GIS Google Map Tutorial
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1. Click on the Create link and select Report to begin building your report.
2. You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the Drag and Drop Builder as the build tool.
3. Select Ski Team as the View.
4. Now click the
button to proceed.
5. Drag in the Country and Geo Polygon fields.
6. Now drag in your metrics, in this example Invoice Estimate is used three times, as a MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE.
7. Set the report to display as a Chart Only.
8. Click the
Next image to continue.
9. On the output page click on the Chart Icon to edit the chart and set up your GIS Google Chart.
10. From the Chart Menu select Map. Next, select the GIS Google Map type. Click Save to save your selection.
11. You will now see the Chart Data section updated with fields relevant to GIS Maps.
12. Select:
GIS Field: Athlete Geo Polygon
Metric: Max Invoice Estimate
Label: Athlete Country
13. Click Refresh to generate the map.
14. In the Chart Format options, select Visible Series Selection.
15. You should now have a map like the one pictured here. This is the same as a GIS Map, laid over the top of a Google Map to provide reference.
16. Save and Close your map.
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