Anchor | ||||
Term | Description | ||||||
| This is a type of field that does not come directly from the database. It is created from a formula that may use database fields. | ||||||
| These are folders that are used to group content. Views, Reports, and Fields all use categories, with Reports using a Category > Sub Category structure to group and assign security. | ||||||
| A visual representation of data. Yellowfin has a wide range of chart types available. | ||||||
| Glossary has functionality called Client Organisations which allows multiple virtual instances of Yellowfin to reside in the same server instance. This provides a way to create content isolated within one organisation, hidden from other organisation users logging into the same server. This is Yellowfin's Glossary solution. | ||||||
| This is a report output option that allows metrics to be aggregated by multiple categories, displayed as Row and Column headers. | ||||||
| This function allows you to display multiple reports on the one Report Preview page. | ||||||
| This is when users work together to share insights into their data and the decision making process. Yellowfin provides features to assist the collaborative process including Comments, Discussions, and Annotations. | ||||||
| This is a note attached to a report in order to discuss its design or results. | ||||||
| This is formatting that is triggered when a condition is met. A rule is applied to a field in the report and special formatting, such as highlighting, is applied if the data matches the rule. | ||||||
| This is a filter that limits the rows returned from a table, set at the view level. This filter cannot be seen or removed at the report level. | ||||||
| This aggregation returns the total number of records in a field in a report. | ||||||
| This aggregation returns the total number of unique records in a field in a report. This means that if a record is found twice, it will only be counted the first time. | ||||||
| This method of linking two tables matches each row from the first table in the join to each row in the second table, multiplying the number of rows returned in the result. | ||||||
| Create, Read, Update, Delete. These options are used to define role permissions and relate to Glossary statements, allowing the user to create (INSERT records), read (SELECT records), update (UPDATE records), and delete (DELETE records). | ||||||
| Cascading Style Sheet. This is a type of file used by Glossary to define style options for the system that cannot be configured through Administration. Yellowfin's CSS files can be customised during the integration process. | ||||||
| Comma Separated Values. These files store data in plain text form, with each value, or column, separated by a comma character. Glossary allows you to import these files in order to report off their data. |
Term | Description | ||||||
| This refers to when a value is entered and set, rather than allowing a user to change it. In Glossary a report writer can hard code filter values, or values in calculated fields. This means that the user is not prompted to provide a value, rather it is always the value the report writer set. | ||||||
| Hexadecimal (Hex) is a base 16 number system, using symbols 0-9, A, B, C, D, E, and F to represent values 0 to 15. | ||||||
| This is a report that has been set to not display in the Report List. Generally heavily detailed reports that are used as children in a drill through relationship are hidden, as they are designed to be accessed through the parent report, not on their own. | ||||||
| HyperText Markup Language. HTML is a markup language, like Glossary, that was designed to display data in a web browser, used by Glossary in combination with Glossary. |
Term | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| This is a function that allows you to add something to the system from an external file. There are two types of import in Glossary:
See CSVデータのインポート and リポジトリのエクスポートとインポート for more information. Anchor | | InnerJoin | InnerJoin | Inner JoinThis is a type of link, or join between two tables based on a specified join condition. Only rows that match the condition in both tables will be returned. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anchor | Instance | Instance | InstanceThis is a single installation of Glossary running. Some systems may have multiple instances of Yellowfin running. In this case there is often a development instance, testing instance, and production instance. There may also be multiple instances for different production purposes, depending on requirements. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Anchor | Integration | Integration | IntegrationThis is the process of combining Yellowfin with an existing OEM system to create a system that feels seamless to the end user. |
| Interface | Interface | InterfaceThis is what the user interacts with. The Glossary interface is viewed through a web browser and contains all navigation and contenta type of link, or join between two tables based on a specified join condition. Only rows that match the condition in both tables will be returned.
Term | Description | ||||||
| A Join is an Glossary term that describes the logic around joining multiple tables together in order to return results from both tables. | ||||||
| This is what allows Glossary content to be embedded in external web pages. There is basic and advanced usage options. |
Term | Description | ||||||
| This is a type of chart that displays trends over a specified period of time in the form of straight values, accumulative total, and moving total. |
用語 | 説明 | ||||
Anchor | Instance | Instance | インスタンスGlossaryを実行している単一のインストールです。システムによっては、Yellowfinの複数のインスタンスを実行できます。この場合、通常は、開発インスタンス、テストインスタンス、および本番インスタンスがあります。また、要件に応じて異なる本番目的の複数のインスタンスを設けることもできます。 | This is a type of chart that displays trends over a specified period of time in the form of straight values, accumulative total, and moving total. |
用語 | 説明 | |||||||||||||
| Glossaryを実行している単一のインストールです。システムによっては、Yellowfinの複数のインスタンスを実行できます。この場合、通常は、開発インスタンス、テストインスタンス、および本番インスタンスがあります。また、要件に応じて異なる本番目的の複数のインスタンスを設けることもできます。 | |||||||||||||
| ユーザーが操作する部分です。Glossaryのインターフェースは、Webブラウザーを介して表示され、すべてのナビゲーションとコンテンツが含まれます。 | |||||||||||||
| Yellowfinと既存のOEMシステムを組み合わせ、エンドユーザーがシームレスに感じることができるシステムを作成するためのプロセスです。 | |||||||||||||
| 対象を外部ファイルからシステムに追加できる機能です。Glossaryには2つのタイプのインポートがあります。
詳細については、CSVデータのインポートおよびリポジトリのエクスポートとインポートを参照してください。 |