Creating the Intersect Sub Query
1. Click on the Create link and select Report to begin building your report.
2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the Drag and Drop Builder as the build tool.
5. Tick the checkbox next to Sub Queries to enable them. There should now be a Sub Query link at the top of the page.
13. Select the Athlete ID field in the Master Query Filter to nominate it as the field to be filtered in the Master Query by the Sub Query.
14. Select the Athlete ID field in the Link Field area to nominate it as the field that provides the filter values for the Master Query Filter.
15. Drag and drop the Year dimension into the Filters area.
16. You can now click on the at the top of the page to progress to the next step.
Filtering your results
1. Now to setup the filters. Click on the Filter Prompt as before as set the Master Filter to 2007.
2. Your filter should look like this.
3. Set the Sub Query Filter to 2009.
4. Your second filter should be the same as the one pictured here.
7. You are now finished with this report. Click on the Save Menu.
8. Set the Name of your report to Intersect Sub Query Tutorial.
9. Set the Description to This report was written using the Sub Query Tutorial.
10. Select Tutorial as the Category.
11. Select Advanced Reporting as the Sub Category.
12. Click Save to finish.
See Filters for more information.