Create Report
1. Click on the Create link and select Report to begin building your report.
2. You should now be on the Initialisation page. Select the Drag and Drop Builder as the builder type.
Data Setup
Filter Setup
The Spot KPI type requires a refresh schedule to be defined in order to take a snapshot of the metric value at regular points in time. This generates the trend line shown on the KPI Tab. In order to ensure each snapshot records the right range of data, a filter may need to be used as well.
I this example we are going to set the refresh schedule to run on the first of each month. This means that we want the snapshot to capture a month's worth of data. In order to set this up we will add a filter to restrict the results to last month's data.
6. Click on the Settings link in order to set up the filter.
KPI Setup
You will now need to navigate to the Output step of the builder to configure the KPI options.
9. Click the Output option in the main navigation bar.
10. Click on the KPI menu from the main navigation bar on the Output step of the builder.
KPI reports require several components to be defined that are not required by standard reports. The metric to be monitored must be configured first.
KPI Alerts
The next component required for KPI reports is the Conditional Formatting Alerts displayed to the left of the kpi on the Dashboard. This icon or colour displays an alert for the current status of the value.
16. Click on the Setup section to open the settings available.
In this example we will be defining alerts using the icons. You can also use the Cell or Text options if you just wish to display a block of colour rather than an image.
17. Set the Style to Icon and select the Ticks option as the Icon Set.
18. Define the Type as Value. This will mean that the value in the cell is compared to the alert values to check the rule, rather than another field or function.
19. Click on the Alerts section to open the alert rules list. This is where you will define the conditions.
20. Create three alerts:
- Red Less than 12000000
- Orange Between 12000000 and 15000000
- Green Greater than 15000000
KPI Refresh Schedule
21. Click the Refresh section to open the scheduling area. In standard reports the refresh schedule is defined in the Save menu, but KPI reports use the KPI menu instead.
22. Set the Refresh Settings to be updated Periodically.
23. Set the Schedule to be the First day of each Month.
24. Close the KPI menu by clicking on the x in the top right corner of the menu.
Report Save
In order to complete the report and activate it the Save menu will need to be completed.
25. Click on the Report > Save option through the main navigation bar of the Output step.
26. Set the Name to KPI Spot Report Tutorial.
27. Type This report was created as part of the KPI Report tutorial into the Description box.
28. Set the Category to Tutorial and the Sub Category to Training.
29. Click Activate.
Your KPI report is now complete and ready to be added to a KPI Dashboard Tab.
See [KPI Tabs] for more information.