Type |
Icon |
When to Use |
[Funnel] |
Used to show the status of stages in a process. |
Proportional Infographic |
Displays segments on an image, with the segment size representing metric value. |
Comparative Infographic |
Displays images sized in such a way to correspond to a metric. |
Radar |
You want to compare data by integrating multiple axes into a single radial figure. |
Waterfall |
Waterfall charts are a special type of Floating Column Chart. A typical waterfall chart shows how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value. |
Event |
Maps the occurrence of events against the values of a numeric data set over time. |
Week Density |
Shows the density of occurrences based on hour relative to other densities on the same day of the week. |