- Created by Yellowfin Admin , last modified on Jul 21, 2015
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ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("PDF"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | PDFのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「application/pdf」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("CSV"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | CSVのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「text/comma-separated-values」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("XLS"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | XLSのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「application/xls」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("TEXT"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | XLSのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「text/tab-separated-values」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("RTF"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | XLSのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「application/rtf」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("DOC"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
BinaryData | String | XLSのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ContentType | String | このオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「application/vnd.ms-word」です。 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("SCHEMA"); rsr.setReportId(12345); // This is the report's web service name. If ReportId is set, this is not needed rsr.setObjectName("MYREPORT"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ReportId | Integer | 指定されたレポートのID |
StatusCode | String | Webサービスリクエストのステータス |
FormatCode | String | 指定されたレポートのフォーマットコード |
ReportType | String | 指定されたレポートのレポートタイプ |
LastRunStatus | String | 最後のレポート実行のステータスコード |
LastRunTime | Decimal | YYYYMMDDHHMMSS形式で示されるレポートの最終実行時間 |
ReportName | String | 指定されたレポートの名前 |
BinaryData | String | イメージ、HTML、CSV、またはPDFのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
ViewName | String | レポートが依存するビューの名前 |
HitCount | Integer | 指定されたレポートがアクセスされた回数 |
DrillCode | String | ドリルタイプ(レポートで使用可能な場合) |
Private |
| レポートが個人用または共有のいずれであるかを判別します。 |
Results | Array(ReportRow) | レポート結果セットの結果が含まれる、ReportRowオブジェクトの配列(ReportRowを参照) |
ContentType | String | 返されたオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。可能な値は以下の通りです。
Messages | Array(String) | レポートがサーバー上で実行されるときにデバッグ情報を示す文字列の配列。エラーのデバッグおよび追跡に使用します。 |
Charts | Array (ReportChart) | HTMLレポート応答に付加される、複数のグラフビットマップを含むReportChartオブジェクトの配列(ReportChartを参照) |
Columns | Array (ReportSchema) | レポート結果セットの各カラムの情報、およびユーザープロンプトフィルターデータをレポートに渡す必要があるかどうかを示す情報が含まれるReportSchemaオブジェクトの配列(ReportSchemaを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("HTML"); rsr.setReportId(12345); // This is the report's web service name. If ReportId is set, this is not needed rsr.setObjectName("MYREPORT"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
Chart | Array (ReportChart) | HTMLレポート応答に付加される、複数のグラフビットマップを含むReportChartオブジェクトの配列(ReportChartを参照) |
ReportBinaryObject | Array (ReportBinaryObject) | BLOBおよびCLOBを含むReportBinaryObjectオブジェクトの配列(ReportBinaryObjectを参照) |
ReportStyles | String | CSSスタイル |
Breadcrumbs | Array(Breadcrumb) | Breadcrumbオブジェクトの配列 |
SeriesSelection | Array(SeriesSelection) | SeriesSelectionオブジェクトの配列 |
TimeAggregationSelection | Array(TimeAggregationSelection) | TimeAggregationSelectionオブジェクトの配列 |
ReportTabSelection | Array(ReportTabSelection) | ReportTabSelectionオブジェクトの配列 |
ReportPageSelection | Array(ReportPageSelection) | ReportPageSelectionオブジェクトの配列 |
TimeSliderSelection | Array(TimeSliderSelection) | TimeSliderSelectionオブジェクトの配列 |
SortableColumns | Array(SortableTableColumn) | SortableTableColumnオブジェクトの配列 |
SelectedSortColumn | Integer | 並べかえに使用するカラム。このインデックスは、レポート内のカラムインデックスに適用されます。 |
SelectedSortOrder | Integer | 並べかえに使用するカラムの並べかえ順序(0が昇順、1が降順) |
DrillCode | String | ドリルタイプ(レポートで使用可能な場合) |
RelatedReports | Array(RelatedReport) | RelatedReportオブジェクトの配列。これは、メインレポートにマルチ表示(タブ化)されるレポートです。 |
BinaryData | String | HTMLドキュメントのBase64エンコードバイナリーチャンク |
Private |
| レポートが個人用または共有のいずれであるかを判別します。 |
ContentType | String | 返されたオブジェクトのMIMEコンテンツタイプ。値は「text/html」です。 |
CanDrill | Boolean | レポートがドリル可能かどうか |
GoogleMaps | Array(GMap) | GMapオブジェクトの配列 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("FILTEROPTIONS"); // This is the Report ID rsr.setReportId(12345); // This is the Filter ID rsr.setObjectName("11111"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
Results | Array (ReportRow) | フィルター値を含むReportRowオブジェクトの配列(ReportRowを参照 |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("RESULTSET"); // This is the Report ID rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
Results | Array (ReportRow) | レポート結果セットの結果が含まれる、ReportRowオブジェクトの配列(ReportRowを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("EXPIRESESSION"); // This is the Session ID rsr.setSessionId("5361781d-c3aa-4c97-bc13-883210ff8a6e"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("GETCOMMENTS"); // This is the Report ID rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
コメント | Array (ReportComment) | レポートのコメントを含むReportCommentオブジェクトの配列(ReportCommentを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; ReportComment comment = new ReportComment(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("LEAVECOMMENT"); comment.setComment("This is my comment"); comment.setAuthorId(5); // If this is a response to a comment, then specify the parent comment ID comment.setParentCommentId(702); rsr.setReportComment(comment); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; ReportComment comment = new ReportComment(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("DELETECOMMENT"); comment.setCommentId(702); rsr.setReportComment(comment); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; ReportComment comment = new ReportComment(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("COMMENTSTATUS"); comment.setCommentId(702); // The available status codes are OPEN, RESOLVED, or DELETED comment.setStatusCode("OPEN"); rsr.setReportComment(comment); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; // Specify the Person ID values for your list of recipients String[] reportoptions = { "11111", "5", "10101"}; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("DISTRIBUTEINBOX"); rsr.setReportOptions(reportoptions); rsr.setReportId(12345); // This is an optional distribution text for all recipients rsr.setDistributionText("A message for recipients"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("GETDISPLAYEDREPORTID"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
DisplayedReportId | Integer | 現在表示されているレポートのレポートID |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("GETKPI"); rsr.setReportId(12345); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
KPI | KPIオブジェクト | 特定のKPIメトリック(数値)について、実績、目標、および差異の値を保持するカスタムKPIオブジェクト(KPIを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("GETDRILLANYWHEREMENU"); rsr.setReportId(12345); // This is an integer field which is the Field ID of the selected column rsr.setDrillAnywhereFieldId(3); // This is the actual value of the column rsr.setDrillAnywhereCellValue("5000"); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
DrillAnywhereCategories | Array(String) | 文字列の配列 |
DrillAnywhereTargets | Array (DrillAnywhereTarget) | ドリルエニウェアカテゴリーのドリルエニウェア目標を一覧表示するDrillAnywhereTargetオブジェクトの配列(DrillAnywhereTargetを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; ScheduleRecord sr = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("SUBSCRIBEDETAILS"); rsr.setReportId(12345): // This is the ID of the user to be subscribed rsr.setReportUserId(19090); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); sr = rs.getSchedule();
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
ScheduleRecord | ScheduleRecordオブジェクト | 購読詳細と条件を含むScheduleRecordオブジェクト(ScheduleRecordを参照) |
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; // Either retrieve a current ScheduleRecord beforehand or create a new one. A new one is created in this example ScheduleRecord sr = new ScheduleRecord(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("SUBSCRIBE"); rsr.setReportId(12345): // This is the ID of the user to be subscribed rsr.setReportUserId(19090); // Refer to the ScheduleRecord schema definition for all possible variables sr.setRecipient(19090); sr.setFormat("PDF"); sr.setSubject("Athlete Analysis"); sr.getBodyText("Pay attention to the data in October"); sr.setFrequencyTypeCode("FORTNIGHTLY"); sr.setFrequencyCode("ONE"); sr.setFrequencyUnit(1); sr.setAdvancedTimezoneCode("AUSTRALIA/SYDNEY"); // total of seconds from 12am - the example below is set for 5.30pm sr.setAdvancedTime(63000); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("UNSUBSCRIBE"); rsr.setReportId(12345): // This is the ID of the user to be subscribed rsr.setReportUserId(19090); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; DashboardDefinition dd = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("LOADDASHBOARDTAB"); // This is the ID of the dashboard tab rsr.setDashboardTabId(11111); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); dd = rs.getDashboard();
応答要素 | データ型 | 説明 | 取得コード |
DashboardDefinition | DashboardDefinitionオブジェクト | ダッシュボードタブのメタデータを含むDashboardDefinitionオブジェクト(DashboardDefinitionを参照 |
The following code will accomplish this:
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; DashboardFilter[] dfarray = null; DashboardFilter df = new DashboardFilter(); rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("APPLYDASHBOARDFILTERS"); // This is the ID of the dashboard tab rsr.setDashboardTabId(11111); df.setTabId(11111); df.setReportId(12121); df.setFilterId(33333); df.setFilterType("BETWEEN"); df.setFilterValue("120|150"); dfarray[0] = df; rsr.setDashboardFilters(dfarray); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The GETDASHBOARDREPORTFILTERVALUES request will return filter metadata for a particular report on a dashboard tab.
The following code will accomplish this:
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; ReportFilter[] rf = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("GETDASHBOARDREPORTFILTERVALUES"); // This is the ID of the dashboard tab rsr.setDashboardTabId(11111); rs.getReportId(22222); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr); rf = rs.getReportFilters();
The returned ReportServiceResponse object consists of:
Response Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ReportFilters | Array (ReportFilter) | Array of Filter objects containing metadata for each filter (see ReportFilter) |
The RUNDASHBOARDREPORT request will run and export a specified report on a dashboard tab. The response will include Base64 encoded generated html, including charts, GIS maps, and CSS styles.
The following code will accomplish this:
ReportServiceRequest rsr = new ReportServiceRequest(); ReportServiceResponse rs = null; rsr.setLoginId(this.username); rsr.setPassword(this.password); // This is the primary organization rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1)); rsr.setReportRequest("RUNDASHBOARDREPORT"); // This is the ID of the dashboard tab rsr.setDashboardTabId(11111); rs.getReportId(22222); rs = ReportService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The returned ReportServiceResponse object consists of:
Response Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
BinaryData | String | Base64 encoded binary chunk of HTML |
Charts | Array (ReportChart) | Array of ReportChart objects (see ReportChart) |
ReportStyle | String | CSS styles |
Breadcrumbs | Array (Breadcrumb) | Array of Breadcrumb objects |
GoogleMaps | Array (GMap) | Array of GoogleMaps objects if the report’s chart uses it |
GisMap | Array (GISMap) | Array of GISMap objects if the report’s chart uses it |
Object Definitions
ReportComment Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
CommentId | Integer | ID of comment |
AuthorId | Integer | ID of comment author |
Comment | String | Comment value |
ReportId | Integer | Report ID of which the comment resides on |
ParentCommentId | Integer | Main ID of comment it is connected to. This applies if the particular comment is a reply to a parent comment |
StatusCode | String | Comment status |
CommentDate | DateTime | Date and time value for comment creation |
LastActivityDate | DateTime | Date and time value for the most current update to that particular comment |
ReportRow Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
DataValue | Array (String) | Array of Strings with data for each column in the report result set |
ReportChart Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ReportIndex | Integer | Index of image in the embedded delivered HTML |
Content Type | String | MIME Content Type of this chart. Possible values include:
Data | String | Base64 binary image data |
Filename | String | Filename of embedded file in HTML |
ReportSchema Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ColumnName | String | Column Name |
DisplayName | String | Display name of column |
FieldId | Integer | Field Id of column |
DataType | String | Data type of column |
ColumnLength | String | Column length |
Hidden | Boolean | Whether the column is displayed in the report or not |
Prompt | Boolean | Whether the column is a prompt field or not |
FilterId | Integer | Filter Id if the column is a filter |
FilterType | String | Determines the filter type and what data would have to be posted to engage the prompt |
AllowPrompt | Boolean |
FilterOmittable | Boolean |
ParentFilterId | Integer | Filter Id of parent filter if a filter dependency is in place |
DefaultValue1 |
| First default value for filter if set |
DefaultValue2 |
| Second default value for filter if set |
ValueUnitCode |
| Time units for the filter if set |
FilterDisplayType |
| Filter Display Type if the column is a filter |
MinimumValue |
| Minimum value for filter if set |
MaximumValue |
| Maximum value for filter if set |
ReportBinaryObject Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ContentType | String | MIME Content Type |
Data | String | Base64 binary data |
Key | String | Key of the ReportBinaryObject object |
KPI Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
Actual | String | The actual value for a KPI metric |
Target | String | The target value for a KPI metric |
Variance | String | The variance value for a KPI metric |
DrillAnywhereTarget Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ParentCategory | String | Parent Category value |
Targets | Array (String) | Array of String values which are the targets for a particular parent category |
ScheduleRecord Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
Recipient | Integer | ID of recipient of the subscription |
Subject | String | Subscription subject |
BodyText | String | Subscription message |
FrequencyTypeCode | String | Subscription frequency. Values include:
FrequencyCode | String | Additional frequency codes depending on the frequency type code |
FrequencyUnit | String | Additional frequency units depending on the frequency type code |
Format | String | Subscription File Type. Values include:
ConditionList | Array (Condition) | Array of Condition objects that store delivery rules (see Condition) |
AdvancedTimezoneCode | String | Timezone in which the subscription happens |
AdvancedTime | Integer | Local run time for the subscription |
Condition Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
Operator | String | Filter operator for the column(s). Values include:
FieldId | Integer | Field Id of column |
Value1 | String | First conditional value |
Value2 | String | Second conditional value. This is needed if the operators are BETWEEN, NOTBETWEEN, etc. |
DashboardDefinition Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
TabId | Integer | ID of the dashboard tab |
GroupTypeCode | String | Type of dashboard tab. Values include:
Owner | Integer | ID of dashboard owner |
OwnerTypeCode | String | Type of dashboard owner. Value defaults to ORGANISATION |
AccessCode | String | Security level of the dashboard tab |
StartDate | Date | Creation Date |
EndDate | Date | End Date (if applicable) |
StatusCode | String | Status of the dashboard tab |
ShortDescription | String | Name of the dashboard tab |
LongDescription | String | Business description of the dashboard tab |
LanguageCode | String | Two letter language code |
StyleCode | String | Layout code. Values include:
Audience | String | Audience description |
ParentGroupId | Integer | If the dashboard tab is in draft mode, the original tab ID is saved into this column |
Elements | Array (DashboardElement) | A DashboardElement object contains portlet information for reports that reside within the dashboard tab (See DashboardElement) |
Filters | Array (DashboardFilterDefinition) | A DashboardFilterDefinition object contains format records pertaining the dashboard tab, analytic filters, and filter groups (See DashboardFilterDefinition) |
Fields | Array (DashboardFieldDefinition) | A DashboardFieldDefinition object contains format records pertaining fields being displayed as drilldowns on the dashboard tab |
DashboardElement Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
TabId | Integer | ID of the dashboard tab |
EntityId | Integer | ID of the portlet, which also happens to be the Report ID |
EntityTypeCode | String | Portlet entity type. Value defaults to REPORT |
ColumnNumber | Integer | Indicating where the portlet is column-wise. The first column starts at the value 1 |
RowNumber | Integer | Indicating where the portlet is row-wise. The first row starts at the value 1 |
SequenceNumber | Integer | Portlet loading sequence within the dashboard tab |
StartDate | Date | Date the portlet was added |
PortletStatus | String | Portlet status |
PortletHeight | Integer | Portlet height in pixels |
DashboardFieldDefinition Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
TabId | Integer | ID of the dashboard tab |
FieldId | Integer | Field ID of column |
FieldType | String | Field data type. Values include:
ReportId | Integer | ID of report |
TemplateId | Integer | ID of corresponding field template record |
FieldName | String | Column name |
FieldDescription | String | Column name |
DashboardFilterDefinition Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
GroupId | Integer | ID of the dashboard tab |
ComponentId | Integer | Numeric ID for the component based on the component type |
ComponentTypeCode | String | Component types for a DashboardFilterDefinition object include:
EntityId | Integer |
EntityTypeCode | String | Entity types for a DashboardFilterDefinition object include:
FormatKey | String | Format Code |
FormatValue | String | Format Value |
ReportFilter Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
FilterId | Integer | ID of the filter |
IsOmitted | Boolean | If the filter is omitted by default |
DataValue | String | Filter values for a particular filter. If there are two values (i.e if the filter operator is BETWEEN, etc) then they are concatenated with a pipe value |
DashboardFilter Element | Data Type | Description | Retrieval Code |
ReportId | Integer | ID of the report that the filter belongs to |
FilterType | String | Filter operator |
FilterId | Integer | ID of the filter |
TabId | Integer | ID of the dashboard tab that the report |
FilterValue | String | Filter values for a particular filter. If the filter operator involves the usage of two values (i.e BETWEEN, etc) then both values are concatenated with a pipe value |
TemplateId | Integer | ID of the field template record. This applies if the Filter Type is DRILL, etc |
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