmd.usage.prompt=Install usage reports? installer.cmd.lang.ja.prompt=Install Japanese language pack? installer.cmd.lang.es.prompt=Install Spanish language pack? installer.cmd.lang.pt.prompt=Install Portuguese language pack (Brazil)? installer.cmd.lang.zh.prompt=Install Chinese language pack? installer.cmd.lang.fr.prompt=Install French language pack? installer.cmd.install.info=${installer.appname} installation information # button labels installer.button.browse=Browse... installer.button.done=Done installer.button.reset=Reset installer.button.yes=Yes installer.button.no=No installer.button.cancel=Cancel installer.button.previous=Previous installer.button.next=Next installer.button.quit=Quit # windows service name must not contain non-alphanumeric characters (no spaces!) installer.winservice.name=Yellowfin installer.winservice.description=Yellowfin Application Server - http://www.yellowfinbi.com/ # start-menu shortcut names and descriptions # shortcut titles must not contain invalid characters for filenames shortcut.default.programgroup=${installer.appname.full} shortcut.homepage.title=${installer.appname} Homepage shortcut.homepage.description=Open the ${installer.appname} homepage in your web browser shortcut.startserver.title=Start ${installer.appname} Server shortcut.startserver.description=Starts the ${installer.appname} application server shortcut.stopserver.title=Stop ${installer.appname} Server shortcut.stopserver.description=Stops the ${installer.appname} application server shortcut.uninstall.title=Uninstall ${installer.appname} shortcut.uninstall.description=${installer.appname} uninstaller
# a html page displayed as the first page of the installer
# any additional resources used by this page (images, styles) should also be added to the installer
# but do not need to be referenced here
# image icons used to represent the available install packs
# icons used for start-menu shortcuts
# images used in the left-hand strip on each panel
# a html page displayed as the first page of the installer # any additional resources used by this page (images, styles) should also be added to the installer # but do not need to be referenced here resource.infopanel.html=resources/splash.html # image icons used to represent the available install packs resource.pack.core.img=resources/core.png resource.pack.tutorial.img=resources/tutorial.png resource.pack.usage.img=resources/usage.png resource.pack.lang.ja.img=resources/pack_lang_ja.png resource.pack.lang.es.img=resources/pack_lang_es.png resource.pack.lang.pt.img=resources/pack_lang_br.png resource.pack.lang.zh.img=resources/pack_lang_zh.png resource.pack.lang.fr.img=resources/pack_lang_fr.png # icons used for start-menu shortcuts resource.shortcut.homepage.icon=resources/homepage.ico resource.shortcut.startserver.icon=resources/start.ico resource.shortcut.stopserver.icon=resources/stop.ico resource.shortcut.uninstall.icon=resources/uninstall.ico # images used in the left-hand strip on each panel resource.lhs.infopanel.img=resources/border1.png resource.lhs.licencepanel.img=resources/border2.png resource.lhs.jreversionpanel.img=resources/border3.png resource.lhs.packspanel.img=resources/border3.png resource.lhs.licencefilepanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.optionspanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.dbtypepanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.progressdriverpanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.sqlauthpanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.createdbpanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.createuserpanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.dbinfopanel.img=resources/border4.png resource.lhs.targetpanel.img=resources/border5.png resource.lhs.processpanel.img=resources/border6.png resource.lhs.shortcutpanel.img=resources/border7.png resource.lhs.finishpanel.img=resources/border8.png
# general options
# options to preselect packs
# database connection options
# change the default installation folder
installer.installfolder=Yellowfin 6.1
# change the war file name
# change the application log file name
# general options option.installpath= option.winservice=false option.serverport=80 # options to preselect packs option.pack.tutorial=false option.pack.usage=false option.pack.lang.ja=true option.pack.lang.es=true option.pack.lang.fr=true option.pack.lang.pt=true option.pack.lang.zh=true # database connection options option.db.createdb=true option.db.createuser=false option.db.dbtype=HSQLDB option.db.sqlauthtype= option.db.sqldomain= option.db.sqlinstance= option.db.progressdriver= option.db.hostname=localhost option.db.port= option.db.dbname= option.db.username= option.db.userpassword= option.db.dbausername= option.db.dbapassword= # change the default installation folder installer.installfolder=Yellowfin 6.1 # change the war file name installer.warfilename=yellowfin.war # change the application log file name installer.applogfilename=yellowfin.log
# don't show the create shortcuts panel
# don't do any database access - extract distribution files only
# usually only useful with the silent installer
# the database parameters still need to be set, as they will be inserted into configuration files
# extract the yellowfin.war file only - do not create any other files on the file system
# usually only useful with the silent installer
# the database will still be set up according to the db parameters
# if this is true, HSQLDB can not be used
# if this is true, tutorial pack can not be installed
# if this is true, start-menu shortcuts will not be installed
# yellowfin.war will be written to the directory chosen as the installation directory (option.installpath)
# hide the packs panel
# the preselected panels will be automatically installed
# hide specific packs from the pack selection panel
# the pack selection panel will still be shown
# the packs can still be installed using option.pack.<id>=true
# hide the app server port option
# the server port will be set based on the value of option.serverport
# hide the windows service option
# the service will be installed based on the value of option.winservice
# hide the database connection options
# the database connection parameters will be taken from option.db.*
# hide the installation directory option
# Yellowfin will be installed into the directory set in option.installpath
# Whether to install Yellowfin-branded content
# This is true by default - set this to false to stop Yellowfin-branded content from being installed.
# Yellowfin-branded content includes the Yellowfin welcome Storyboard (part of the tutorial content) and the Yellowfin theme.
# don't show the create shortcuts panel action.noshortcuts=true # don't do any database access - extract distribution files only # usually only useful with the silent installer # the database parameters still need to be set, as they will be inserted into configuration files action.nodbaccess=true # extract the yellowfin.war file only - do not create any other files on the file system # usually only useful with the silent installer # the database will still be set up according to the db parameters # if this is true, HSQLDB can not be used # if this is true, tutorial pack can not be installed # if this is true, start-menu shortcuts will not be installed # yellowfin.war will be written to the directory chosen as the installation directory (option.installpath) action.warfileonly=true # hide the packs panel # the preselected panels will be automatically installed action.hidepacks=true # hide specific packs from the pack selection panel # the pack selection panel will still be shown # the packs can still be installed using option.pack.<id>=true action.hidepack.tutorial=false action.hidepack.usage=false action.hidepack.lang.ja=true action.hidepack.lang.es=true action.hidepack.lang.fr=true action.hidepack.lang.pt=true action.hidepack.lang.zh=true # hide the app server port option # the server port will be set based on the value of option.serverport action.hideserverport=true # hide the windows service option # the service will be installed based on the value of option.winservice action.hidewinservice=true # hide the database connection options # the database connection parameters will be taken from option.db.* action.hidedboptions=true # hide the installation directory option # Yellowfin will be installed into the directory set in option.installpath action.hideinstallpath=true # Whether to install Yellowfin-branded content # This is true by default - set this to false to stop Yellowfin-branded content from being installed. # Yellowfin-branded content includes the Yellowfin welcome Storyboard (part of the tutorial content) and the Yellowfin theme. action.yellowfincontent=true
# load a custom index page to be used instead of index_mi.jsp
# this file will be copied into the root directory of the webapp
# copy files from the installer to the webapp
# files could be referenced by the custom index page, or custom header/footer
# orthis could be used to overwrite styles, or add other html files
# action.files.n: this is the path of the resource in the installer jar file
# action.files.n.apppath: the resource will be added to the war file with this path
# don't create the development directory or any files underneath it
# change the default user authentication method
# change the details of the default Administrator user
# by default, the username is 'admin@yellowfin.com.au' and the password is 'test'
# set the type of header/footer
# values can be standard, none, or custom
# set the type of left navigation
# values can be none, or custom
# set custom header/footer/left navigation pages
# this can be an external or local url.
# no files are copied into the webapp - use action.files.n if you need to copy a page in
# set the "standard" header include
# this overrides the default Yellowfin header
# set the "standard" footer include
# this overrides the default Yellowfin footer
# default dashboard width
# default filter location on analytic dashboards (left/right)
# show the toolbar (true/false)
# show logoff link on the toolbar (true/false)
# search location (top/right/off)
# associated reports location (right/off)
# base tags (yes/no/comment)
# smtp server settings
# broadcast email address
# broadcast display name
action.config.broadcastname=Yellowfin Reports
# support email address
# default date format (DMY/MDY/YMD)
# customised app name in some display strings
# customised export filename
# change the default bind user in LDAP authentication settings
# change the default password in LDAP authentication settings
# load a custom index page to be used instead of index_mi.jsp # this file will be copied into the root directory of the webapp action.customindexpage=custom/index.html # copy files from the installer to the webapp # files could be referenced by the custom index page, or custom header/footer # orthis could be used to overwrite styles, or add other html files # action.files.n: this is the path of the resource in the installer jar file # action.files.n.apppath: the resource will be added to the war file with this path action.files.0=custom/photo.jpg action.files.0.apppath=images/photo.jpg action.files.1=custom/header.html action.files.1.apppath=header.html action.files.2=custom/footer.html action.files.2.apppath=footer.html # don't create the development directory or any files underneath it action.nodevelopment=true # change the default user authentication method action.authentication.userid=true # change the details of the default Administrator user # by default, the username is 'admin@yellowfin.com.au' and the password is 'test' action.adminuser.username=admin action.adminuser.password=password action.adminuser.email=admin@acme.org action.adminuser.firstname=Admin action.adminuser.lastname=Admin # set the type of header/footer # values can be standard, none, or custom action.config.headertype=none action.config.footertype=none # set the type of left navigation # values can be none, or custom action.config.leftnavtype=none # set custom header/footer/left navigation pages # this can be an external or local url. # no files are copied into the webapp - use action.files.n if you need to copy a page in action.config.customheaderurl=header.html action.config.customfooterurl=footer.html # set the "standard" header include # this overrides the default Yellowfin header action.config.standardheaderurl=std_header.html # set the "standard" footer include # this overrides the default Yellowfin footer action.config.standardfooterurl=std_footer.html # default dashboard width action.config.dashwidth=900 # default filter location on analytic dashboards (left/right) action.config.dashanalyticfilters=right # show the toolbar (true/false) action.config.showtoolbar=true # show logoff link on the toolbar (true/false) action.config.showtoolbarlogoff=true # search location (top/right/off) action.config.searchlocation=top # associated reports location (right/off) action.config.associatedreports=right # base tags (yes/no/comment) action.config.basetags=yes # smtp server settings action.config.smtpserver=localhost action.config.smtpport=1234 action.config.smtpauth=true action.config.smtpusername=username action.config.smtppassword=password action.config.smtpssl=true action.config.smtpstarttls=true # broadcast email address action.config.broadcastemail=noreply@example.org # broadcast display name action.config.broadcastname=Yellowfin Reports # support email address action.config.supportemail=support@example.org # default date format (DMY/MDY/YMD) action.config.dateformat=DMY # customised app name in some display strings action.config.appname=Yellowfin # customised export filename action.config.exportfilename=YellowfinExport.xml # change the default bind user in LDAP authentication settings action.config.ldapbinduser=username # change the default password in LDAP authentication settings action.config.ldappassword=password
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