Single Sign On
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title | LOGINUSER (Single Sign On) |
This service connects to Yellowfin and retrieves a logon token for a given user. When this token is passed to the Yellowfin Logon URL it will disable the login screen for the authenticated users and their session will being immediately. Code Block |
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
AdministrationPerson ap = new AdministrationPerson();
rs = rssbs.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) {
out.write("URL: http://<yellowfin-server>/logon.i4?LoginWebserviceId=" + rs.getLoginSessionId());
} else {
The LOGINUSER function will Single Sign On a given user into Yellowfin. The contents of the AdministrationPerson object will be used to define the user being logged in. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LOGINUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the new user’s details for the user creation process | OrgRef | String | Client Org Internal Reference Id (optional). This will log the user into a given Client Org. If this is not set, then the user will be prompted with the Client Org Selection page on login. |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the user that you wish to login. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method. | Password | String | Password of the new user. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | LoginSessionId | String | A unique login token. This token is appended to the Login URL to take a user directly into Yellowfin. |
Redirecting to Yellowfin with the login tokenUsing the token received from the webservice call (the contents of AdministrationResponse.LoginSessionId), you can forward the user to the URL: http://<YELLOWFIN-SERVER>/logon.i4?LoginWebserviceId=<TOKEN>
This URL will bypass the authentication screen in Yellowfin and take the user directly into Yellowfin. The token has a limited validity period. It must be used within 5 minutes, and once it has been used, it cannot be used again. To make subsequent calls from a third party application into Yellowfin, you must call the LOGINUSER web service again. Using the token with the JavaScript APIThe SSO token can also be used with embedded JavaScript API widgets. The token is added to the scriptlet URL like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/JsAPI?dashUUID=e9a6ab0a-bcb0-4fe6-9663-4dd33e58f08e&token=<TOKEN>"></script>
Specifying Session OptionsYou can pass variables/switches that toggle functionality only for the session created via this Single Sign On request. These options can be enabled by passing them via the Parameters attribute in the AdministrationRequest, or by appending them to the redirection URL. Parameters are added to the AdministrationRequest.Parameters attribute as a list of key value pairs, like: YFTOOLBAR=TRUE
Options passed on the login URL look like: http://<yellowfin-server>/logon.i4?LoginWebserviceId=<token>&yftoolbar=true&entry=DASHBOARD
Here is a list of the available options: Parameter Option Key | URL Option Key | Description |
YFTOOLBAR | yftoolbar | TRUE /FALSE . Hide the Yellowfin toolbar for this session.
| ENTRY | entry | Determine the user's only entry point on completion of the login process. This is used in conjunction with other parameters to determine the content the user is shown. Possible values: DASHBOARD REPORTLIST BROWSE BROWSETAB CREATEREPORT EDITREPORT VIEWREPORT ADMINISTRATION EDITDASHBOARD VIEWDASHBOARD VIEWSTORYBOARD TIMELINE
| REPORTID | reportid | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT . This is the internal Id of the report to redirect to. | REPORTUUID | reportuuid | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT . This is the UUID of the rpeort to redirect to. | STORYBOARDUUID | storyboarduuid | Used with ENTRY = VIEWSTORYBOARD . This is the UUID of the storyboard to redirect to. | MOBILEDEVICE | mobiledevice | TRUE /FALSE . Takes the user to a mobile version of the Yellowfin interface.
| REPORTNAME | reportname | Used with ENTRY = EDITREPORT or VIEWREPORT . This is the name of the report to redirect to. | DISABLESOURCEFILTERS | | TRUE /FALSE . Disable Source Filter or Client Reference Filters for this user, for this session. This allows the user to see all data. This doesn't work for content based on Client Source Substitution.
| DISABLEHEADER | disableheader | TRUE /FALSE . Hide the Yellowfin header for this session.
| HIDEHEADER | hideheader | Same as DISABLEHEADER . | DISABLEFOOTER | disablefooter | TRUE /FALSE . Hide the Yellowfin footer for this session.
| HIDEFOOTER | hidefooter | Same as DISABLEFOOTER . | DISABLESIDENAV | disablesidenav | TRUE /FALSE . Hide the Yellowfin side navigation for this session.
| HIDESIDENAV | hidesidenav | Same as DISABLESIDENAV . | DISABLELOGOFF | disablelogoff | TRUE /FALSE . Hide the Yellowfin logoff link for this session.
| HIDELOGOFF | hidelogoff | Same as DISABLELOGOFF . | REASONCODE | reasoncode | Custom string (80 ASCII characters) that will be dropped into all events generated by this session. Events are dropped in the Event table in the Yellowfin database. This option can also be used with the JavaScript API. | REASONDESCRIPTION | reasondescription | Custom string (2048 ASCII characters) that will be dropped into all events generated by this session. Events are dropped in the Event table in the Yellowfin database. This option can also be used with the JavaScript API. | DASHBOARDID | dashboardid | Used with ENTRY = EDITDASHBOARD or VIEWDASHBOARD . This is the internal id of the dashboard tab to redirect to. | DASHBOARDUUID | dashboarduuid | Used with ENTRY = EDITDASHBOARD or VIEWDASHBOARD . This is the internal id of the dashboard tab to redirect to. | FILTER<ID> | filter<ID> | Used with ENTRY = VIEWREPORT . Override filter values for the given report. FILTER is appended with the internal ID of the filter, plus the string representation of the filter value. For example: FILTER2134=MALE You can pass multiple filters for the one report. | SOURCEFILTER_<FILTERCODE> | | Override the source filter values for this user for this session. SOURCEFILTER_ is appended with the Filter Type Code from the Source Filter setup page, plus the value you wish to give access to. For example: SOURCEFILTER_COUNTRY=AU You can pass multiple source filter values for the one session. This option can also be used with the JavaScript API. | CONTENT_<INCLUDE/EXCLUDE> | | Override the content access that a user has for this session. CONTENT_ is appended with either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE . The value for this key is either the Content Category Code, or the Content Category UUID. If you choose to INCLUDE content, then these will be the only Content Categories that the user will have access to. If you choose to EXCLUDE content, then these excluded Content Categories will be removed from the content that the user normally has access to. Inclusion and Exclusion of content is based on the Category level. All sub categories with the specified category are included or excluded. An example of including/excluding with category codes and UUIDs: CONTENT_INCLUDE=TUTORIAL CONTENT_INCLUDE=c83357db-8aef-4ec7-ab72-fce34de9ee77 CONTENT_EXCLUDE=TUTORIAL CONTENT_EXCLUDE=c83357db-8aef-4ec7-ab72-fce34de9ee77 It is not logical to use both INCLUDE and EXCLUDE for the same session. This option can also be used with the JavaScript API. |
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title | LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD (Single Sign On) |
This service is a drop in replacement for LOGINUSER , but the password for the user being logged in is not required. Options are the same as LOGINUSER except for: - AdministrationRequest.Function will be set to
LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD - AdministrationPerson.Password can be blank
An extra parameter needs to be added to the Configuration table of the Yellowfin database to enable this functionality: IpOrg | ConfigTypeCode | ConfigCode | ConfigData |
You may need to restart Yellowfin for the database change to take affect. You will receive a web service arror 26: UNSECURE_LOGIN_NOT_ENABLED if this configuration option is not added to the Yellowfin database. |
User Replication and Managment
User replication involves synchronising each user in the OEM application with a named user in Yellowfin.
This allows Yellowfin to identify the user who is logged in, and to apply any restrictions that may be required. Synchronisation is usually performed using web service calls from the OEM application to Yellowfin. This can also be managed manually if users in the OEM application are generally static.
This section will outline how to create, manipulate, and delete users via web services. It is assumed that the web service is called to mirror user changes immediately after a user modification is made in the OEM application.
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to create a user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) {
} else {
out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode());
This code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the user creation process failed. This function will create a user in Yellowfin. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the user creation process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “ADDUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the new user’s details for the user creation process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the new user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | Password | String | Password of the new user | FirstName | String | First name of of the new user | LastName | String | Last name of of the new user | Initial | String | Middle name of the new user | SalutationCode | String | Title of the new user. Possible values include: | RoleCode | String | Yellowfin role. The specified role here can be the Org Reference Code (YFADMIN) or the name of the role (Yellowfin Administrator) | EmailAddress | String | Email address of the new user |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to delete a user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) {
} else {
out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode());
This code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the user deletion process failed. This function will delete a user from Yellowfin. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the user deletion process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELUSER” or “DELETEUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the user’s details for the user creation process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Retrieving & Validating User Information
Once a user has been created, the user's details can be retrieved using a web service call. The User ID field in the AdministrationPerson object is used to identify the user. As a result, a populated AdministrationPerson object will be returned. For security reasons, passwords will not be returned and will be NULL
. User information can also be validated against the application in this section.
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to retrieve a user’s details: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) {
} else {
out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode());
This code will return an AdministrationPerson object with the user’s details and SUCCESS in the rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will retrieve the details of a particular user in Yellowfin. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the retrieval process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the returned user’s details |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to retrieve a user’s details via their internal IpId: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
if ("SUCCESS".equals(rs.getStatusCode()) ) {
} else {
out.write(" Code: " + rs.getErrorCode());
This code will return an AdministrationPerson object with the user’s details and SUCCESS in the rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will retrieve the details of a particular user in Yellowfin by looking up their IP ID. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the retrieval process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERBYIP” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
IpId|Integer|IP ID of the Yellowfin User| The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the returned user’s details |
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This function will retrieve users from Yellowfin based on a specific search string. This string is compared against the user’s first name, last name, and email address. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERSFROMSEARCH” | | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Search string to match against Yellowfin users’ first names, last names, and email address |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | People | Array (AdministrationPerson) | An array of AdministrationPerson objects. These objects hold the returned users’ details that match the search string |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to validate a user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an AdministrationPerson object of the particular user if successful; otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the user validation process failed. This function will validate a specified Yellowfin user, checking if the user currently exists within the application. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the user validation process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “VALIDATEUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the returned user’s details |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to validate a user’s password: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will check if the password is expired and will return FAILURE in the rs.getStatusCode() if it is not, otherwise it will return SUCCESS . This function will validate a Yellowfin user’s password. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the password validation process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “VALIDATEUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | Password | String | Password of the Yellowfin user |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Manipulating User Information
A user's details can be modified at a later time using a web service call. The User ID field in the AdministrationPerson object is used to identify the user, so this cannot be changed. The rest of the fields within an AdministrationPerson object are populated with the new changes. For security reasons, the user's password cannot be changed with this web service call, but with a separate CHANGEPASSWORD function (below).
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service to edit a user’s details: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an AdministrationPerson object with the user’s details and SUCCESS in the rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will update a specified Yellowfin user’s details. The details in the AdministrationPerson object will be used in the update process. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “UPDATEUSER” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you can set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | Password | String | Password of the Yellowfin user | FirstName | String | First name of of the Yellowfin user | LastName | String | Last name of of the Yellowfin user | Initial | String | Middle name of the Yellowfin user | SalutationCode | String | Title of the Yellowfin user. Possible values include: | RoleCode | String | Yellowfin role. The specified role here can be the Org Reference Code (YFADMIN) or the name of the role (Yellowfin Administrator) | EmailAddress | String | Email address of the Yellowfin user | LanguageCode | String | Two letter code for the preferred language | IpId | Integer | Internal Yellowfin IP ID | TimeZoneCode | String | The TimeZoneCode of the Yellowfin user. See appendix for valid values. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding all of the updated user’s details |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and change the password for the specified Yellowfin user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will change a specified Yellowfin user’s password. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “CHANGEPASSWORD” | | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | Password | String | New password of the Yellowfin user |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Retrieving Objects Belonging to a User
Objects belonging to a user in a Primary or Client Organisation can be retrieved with various web service calls. The objects returned in the response will be dependent on the type of call made in the request.
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all reports with a Web Services Name that are accessible for the particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReport objects in rs.getReports() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will return all reports with a webservice name that are accessible for the specified Yellowfin user. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERREPORTS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Reports | AdministrationReport | An array of AdministrationReport objects. These objects hold report metadata. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all reports that are accessible for the particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReport objects in rs.getReports() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERREPORTS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Reports | AdministrationReport | An array of AdministrationReport objects. These objects hold report metadata. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all commented reports that are accessible for the particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReport objects in rs.getReports() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will return all commented reports in Yellowfin that are accessible by the specified Yellowfin user. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETREPORTSWITHCOMMENTS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Reports | AdministrationReport | An array of AdministrationReport objects. These objects hold report metadata. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all report favourites that are accessible for the particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReport objects in rs.getReports() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will return all the favourite reports of a specified Yellowfin user. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETFAVOURITES” or “GETFAVORITES” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Reports | AdministrationReport | An array of AdministrationReport objects. These objects hold report metadata. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all reports that are in the particular user’s inbox: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReport objects in rs.getReports() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error message explaining why the process failed. This function will return the reports that are in the inbox of a specified Yellowfin user. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETINBOX” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Reports | AdministrationReport | An array of AdministrationReport objects. These objects hold report metadata. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all dashboard tabs without reports that are accessible for that particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReportGroup objects in rs.getReportGroups() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will return a list of dashboard tabs that are accessible by the specified Yellowfin user. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERTABS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ReportsGroups | AdministrationReportGroup | An array of AdministrationReportGroup objects. These objects hold dashboard metadata. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all dashboard tabs with reports that are accessible for that particular user: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if user belongs to a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
This code will return an Array of AdministrationReportGroup objects in rs.getReportGroups() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will return a list of dashboard tabs that are accessible by the specified Yellowfin user, with the reports’ metadata loaded as well. The metadata for every report in the dashboard tab is contained within the AdministrationReportGroup object. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERTABSWITHREPORTS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ReportsGroups | AdministrationReportGroup | An array of AdministrationReportGroup objects. These objects hold dashboard metadata. For this particular function, the reports’ metadata is also loaded into this object’s GroupReports() parameter. |
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This function will return a list of reports contained within a specified dashboard tab, that is accessible by a specified user in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LOADTABREPORTS” | String | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | ReportGroup | AdministrationReportGroup | The AdministrationReportGroup object holding the Dashboard Tab ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson and AdministrationReportGroup object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
AdministrationReportGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
ReportGroupId | String | Dashboard Tab ID |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ReportGroups | AdministrationReportGroup | An array of AdministrationReportGroup objects. These objects hold dashboard metadata. For this particular function, the reports’ metadata is also loaded into this object’s GroupReports() parameter. |
Group & Role Administration
Groups and Roles can be created and modified with a web service call. The objects returned in the response is dependent on the type of call made in the request.
Note: if Client Org functionality is turned on in the Configuration page, a Client Org can also be specified where applicable for certain types of calls.
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all available roles within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return an Array of AdministrationRole objects in rs.getRoles() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() . This function will return all the available roles within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LISTROLES” | String | Web services function |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Roles | AdministrationRole | An array of AdministrationRole objects. These objects hold Yellowfin Role metadata. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return all available groups within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get groups in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return an Array of AdministrationGroup objects in rs.getGroups() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will return all the available user groups within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LISTGROUPS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Groups | AdministrationGroup | An array of AdministrationGroup objects. These objects hold Yellowfin user group metadata. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and return the specified group with its members in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
group = rs.getGroup();
AdministrationGroupMember[] groupMembers = group.getGroupMembers();
The code will return an AdministrationGroup object in rs.getGroup() , an Array of AdministrationGroupMembers in rs.getGroup().getGroupMembers() , and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will return a specified Yellowfin group with a list of its members. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup object: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin Group |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Group | AdministrationGroup | An array of AdministrationGroup objects holding group metadata. The group members are also loaded into this object's GroupMembers() parameter. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and create the specified group in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
group.setGroupDescription("Group Description");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to create the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Note: you can also put existing Yellowfin users into this newly created group at the same time by populating an AdministrationGroupMember array of AdministrationPerson objects. Each AdministrationPerson object only needs the LoginId variable set, and the AdministrationGroupMember array is saved at group.setGroupMembers() . This function will create a Yellowfin group. Note that you are able to save existing Yellowfin users into the new group in this function as well. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “CREATEGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup object: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group | GroupDescription | String | Business description of the specified Yellowfin group | GroupMembers | Array (AdministrationPerson) | An array of AdministrationPerson objects. This is an optional parameter where you can set to save existing Yellowfin users into this group. Each AdministrationPerson object in this scenario only needs to have its UserId parameter set. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and include a specified user into a specified group in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdminstrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will include a specified Yellowfin user into a specified group. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “INCLUDEUSERINGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User Id for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup and AdministrationPerson objects: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group |
AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and exclude a specified user from a specified group in Yellowfin. Note: this user is not deleted from the group but merely excluded from the group definition. An example of why this would be useful is when: - John Doe is a member of Group A
- Group A is a member of Group B
- John Doe shouldn’t be a member of Group B, therefore he should be excluded from Group B
Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will exclude a specified Yellowfin user from a specified group. Note that this user is not deleted from the group but merely excluded from the group definition. An example of why this would be useful is when: - John Doe is a member of Group A
- Group A is a member of Group B
- John Doe shouldn’t be a member of Group B, therefore he is to be excluded from Group B
Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “EXCLUDEUSERINGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User Id for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup and AdministrationPerson objects: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group |
AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete a specified user from a specified group in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will delete a specified Yellowfin user from a specified group. Note that this scenario is different from the one in EXCLUDEUSERINGROUP – in this function a user will be permanently removed from the group. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELUSERFROMGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User Id for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup and AdministrationPerson objects: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group |
AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and modify the specified group in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Note: you can also put existing Yellowfin users into this modified group at the same time by populating an AdministrationGroupMember array of AdministrationPerson objects. Each AdministrationPerson object only needs the LoginId variable set, and the AdministrationGroupMember array is saved at group.setGroupMembers() . This function will modify the details for a specified group in Yellowfin. Note that you are able to save existing Yellowfin users into the new group in this function as well. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “MODIFYGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup object: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group | GroupDescription | String | Business description of the specified Yellowfin group | GroupMembers | Array (AdministrationPerson) | An array of AdministrationPerson objects. This is an optional parameter where you can set to save existing Yellowfin users into this group. Each AdministrationPerson object in this scenario only needs to have its LoginId parameter set. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete the specified group in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationGroup group = new AdministrationGroup();
group.setGroupName("Group Name");
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// uncomment line below and set Client Reference ID if you wish to get the group in a client organisation
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will delete a specified group from Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETEGROUP” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. The parameter is optional. | Group | AdministrationGroup | The AdministrationGroup object holding the Yellowfin user group’s name for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationGroup object: AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | Name of the specified Yellowfin group |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Client Organisation Functionality
Yellowfin contains functionality called Client Organisations, which allows multiple virtual instances of Yellowfin to reside in the same server instance.
Client Organisation functionality can be managed with the available web service calls listed below.
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and list all client organisations within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return an Array of AdministrationClientOrg objects and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will list all client organisations available within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LISTCLIENTS” | String | Web services function |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and get the specified client organisation within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return an AdministrationClientOrg object in rs.getClient() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will retrieve details for a specified client organisation within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETCLIENT” | String | Web services function | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and create the specified client organisation within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. The function will create the specified client organisation in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “CREATECLIENT” | String | Web services function | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientName | String | Name of the client organisation | ClientReferenceID | String | Client Reference ID which is the unique ID used to identify a client | TimeZoneCode | String | A client organisation’s local time zone code. | DefaultOrg | Boolean | Boolean value that returns true if this organisation is the primary organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete the specified client organisation within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will delete the specified client organisation in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETECLIENT” | String | Web services function | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and update the specified client organisation within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. The following code will call the Yellowfin webservice and update the specified client organisation within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “UPDATECLIENT” | String | Web services function | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you can set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientName | String | Name of the client organisation | ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation. Note that this is used for the initial retrieval process, and cannot be modified during the usage of this function | TimeZoneCode | String | A client organisation’s local time zone code. | DefaultOrg | Boolean | Boolean value that returns true if this organisation is the primary organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and list all users belonging to the specified client organisation within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
AdministrationPerson[] people = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
people = rs.getPeople();
The code will return an Array of AdministrationPerson objects in rs.getPeople() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will list all Yellowfin users belonging to the specified client organisation in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “LISTUSERSATCLIENT” | String | Web services function | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | People | Array (AdministrationPerson) | Array of AdministrationPerson objects. Each object holds Yellowfin user metadata. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and list all client organisations accessible by a specified user within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg[] clients = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
clients = rs.getClients();
The code will return an Array of AdministrationClientOrg objects in rs.getClients() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices eg. | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETUSERACCESS” | String | Web services function | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user's User ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationClientOrg object: AdministrationPersonElement | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | Clients | Array (AdministrationClientOrg) | Array of AdministrationClientOrg objects. Each object holds Yellowfin client organisation metadata |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and add access to a specified client organisation for a specified user within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will add access to a specified client organisation for a specified user win Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “ADDUSERACCESS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client organisation’s Client Reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson and AdministrationClientOrg objects: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and remove access to a specified client organisation for a specified user within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationClientOrg aco = new AdministrationClientOrg();
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will remove access to a specified client organisation for a specified user in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “REMOVEUSERACCESS” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | Client | AdministrationClientOrg | The AdministrationClientOrg object holding the Yellowfin client organisation’s Client Reference ID for the retrieval process |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson and AdministrationClientOrg objects: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientReferenceId | Integer | Client Reference ID for the specified client organisation |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
This function will check if a specified report is in a specified user’s favourites list in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “ISUSERFAVOURITE” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | ReportId | Integer | Unique ID for the report |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and add a specified report to a specified user’s favourites list: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will add a specified report to a specified user’s report favourites list. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “ADDTOFAVOURITES" OR "ADDTOFAVORITES” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | ReportId | Integer | Unique ID for the report |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and remove a specified report to a specified user’s favourites list: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
AdministrationPerson person = new AdministrationPerson();
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will remove a specified report to a specified user’s report favourites list. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “REMOVETOFAVOURITES" OR "REMOVETOFAVORITES” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | ReportId | Integer | Unique ID for the report |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
This function will return all avatar images of specified users within Yellowfin: Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETAVATARS” | String Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The Unique IDs of Yellowfin users |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | BinaryAttachments | Array (ReportBinaryObject) | Array of ReportBinary objects holding the Base64 decoded avatar images |
Expand |
This function will set the avatar image of the specified user’s profile within Yellowfin: Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “SETAVATARIMAGE” | String | Web services function | OrgRef | String | Client Reference ID if this function is to be applied for a particular client organisation. This parameter is optional. | Person | AdministrationPerson | The AdministrationPerson object holding the Yellowfin user’s User ID for the retrieval process | Parameters | Array (Bytes) | Base64 encoded avatar image |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the AdministrationPerson object: AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | IpId | Integer | Unique IP ID of the Yellowfin user |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
This function will reload the specified Org Reference Codes within Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “RELOADCODES” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The list of Org Reference Codes |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and clear the geometry cache in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin View ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. The function will clear the geometry cache in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GEOMETRYFLUSH” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The list of View IDs from which the geometry objects are cached with |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and remove a view’s cache in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin View ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will remove a view's cache in Yellowfin. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “REMOVEVIEW” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The list of View IDs |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and remove a report’s cached definitions in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin Report ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “FLUSHREPORT” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The list of Report IDs |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and remove a dashboard’s cached definitions in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin Dashboard Tab ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “FLUSHTAB” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The list of Tab IDs |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete a report in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin Report UUID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// If the report ID is not set, then the code will look for the UUID in parameters
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETEREPORT” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | The UUID of the Yellowfin Report. Note, you do not need to set this if ReportId is set | ReportId | Integer | The Yellowfin Report ID. Note, you do not need to set this if the UUID is set in the Parameter array |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete a view in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This example has a Yellowfin View UUID. The parameter value here can be either the UUID
// or the Yellowfin View ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETEVIEW” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Either the Yellowfin View ID or UUID can be set here |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete a data source in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is the Yellowfin Data Source ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return {SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETESOURCE” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Either the Yellowfin Data Source ID or UUID can be set here |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and delete a dashboard tab in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is the Yellowfin Dashboard Tab UUID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
// If the Dashboard Tab ID is not set, then the code will look for the UUID in parameters
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “DELETETAB” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | UUID of the Yellowfin Dashboard Tab. Note that this does not need to be set if the DashboardTabId parameter is set | DashboardTabId | Integer | Dashboard Tab ID |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and reload the licence definitions in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “RELOADLICENCE” | String | Web services function |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and close the specified data source’s connection pool in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin Data Source ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “CLOSECONNECTIONPOOL” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Yellowfin Data Source ID |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and flush the specified filter’s filter cache in Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is a Yellowfin Filter ID
String[] parameters ={
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “FLUSHCACHEDFILTERCACHE” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Filter ID |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and approve a report in Yellowfin via the expert approval process: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “APPROVEREPORT” | String | Web services function | ReportId | Integer | Report ID |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and obtain all exportable content within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
ContentResource[] cr = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
cr = rs.getContentResources();
The code will return an Array of ContentResource objects in rs.getContentResources() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETCONTENT” | String | Web services function |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ContentResources | Array (ContentResource) | Array of Content Resource objects. Each ContentResource object holds export metadata for all exportable content in Yellowfin. |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and obtain dependencies for a specific Yellowfin artifact: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
ContentResource[] cr = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
cr = rs.getContentResources();
The code will return an Array of ContentResource objects in rs.getContentResources() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will obtain dependencies for a specific Yellowfin artifact. Note, you can execute the GETCONTENT webservices call to retrieve all exportable content metadata first. This comes in the form of an array of ContentResource objects which can be then used in this function call to retrieve their respective dependencies. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETEXPORTDEPENDENCIES” | String | Web services function | ContentResources | Array (ContentResource) | Array of ContentResource objects. These objects will hold specific Yellowfin artifact metadata |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the ContentResource object: ContentResource Element | Data Type |
ResourceName | String | ResourceDescription | String | ResourceType | String | ResourceOrgId | Integer | ResourceCode | String |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ContentResources | Array (ContentResource) | Array of ContentResource objects. These objects will hold dependency metadata |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and export the specified artifacts within Yellowfin: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
// It is advisable to run a GETCONTENT web service call beforehand to retrieve the necessary ContentResource objects
// This list can be copied over to the exportList array below
ContentResource[] exportList;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
rbo = rs.getBinaryAttachments();
The code will return an Array of ReportBinaryObjects objects in rs.getBinaryAttachments() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. This function will export the specified artifacts within Yellowfin. Note, you can execute the GETCONTENT webservices call to retrieve all exportable content metadata first. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “EXPORTCONTENT” | String | Web services function | ContentResources | Array (ContentResource) | Array of ContentResource objects. These objects will hold specific Yellowfin artifact metadata |
These are the parameters that you need to set in the ContentResource object: ContentResource Element | Data Type |
ResourceName | String | ResourceDescription | String | ResourceType | String | ResourceOrgId | Integer | ResourceCode | String |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | BinaryAttachments | Array(ReportBinaryObjects) | Array of ReportBinaryObject objects. These objects will hold the XML for exported artifacts. |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and read a Yellowfin import file, returning the objects to be imported: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
Byte[] data = <XML import file>;
ContentResource[] cr = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rsr.setParameters( new String[] { Base64.encodeBytes(data) } );
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
cr = rs.getContentResources();
The code will return an Array of ContentResource objects in rs.getContentResources() and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Refer to ws_admin_import.jsp in your Yellowfin web services directory Yellowfin\development\examples\web services for a more detailed example of how this function would work. This function will read a Yellowfin XML import file and return a list of objects that can be imported into the application. This function will be expecting a Base64 encoded XML file as input. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1. | Function = “GETIMPORTCONTENT” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | Array of Base64 encoded chunks of the XML import file. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ContentResources | Array (ContentResource) | Array of ContentResource objects. These objects will hold specific Yellowfin artifact metadata |
Expand |
The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and validate the Yellowfin import objects. This function usually follows after the GETIMPORTCONTENT web services call: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
Byte[] data = <XML import file>;
ImportIssue[] ii = null;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rsr.setParameters( new String[] { Base64.encodeBytes(data) } );
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
ii = rs.getImportIssues();
The code will return an Array of ImportIssue objects in rs.getImportIssues() if there are issues with the import file and SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Refer to ws_admin_import.jsp in your Yellowfin web services directory Yellowfin\development\examples\web services for a more detailed example of how this function would work. This function will validate a list of Yellowfin import objects. This function usually follows after the GETIMPORTCONTENT webservices call, where it reads a Yellowfin XML import file and returns a list of objects that can be imported into the application. In this function, it performs a validation process for every object in that list. Any issues encountered during the validation process is returned as ImportIssue objects in the response. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1 | Function = “TESTIMPORTCONTENT” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | An array of Base64 encoded chunks of the XML import file | ImportOptions | Array(ImportOption) | An array of ImportOption objects that controls how content is imported. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: | ImportIssues | Array (ImportIssue) | Array of ImportIssue objects. These objects will contain error messages returned from the validation process |
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The following code will call the Yellowfin web service and import the specified Yellowfin import objects into the application: Code Block |
AdministrationServiceRequest rsr = new AdministrationServiceRequest();
AdministrationServiceResponse rs = null;
Byte[] data = <XML import file>;
// This is the primary organisation
rsr.setOrgId(new Integer(1));
rsr.setParameters( new String[] { Base64.encodeBytes(data) } );
rs = AdministrationService.remoteAdministrationCall(rsr);
The code will return SUCCESS in rs.getStatusCode() , otherwise it will return an error explaining why the process failed. Refer to ws_admin_import.jsp in your Yellowfin web services directory Yellowfin\development\examples\web services for a more detailed example of how this function would work. Request Element | Data Type | Description |
LoginId | String | Login ID of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices i.e | Password | String | Password of the account used to connect to Yellowfin webservices | OrgId | Integer | Primary Organisation ID within Yellowfin. Always set this to 1 | Function = “IMPORTCONTENT” | String | Web services function | Parameters | Array (String) | An array of Base64 encoded chunks of the XML import file | ImportOptions | Array(ImportOption) | An array of ImportOption objects that controls how content is imported. |
The response returned will contain these parameters: Response Element | Data Type | Description |
StatusCode | String | Status of the web service call. Possible values include: |
Object Definitions
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title | AdministrationPerson |
AdministrationPerson Element | Data Type | Description |
UserId | String | User ID of the Yellowfin user. This can be the user ID or the email address, depending on the Logon ID method | Password | String | Password of the Yellowfin user | FirstName | String | First name of of the Yellowfin user | LastName | String | Last name of of the Yellowfin user | Initial | String | Middle initial of the Yellowfin user | SalutationCode | String | Title of the Yellowfin user. Possible values include: | RoleCode | String | Yellowfin role. The specified role here can be the Org Reference Code (YFADMIN) or the name of the role (Yellowfin Administrator) | EmailAddress | String | Email address of the Yellowfin user | LanguageCode | String | Two letter code for the preferred language | IpId | Integer | Internal Yellowfin IP ID | TimeZoneCode | String | The TimeZoneCode of the Yellowfin user. |
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title | AdministrationReport |
AdministrationReport Element | Data Type |
ReportName | String | ReportDescription | String | ReportId | Integer | ExecutionObject | String | ReportCategory | String | ReportSubCategory | String | BirtData | String | SourceName | String | SourceId | Integer | AuthoringMode | String | ReportTemplate | String | DataOutput | String | DashboardEnabled | Boolean | ViewId | Integer | ViewName | String | ViewDescription | String | LastModifierName | String | LastModifierId | Integer | LastModifiedDate | Date | PublishDate | Date | DeliveryMode | String | LastRunTime | Integer | AverageRunTime | Integer | RoleCode | String | ChartTypeCode | String | Usage | Integer |
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title | AdministrationReportGroup |
AdministrationReportGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
ReportGroupName | String | | ReportGroupDescription | String | | ReportGroupId | Integer | | ReportGroupStatus | String | | ReportGroupType | String | | ReportGroupInternalReference | String | | GroupReports | Array (AdministrationReports) | Array of AdministrationReport objects which hold report metadata. These are the reports that make up the portlets within the dashboard tab | AssociatedReports | Array (Integer) | |
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AdministrationReportGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
RoleName | String | The name of the Yellowfin Role | RoleDescription | String | The business description of the Yellowfin Role | RoleCode | String | The internal code for the Yellowfin Role that is generated and referenced in the database |
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AdministrationGroup Element | Data Type | Description |
GroupName | String | | GroupDescription | String | | GroupId | Integer | | GroupStatus | String | | GroupInternalReference | String | | GroupMembers | Array (AdministrationGroupMember) | An array of AdministrationGroupMember objects. These objects hold group member metadata |
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title | AdministrationClientOrg |
AdministrationClientOrg Element | Data Type | Description |
ClientName | String | Name of the client organisation | ClientReferenceID | String | Client Reference ID which is the unique ID used to identify a client | TimeZoneCode | String | A client organisation’s local time zone code. See appendix for valid values. | DefaultOrg | Boolean | Boolean value that returns true if this organisation is the primary organisation |
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ReportBinaryObject Element | Data Type | Description |
Key | String | Unique key used for Binary Object storage | ContentType | String | MIME type for the Binary Object | Data | Array (Byte) | Raw data for Binary Object |
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ContentResource Element | Data Type |
ResourceName | String | ResourceDescription | String | ResourceId | Integer | ResourceUUID | Integer | ResourceType | String | ResourceOrgId | Integer | ResourceCode | String |
ImportOption Element
Data Type
The index of the item that this option is attached too.
The type of option.