- ドラフト(編集中): レポートがドラフト(編集中)モードの場合、「表示」ステップでは、レポート作成者が表の表示を変更し、必要に応じてマルチグラフのキャンバスを定義できる書式機能が提供されます。
- 有効: レポートが有効な場合、ビルダーの「表示」ステップでは、レポートをドラフト(編集中)モードに戻し、さまざまな要素を編集するためのレポートアクション機能およびロール権限に基づく適切なユーザー向けのオプションが提供されます。レポートアクションには、レポートのエクスポート、共有、ブロードキャストなどがあります。
アイコン |
メニュー項目 |
説明 |
レポート |
このリンクを使用して、 [レポート] のメニュー項目(「保存」、「名前を付けて保存」、「変更を元に戻す」、「削除」など)にアクセスできます。
データ |
This link takes you to the Data step of the builder.
グラフ |
This link takes you to the Charts step of the builder.
関連レポート |
This link takes you to the Related Reports step of the builder.
表示 |
This link takes you to the Output step of the builder.
エクスポート |
You can export your reports in a number of formats, including; CSV, DOC, PDF, RTF, Text, XLS, and Print.
表の非表示化 |
This allows you to hide the tabular display in the report, showing only chart(s). |
表の表示 |
This allows you to display a hidden table in the report output, showing chart(s) and table. |
レポートの書式 |
This menu allows you to apply formatting changes that affect the report as a whole.
カラム(列)の書式 |
This menu allows you to apply formatting changes that affect a single field, rather than the whole report.
条件付き書式 |
This menu allows you to apply alerts to a field based on defined conditions.
セクションの書式 |
This menu allows you to apply formatting changes that affect to the way sections are displayed.
関連レポートの書式 |
This menu allows you to apply formatting changes that affect the way マルチ表示レポート are displayed.
フィルターの書式 |
This menu allows you to apply formatting changes that affect the way filters are displayed.
注釈 |
This menu allows you to view and create annotations.
This menu allows you to change the output to a KPI report display for use on a KPI Dashboard Tab.
サマリー |
This menu allows you to create a summary of the report's key metrics and category breakdowns.
詳細 |
This menu allows you to view a useful collection of Report, Column, and SQL information.
ビルダーを閉じる |
This button closes the builder and returns you to your previous location. |
「レポート一覧」パネル |
This panel allows you to view a list of reports to open, rather than having to navigate to the [閲覧ページ]. |
マルチグラフのキャンバス |
This panel is available when マルチグラフ have been created on the グラフ step of the builder. It allows you to configure your [マルチグラフのキャンバス].
Active Output Step
Icon |
Menu Item |
Description |
Report |
This link allows you to access the Report menu items, including New, Copy, and Delete.
Edit |
This link allows you to access the Edit menu items, including Data, Charts, Related Reports, Output, and Name & Description. |
Export |
You can export your reports in a number of formats, including; CSV, DOC, PDF, RTF, Text, XLS, and Print.
Share |
This menu allows you to share this report with others through the use of Distribution, Email, and Embedding.
Broadcast |
This menu allows you to schedule this report to be sent to users via Broadcast, FTP, and Subscriptions.
Favourite |
This button allows you to add a report to your Favourites list for quick access. |
Bookmark |
This menu allows you to create Bookmarks, Snapshots, and new versions of a report.
Annotation |
This menu allows you to view and create annotations.
Details |
This menu allows you to view a useful collection of Report, Column, and SQL information.
Close Builder |
This button closes the builder and returns you to your previous location. |
Report List Panel |
This panel allows you to view a list of reports to open, rather than having to navigate to the [Browse Page]. |
Comments Panel |
This panel allows you to view, create, and manage comments made on the report.