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{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. Overview {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} The *Date Conversion* function is available during the CSV Import process. It allows you to convert date fields that are unconventionally formatted, into a standard date format that Yellowfin can recognise. For example, a date stored in your CSV as *{{2014-Aug-12}}* can be converted to *{{12/08/2014}}*. In the example used here, we have a CSV file with two different date formats, and neither of them are recognised by Yellowfin as a standard date format. The CSV used can be located [here|^campIncidents.csv]. {section} {column:width=30%} Once the CSV file has initially been loaded, following the steps on either the [View Builder CSV Import] or [Report Builder CSV Import] pages, we can see there are two date fields in the file. {column} {column:width=70%} !01csv.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} The Date fields, *Start Date* and *End Date*, are shown in the file, but Yellowfin has recognised them as Varchar (text) fields, as they were not formatted in the standard date format. {column} {column:width=70%} !02example.png! {column} {section} h2. Example {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} In order to convert these fields, follow these steps: h3. dd-MMM-yy {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click on the *New Function* button on the left of the CSV Data page. This will open a menu displaying all the functions that can be built into your file. {color:#CC0000}*Note:*{color} this screenshot is from the [Report Builder CSV Import], if using the [View Builder CSV Import] not all of these options will be available, as they are available in later stages of the standard View Builder process instead. {column} {column:width=70%} !03function.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* Click on the *Date Conversion* link to start the process. *3.* From here you will need to select the field that requires converting. We will start with the *Start Date* field. *4.* Click *Create*. {column} {column:width=70%} !04dateConversion.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *5.* From here, the *Date Conversion* window will be displayed. First, you can provide a name for the converted version of the field. {color:#CC0000}*Note:*{color} this will be a new field, the original unconverted field will remain. You may wish to rename the original field as well. *6.* Next, you will need to select which *Converted Data Type* you wish the field to be stored as. If the field contains time components and you wish to use them in reporting, select *Timestamp*, otherwise select *Date*. Last, you will need to define the *Date Format* the CSV field is *currently* stored in. Yellowfin will always convert *to* the format specified in *Administration* > *Configuration* > *Regional Settings*, which is *{{dd/MM/yyyy}}* by default, what you have to do is tell it how to read the original field. In this example, the Start Date field is displaying as *{{3-Jan-09}}*, which means it's formatted as *{{dd-MMM-yy}}*. {column} {column:width=70%} !05dateWindow.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* Enter *dd-MMM* into the *Date Format* field. You will notice that in the preview panel at the bottom of the window, Yellowfin has highlighted the *3-Jan* component of the Sample Data, and as such is returning *3/1/1970*. What happens here is that Yellowfin converts the parts you specify (in this case day and month) and populates the rest with components from the date: 1/1/1970. {column} {column:width=70%} !06partialConversion.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *8.* Finish entering the date: enter *dd-MMM-yy* into the *Date Format* field. Yellowfin has now converted the entire date in the preview panel. *9.* Click *Save* to complete. {column} {column:width=70%} !07fullConversion.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} You will now have a new field at the end of your CSV table. This will have an orange band at the top to identify it as a converted field. {column} {column:width=70%} !08complete.png! {column} {section} h3. dd/MM/yyyy {section} {column:width=30%} In this example, we are going to convert the *End Date* field. At the moment this field looks like a date Yellowfin should recognise, as it's in our default format of *{{dd/MM/yyyy}}*, but Yellowfin actually needs to read in dates from the format *{{yyyy/MM/dd}}*. So while it looks OK to us, Yellowfin has recognised it as text rather than a date. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click the *New Function* button, select *Date Conversion* and choose the *End Date* field. *2.* Click *Create* to begin*. *3.* Complete the *Name* and *Converted Date Type* as before. *4.* If you were not sure how to specify your date format, i.e. what characters to use in the *Date Format* field, click on the *(i)* symbol in the field. {column} {column:width=70%} !09info.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *5.* From here you will be shown what character combinations make up what date components. Work out which characters you need and click *Close* to return to the previous screen. *6.* Enter *{{dd/MM/yy}}* and click *Save* to complete. {column} {column:width=70%} !10dateFormat.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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