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{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. PrepareLoad CSV File {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Before theimporting importa process can begin,CSV file you will need to obtain or create ensure the functionality is enabled and your CSV file is ready. There are some guidelines in place to ensure a compatible file. h3. Do # *Column Based* - ensure the data in your CSV is stored as columns, with no empty columns or rows at the start of the file (if examining through a spreadsheet tool). # *Date Format* - the date format recognised by Yellowfin is *{{yyyy/MM/dd}}*, so for example: *{{2014/08/31}}*. If possible, it's a good idea to ensure your dates are stored in this format. Yellowfin does have converters available as part of the import process, but ensuring your dates are in the correct format to start will avoid extra work during import. # *No Totals* - the CSV columns should not have any column or row totals applied, or other calculations and formats that may be lost during import, or mistaken for data values (rather than totals). # *Consistent Data per Column* - ensure that the data contained in each column is the same type throughout the file. This will ensure that Yellowfin can correctly identify and assign the field type for each column. For example, if you have a date column, and all the data is dates, except a few records that have the text "N/A", remove the text and leave that empty. This will mean bq. See [CSV Data Imports] for more information. h3. Create To import a CSV file through the View Builder you will first need to open the builder: {expand:title=Click to Expand Instructions} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click *Create* in the main navigation menu, and select the *Report* option. {column} {column:width=70%} !01createReport.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* Click the *Create* button on the Report Initialisation page. {column} {column:width=70%} !02CreateData.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *3.* Select the *Load CSV file* option. {column} {column:width=70%} !03csv.png! {column} {section} {expand} h3. Load From here you will be taken to the ... where you will need to locate and load the CSV file. {expand:title=Click to Expand Instructions} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Either click on the *Browse Files* link, or the CSV image to locate your file, or drag your file from the file system onto the grey area. {column} {column:width=70%} !04file.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* Once selected, Yellowfin will confirm that the file has been uploaded. {column} {column:width=70%} !05dragged.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *3.* From here, if you have Advanced CSV Settings permissions, you can click on the *Advanced Settings* link, otherwise progress to step 4. Advanced Settings include: * *Field Separator* - this allows you to specify which character is used in the CSV to separate values in the case that it's not a comma. If *Other* is selected, you can type your own character. * *Precision* - this allows you to define how many rows of the CSV Yellowfin will examine in order to define the field types and size. ** *Low Precision* is fast, and only examines the first 1000 rows of the file. ** *High Precision* is slower, depending on the size of the file, as it examines all rows. {column} {column:width=70%} !06advanced.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *4.* Once complete, click the *Next* button to progress to the formatting step. {column} {column:width=70%} {column} {section} {expand} h2. Format & Configure Data {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Once you've selected your file, and defined any settings required, you will be taken to the CSV Data step of the process. This is where you will be able to define several things, including Column Titles, Column Default Formatting Settings, CSV View Security, CSV View Settings, Additional Fields, and converted Fields. !07preview.png|thumbnail,border=1! h3. Data Step Options These options are available outside of the Data Step menus. {expand:title=Click to Expand Details} ||Column Titles|By default, Yellowfin assumes that the first row of your CSV contains the text to be used as column titles, rather than data itself. To change this option you can uncheck the *First row contains unique titles* option at the bottom-left of the page. This will take the first row of the CSV and treat it as data, allowing you to provide your own labels. !07columnTitle.png! If you wish to change some or all of the column titles displayed, you can click on the title, which will select it and allow you to enter new text !08columnTitle2.png!| ||Rows|This allows you to change the number of rows previewed.| ||Refresh|This allows you to refresh the data displayed in the preview.| {expand} h3. Field Drop Down Menu This menu is accessed by clicking on the blue arrow on a Column Title. {expand:title=Click to Expand Details} {section} {column:width=3%} !.png! {column} {column:width=97%} ||Convert to Text Field|This allows the contents of the field to be treated as text, changing the functionality that's available to it from numeric or date to text. This option is only displayed on fields not recognised as text natively.| ||Field Type|This tells you if Yellowfin recognises the field as a date, rather than text. # *File Format* - Yellowfin will only accept CSV files, no XLS, XLSX, or other formats will be accepted. # *Character Set* - Ensure your file uses UTF-8 character set so that Yellowfin recognises all the characters contained in the file. h3. {color:#CC0000}Don't{color} # *Crosstab/Pivot* - do not attempt to import data that is in crosstab/pivot format as Yellowfin will examine the file as though it was in column format and as such will store the data in an unintended and unusable structure. # *Totals* - do not apply totals to your fields, as Yellowfin will not differentiate them from the rest of your data. # *XLS* - do not store your data in XLS or XLSX formats as Yellowfin will only read CSVs. h2. Load CSV Metric or Dimension. This can be changed through formatting the field in the View Fields step of the builder.| ||Index|This allows you to add an index to the field in order to increase read performance. Generally, indexes should be added to fields that will be used in joins or filters.| {column} {section} {expand} h3. Settings This menu allows to define meta data and other options relating to the View that Yellowfin will create from the CSV file at the end of the import process. {expand:title=Click to Expand Details} ||Name|This will be the name of the CSV View that Yellowfin will create at the end of the import process. This is how report writers will identify it in the list of views on the Create Report step.| ||Description|This will be the description of the CSV View that Yellowfin will create at the end of the import process. This should contain information about what's contained in the CSV, which report writers will have access to in the list of views on the Create Report step.| {expand} h3. Add Fields This menu allows you to choose from one of the available options in order to create a new field, based on existing fields from the CSV. These functions will not change the existing fields, only create new ones to store the result of a conversion. {expand:title=Click to Expand Details} ||Date Conversion|This allows you to convert a non-standard format date field (one Yellowfin doesn't recognise as a date by default) to a recognised date/time field, by specifying its format. See [Date Conversion] for more information.| ||Timestamp Conversion|This allows you to convert values stored in Java time format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, GMT) to timestamps.| ||Numeric Conversion|This allows you to convert fields recognised as text by Yellowfin, that contain numeric values, to numeric fields.| {expand} h2. Finish or Cancel {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Once the formatting and configuration of the CSV data is complete, you will need to do one of the following: h3. Finish Clicking on the *Finish* link will complete the CSV import process, creating the CSV Table in the background, and will return you to the Drag & Drop step of the View Builder. From here you can drag your CSV table into the Entity Relationship Diagram, like any other table. !12finish.png! h3. Cancel Clicking on the *X* button in the top-right corner of the screen will cancel the import process. The CSV Table based on the file will be deleted. Select this option if you don't wish to go ahead with the import. !13cancel.png! \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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