Table of Contents | ||
Minimal Rebranding
In this example, the installer is rebranded with a minimum of work. References to “Yellowfin” in the installer user-interface are replaced, and some images are replaced with rebranded versions.
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installer.appname=Real Reports |
Override text properties that refer to “Yellowfin”:「Yellowfin」を参照するテキストプロパティを上書きします:
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installer.footer.msg= -= www.realreports.com =- installer.licencefilepanel.msg=A valid licence file is required to install and use Real Reports. If you do not have a licence file, please see your software provider. installer.finishpanel.supportlink.url=http://www.example.com/support |
Override Windows service name and description:Windowsサービスの名前と説明を上書きします:
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installer.winservice.name=Real Reports installer.winservice.description=This service starts the Real Reports Server |
Tell the installer not to install any Yellowfin-branded sample content:Yellowfinブランドのサンプルコンテンツをインストールしないようにインストーラーを設定します:
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action.yellowfincontent=false |
Create a new html file to display at the start of the graphical installer, and add a property to use the new html:グラフィカルインストーラーの起動時に表示する新しいhtmlファイルを作成し、その新しいhtmlを使用するためのプロパティを追加します:
resource.infopanel.html=resources/installsplash.htmlCreate new images to use as the pack icons in the graphical installer (one for each pack). Add properties to use these new images:
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resource.pack.core.img=resources/corepack.png resource.pack.tutorial.img=resources/tutorialpack.png resource.pack.geopack.us.img=resources/usgeopack.png resource.pack.geopack.world.img=resources/worldgeopack.png |
Put all the properties above into a file called 上記のすべてのプロパティをcustom.properties
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# text properties installer.appname=Real Reports installer.footer.msg= -= www.realreports.com =- installer.licencefilepanel.msg=A valid licence file is required to install and use Real Reports. If you do not have a licence file, please see your software provider. installer.finishpanel.supportlink.url=http://www.example.com/support installer.winservice.name=Real Reports installer.winservice.description=This service starts the Real Reports Server # installer actions action.yellowfincontent=false # resources resource.infopanel.html=resources/installsplash.html resource.pack.core.img=resources/corepack.png resource.pack.tutorial.img=resources/tutorialpack.png resource.pack.geopack.us.img=resources/usgeopack.png resource.pack.geopack.world.img=resources/worldgeopack.png |
To create the customised installer:
Code Block none none jar xvf /path/to/yellowfin-yyyymmdd-full.jar
- Create a new directory called resources and copy the new html file and image files into it
- Copy the custom properties file created above into the root directory of the install folder structure.
The directory should now contain the existing files from the installer archive, as well as your new files, eg:resourcesという名前の新しいディレクトリを作成し、そこに新しいhtmlファイルおよびイメージファイルをコピーします。 前述のカスタムプロパティファイルをインストールフォルダー構造のルートディレクトリにコピーします。
ディレクトリには、次のようにインストーラーアーカイブからの既存ファイルと新しいファイルが含まれるはずです:Code Block none none META-INF/MANIFEST.MF custom.properties com/ default.properties resources/corepack.png resources/tutorialpack.png resources/usgeopack.png resources/worldgeopack.png resources/installsplash.html ...
Create the modified jar file変更されたjarファイルを作成します。
Code Block none none jar cvmf META-INF/MANIFEST.MF /path/to/yellowfin-modified.jar
Rebranded Application
In the Examples example, elements of the installer were rebranded, but the Yellowfin application itself was not. This example builds further on this by providing rebranding for some application UI elements.
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action.config.appname=Real Reports |
Change the names of some files created in the installation directory:インストールディレクトリに作成される一部のファイルの名前を変更します:
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installer.warfilename=realreports.war installer.applogfilename=realreports.log |
Change the support email address:サポート電子メールアドレスを変更します:
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action.config.supportemail=support@example.com |
Change the email address and name that broadcast emails are sent from:ブロードキャスト電子メールの送信元になる電子メールアドレスおよび名前を変更します:
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action.config.broadcastemail=noreply@example.com action.config.broadcastname=Real Reports |
Change the credentials of the default administrator logon account:デフォルトの管理者ログオンアカウントの資格情報を変更します:
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action.adminuser.username=admin@example.com action.adminuser.password=secret action.adminuser.email=admin@example.com |
Replace Yellowfin-branded images used in the Yellowfin application. Firstly, create a subdirectory under resources
called customimages
. Then create new images for each image you want to replace, and save them into the customimages
directory using the same filenames as the original images. In this example we create new versions of the files header_logo.gif, logo.png and logoFooter.png, saving them into the customimages
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action.customimagespath=resources/customimages |
Create a custom login page, and add it to the resources directory:カスタムログインページを作成し、resourcesディレクトリに追加します:
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action.customindexpage=resources/login.html |
The custom login page also uses a few image files which are not part of Yellowfin. These can be added to the customimages
directory we created above, and will automatically be added to the application.
Combining these properties with those in Example 1, the full custom properties file now contains:カスタムログインページでは、Yellowfinに含まれていないイメージファイルもいくつか使用します。これらのファイルは、先に作成したcustomimages
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# text properties installer.appname=Real Reports installer.footer.msg= -= www.realreports.com =- installer.licencefilepanel.msg=A valid licence file is required to install and use Real Reports. If you do not have a licence file, please see your software provider. installer.finishpanel.supportlink.url=http://www.example.com/support installer.winservice.name=Real Reports installer.winservice.description=This service starts the Real Reports Server # installer actions action.yellowfincontent=false installer.warfilename=realreports.war installer.applogfilename=realreports.log # post-installation application behaviour action.config.appname=Real Reports action.config.supportemail=support@example.com action.config.broadcastemail=noreply@example.com action.config.broadcastname=Real Reports action.adminuser.username=admin@example.com action.adminuser.password=secret action.adminuser.email=admin@example.com action.customindexpage=resources/login.html action.customimagespath=resources/customimages # resources resource.infopanel.html=resources/installsplash.html resource.pack.core.img=resources/corepack.png resource.pack.tutorial.img=resources/tutorialpack.png resource.pack.geopack.us.img=resources/usgeopack.png resource.pack.geopack.world.img=resources/worldgeopack.png |
The jar file will now contain:jarファイルは次のようになります:
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META-INF/MANIFEST.MF custom.properties com/ default.properties resources/corepack.png resources/tutorialpack.png resources/usgeopack.png resources/worldgeopack.png resources/installsplash.html resources/login.html resources/customimages/header_logo.gif resources/customimages/logo.png resources/customimages/logoFooter.png resources/customimages/loginimage1.png resources/customimages/loginimage2.png resources/customimages/loginimage3.png |
Minimal User Interaction
This example shows how to create an installer where most user interaction is bypassed. The user only has to select the target installation directory. All other options are pre-selected and hidden from the user.
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# Set default values for installation options option.pack.tutorial=true option.pack.geopack.us=false option.pack.geopack.world=false option.serverport=8181 option.winservice=false option.db.dbtype=POSTGRESQL option.db.hostname=localhost option.db.dbname=yellowfin option.db.createdb=true option.db.username=yfuser option.db.userpassword=yfpassword option.db.createuser=true option.db.dbausername=postgres option.db.dbapassword=secret # Tell the installer to hide various options from the user action.hidedboptions=true action.hidepacks=true action.hideserverport=true action.hidewinservice=true # Embed a licence file in the installer resource.licencefile=resources/licence.lic |
In this example, the installer will create a new Yellowfin configuration database in a PostgreSQL server running on localhost (on the default port) called “yellowfin”. The installer will connect using the username “postgres” and the password “secret” to create the database, and will create a user “yfuser” with password “yfpassword”.
The installer archive must also contain a valid licence file for the installation at resources/licence.lic.この例で、インストーラーは「yellowfin」という名前のlocalhost(のデフォルトポート)上で稼働しているPostgreSQLサーバーに新しいYellowfin設定データベースを作成します。インストーラーはユーザー名「postgres」とパスワード「secret」を使用して接続し、データベースを作成します。さらに、ユーザー「yfuser」をパスワード「yfpassword」で作成します。