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h2. OverviewOptions

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Properties in this h2.section Customare Propertiesused Fileto {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass}
The custom properties file ({{}}) is included provide initial values for the user entry options in the installer. All options that affect the installation behaviour When using the graphical and command-line installers, these will be used as defaults that the user can override at installation time. Certain user options can be set in this file. See [Adding Files to the Installer] for more information.

The following properties are used to populate default user options, or provide the installation options used in silent installation.
|{{option.installpath}}|The directory to install into [*|#note]|
Install a Windows Service to Start/Stop Yellowfin|
|{{option.licencefile}}|Location of the Yellowfin Licence File [*|#note]|
|{{option.serverport}}|App Server Port
Default = {{80}}|
|{{option.db.dbtype}}|The Database Type to install into. Valid values are:
{{CacheDB}}, {{DB2}}, {{HSQLDB}}, {{Ingres}}, {{MySQL}}, {{Oracle}}, {{PostgreSQL}}, {{Progress}}, {{SQLServer}}, {{SybaseASE}}, {{SybaseASA}}|
Create a new Database for Yellowfin|
Create a new Database User for Yellowfin|
The Authentication Type to use when connecting to SQL Server. 
Only used if {{option.db.dbtype=SQLServer}}
Default = {{sqlserver}}|
|{{option.db.sqldomain}}|The Authentication Domain to use when connecting to SQL Server.
Only used if {{option.db.sqlauthtype=sqlserver}}|
|{{option.db.sqlinstance}}|The Named Instance to use when connecting to SQL Server.
Only used if {{option.db.dbtype=SQLServer}}|
 hidden from the user, in which case they cannot override the values provided for these properties.

When using the silent installer, these options must be used to specify the installation parameters.

h3. Installation Path
||Value|The path to install Yellowfin into. This value should be the full path name to install Yellowfin into. The directory will be created if it does not already exist.|

h3. Tutorial Pack Installation
||Value|Set this to {{true}} or {{false}} to determine whether to install the Ski Team tutorial database and sample content.|

h3. World GeoPack Installation
||Value|Set this to {{true}} or {{false}} to determine whether to install the World Countries GeoPack.|

h3. US GeoPack Installation
||Value|Set this to {{true}} or {{false}} to determine whether to install the US GeoPack.|

h3. Licence File Location
||Value|The path to the Yellowfin licence file. This value should be the full path to the licence file which should exist on the installation target computer at install time.|

h3. Server Port
||Value|The server port that Yellowfin will use. This value should be a valid port number between 1 and 65535. At installation time, the installer checks if the port is available. If not, a warning is displayed to the user.|
||Default|Selects an available port starting with 8080|

h3. Windows Service
||Value|Set to {{true}} to install a Windows Service. This property is ignored on other Operating Systems.|

h3. Database Type
||Value|The database type to use for the Yellowfin configuration database. The available values are:
{{AS400}} - _(AS/400 DB2)_
{{HSQLDB}} - _(Embedded database)_
{{Progress}} - _(Progress 9)_
{{SQLServer}} - _(Microsoft SQL Server)_
{{SQLServerAzure}} - _(Microsoft SQL Server Azure)_
{{SybaseASA}} - _(Sybase SQL Anywhere / IQ)_
{{SybaseASE}} - _(Sybase ASE)_|

h3. Progress JDBC Driver
||Value|The location of the Progress JDBC driver file [*|#note]
Only used if . This file should exist on the installation target computer (not the computer where the installer is built). This is ignored for other database types.|

h3. Database Hostname
||Property|{{option.db.hostname}}|Database Server Hostname
Default = {{|
||Value|The Yellowfin configuration database server hostname.|

h3. Database Port
||Property|{{option.db.port}}|Database Connection Port
Default depends on Database Type|
||Value|The Yellowfin configuration database server port. If this value is omitted, the default port for the selected database type will be used.|

h3. Database Name
Default = {{Yellowfin}}|
||Value|DatabaseThe UsernameYellowfin Defaultconfiguration = {{YellowfinUser}}database name.|

Userh3. PasswordCreate DefaultNew = {{password}}|
DBA Username
Used when creating||Value|Set to {{true}} to create a new database to use as the Yellowfin configuration database or user|
|. This property is ignored if the selected database type does not support creating databases.|
||Example|{{option.db.dbapasswordcreatedb=true}}|Database DBA User Password|

h3. SQL Server Instance Name
Install the Tutorial Database and Sample Reports
Default = {{true}}|
||Value|The instance name to use when connecting to SQL Server. This property is ignored for other database types. If this value is omitted, the default instance will be used.|

h3. SQL Server Authentication Type
Install a Data Source Connection to the Yellowfin Configuration Database, and Sample Usage Reports.
Default = {{false}}|
Install the Spanish Language Pack
Default = {{false}}|
Install the French Language Pack
Default = {{false}}|
Install the Japanese Language Pack
Default = {{false}}|
Install the Portuguese (Brazil) Language Pack
Default = {{false}}|
Install the Chinese Language Pack
Default = {{false}}|
_* file paths are relative to the target system being installed into_

By specifying HSQLDB as the database type ({{option.db.dbtype=HSQLDB}}) you are selecting to install into the HSQL embedded database. This will create a self-contained database in the Yellowfin installation, and all other database options are ignored ({{option.db.*}}).

An additional option is used to set the installer interface language:
|{{lang}}|Installer Interface Language|

Currently supported languages are {{en}} - English, {{ja}} - Japanese, and {{fr}} - French. If you do not specify this option, the gui installer will prompt you to select a language before launching:


The command-line installer will use English as the interface language if none is selected.

h3. Example
The following is an example section from showing the pre-selection of user options:
||Value|The authentication type to use when connecting to SQL Server. This property is ignored for other database types. This should be set to {{windows}} or {{sqlserver}}.|

h3. SQL Server Logon Domain
||Value|The logon domain to use when connecting to SQL Server with authentication type set to {{windows}}.|

h3. Database Username
||Value|The username used to connect to the Yellowfin configuration database.|

h3. Database Password
||Value|The user password used to connect to the Yellowfin configuration database.|

h3. Create New Database User
||Value|Set to {{true}} to create a new database user to use when connecting to the Yellowfin configuration database. This property is ignored if the selected database type does not support creating database users.|

h3. Database Administrator Username
||Value|The database administrator username, used to connect to the database to create the database or database user. If neither of the *Create New Database* and *Create New Database User* options are set to {{true}}, this property is ignored.|

h3. Database Administrator Password
||Value|The database administrator user password, used to connect to the database to create the database or database user. If neither of the *Create New Database* and *Create New Database User* options are set to {{true}}, this property is ignored.|

h3. Installation Folder Name
||Value|This property sets the default name for the installation folder. In the graphical installer, the installation folder will be defaulted to a folder with this name, in an Operating System-specific location.|
||Default|{{The application name and version.}}|
||Example|{{installer.installfolder=Report Server 7.1}}|

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