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{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. OverviewSetup {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {note:title=Under Construction} This page is currently under construction and will be available soon. {note}h3. Redshift Settings {section} {column:width=40%} *1.* Log in to Amazon Web Services (AWS). *2.* Open the *Services* menu at the top of the page, click on *Redshift* within the *Database* category. {column} {column:width=60%} !Redshift.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Location {section} {column:width=40%} While on the Amazon Redshift page it's important to select the closest location to your users. This will generally result in the fastest response times. *3.* Click on the *Location* currently in use next to your name at the top right of the page. *4.* Select the location closest to you. {column} {column:width=60%} !Location.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Create Cluster {section} {column:width=40%} *5.* While still on the Amazon Redshift page, click on the *Launch Cluster* button. From here you will be walked through a setup process where you define and configure the cluster. {column} {column:width=60%} !LaunchCluster.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Cluster Details {section} {column:width=40%} On this step you will need to define the following: * Cluster Identifier * Database Name * Database Port * Master User Name * Master Password Each option is documented on the page. *6.* Configure the cluster details and click the *Continue* button. {column} {column:width=60%} !ClusterDetails.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Node Configuration {section} {column:width=40%} Here you will need to define the number and types of nodes. Each option is documented on the page. *7.* Define the *Type* and *Number* of *Nodes*. Click *Continue*. {column} {column:width=60%} !NodeConfig.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Additional Configuration {section} {column:width=40%} Finally, there are some additional configuration items you can define, depending on the your network and security requirements. Each option is documented on the page. *8.* Click the *Continue* button. {column} {column:width=60%} !AdditionalConfig.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Review & Launch {section} {column:width=40%} On the final step you are able to review all the configuration options you've applied in the previous steps. *9.* Click the *Launch Cluster* option to finish. {column} {column:width=60%} !ReviewLaunchCluster.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. View Clusters {section} {column:width=40%} You will now be presented with a message informing you that your cluster is being created. *10.* Click the *Close* button to return to a list of available clusters. {column} {column:width=60%} !Created.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h4. Cluster Name {section} {column:width=40%} Click on the name of your cluster in order to view its properties. {column} {column:width=60%} !Clusters.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h4. Cluster Details {section} {column:width=40%} Here you will be able to view all the details related to your cluster, including items important for Yellowfin use: * Custer Name * End Point * Port * Database Name * Master User Name * Public IP Make a note of the above values. {column} {column:width=60%} !ClusterProperties.png|thumbnail,border=1! !PublicIP.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h2. Yellowfin {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} h3. Login {section} {column:width=40%} *1.* Login to your Yellowfin instance. *2.* Click on the *Administration* link in the main navigation bar and select *Admin Console*. {column} {column:width=60%} !AdminConsole.png! {column} {section} h3. Add Data Source {section} {column:width=40%} *3.* Expand the *Data Sources* list in the centre panel of the Admin Console. *4.* Click on the *Add* button to create a new connection. {column} {column:width=60%} !AddSource.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Data Source Details {section} {column:width=40%} Here you will need to provide a range of information to tell Yellowfin what the connection is, and how to access the database. *5.* Define the *Data Source Details*, *Security*, and *Connection Pool* options based on your requirements. bq. See [Source Connection Parameters] for more information. {column} {column:width=60%} !DataSourceDetails1.png|thumbnail,border=1! !DataSourceDetails2.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} h3. Connection Details {section} {column:width=40%} *6.* In order to connection to your Redshift cluster, define the following: * *Connection Method:* JDBC * *Authentication:* Standard Authentication * *Database:* Amazon Redshift * *Include schema in SQL:* (ticked) * *Host:* _this is the *Public IP* or *Endpoint* information (either can be used, depending on the security settings you applied) found on your Cluster Details page earlier._ * *Port:* _this is the *Port* found on your Cluster Details page earlier._ * *Database:* _this is the Database Name found on your Cluster Details page earlier._ * *User Name:* _this is the *Master User Name* found on your Cluster Details page earlier._ * *Password:* _this is the password you entered while configuring your cluster earlier._ * *Schema:* None *7.* Test the connection and click *Save*. {column} {column:width=60%} !RedshiftConnection.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} You are now ready to add data to your Cluster and build reports. \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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