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Dashboards are designed to visually display Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in order to allow quick and clear examination of actual performance. A typical dashboard is designed with high level reports that can drill down to more detail when required.
Yellowfin's dashboard allows you to display all key reports on a single page, using tabs to organise by subject and type. The tab feature also allows you to search your public repository for enabled reports and add them to a selected tab, or grant access to pre-built public tabs.
The following image displays the main features of the dashboard:
- Menu: links you to additional reporting functions such as Create Report, Report List, Discussion.
- User Info: provides the name of the current user, as well as a link to access their preferences.
- Inbox: used to receive distributed reports, reports to be approved, and comments.
- Search: allows you to search reports across your repository.
- Tabs: navigate between various pages on your dashboard.
- Sub Tabs: these are groupings of reports within the main dashboard tab.
- Favourites: lists your favourite reports to the right of the dashboard display area.
- Draft Reports: provides access to recently edited draft reports.
- Recently Accessed Reports: lists the most recently viewed reports in a session.
- Units: available when unit selection is present on the dashboard
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