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Yellowfin allows you to define drill down hierarchies for dimensions. Hierarchies enable users to explore their data in a way that is appropriate for your business. Yellowfin re-calculates report data as you move down a hierarchy. Using hierarchies you can provide OLAP functionality from a relational data source.

The common areas for which hierarchies are created include:

  • Geography (Region, Country, State)
  • Date (Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Date).
  • Organisation Structure (Division, Line of Business, Cost Centre)
  • Customer (Country of Origin, Region, City, Customer).
  • Product (Category, Line, Product Code)





  • 地理情報(地域、国、州)
  • 日付(年、四半期、月、週、日)
  • 組織構造(部門、ビジネスライン、コストセンター)
  • 顧客情報(国籍、地方、市区町村、顧客名)
  • 製品情報(カテゴリー、ライン、製品コード)


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If you wish to add a hierarchy:

  1. Select the top level of your dimension hierarchy (country in the example below).
  2. Click the hierarchy tab and select Yes for drill down
  3. You will then select the column you wish to drill to.
  4. As you progress down the hierarchy Yellowfin will display the drill path as information for you.
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See ビュー計算フィールド for more information on building date hierarchies using calculated fields.



  1. まずディメンション(次元)の最高レベルのカラムを選択します。
  2. 「階層」タブを開き、「ドリルダウン」に「Yes」を選択します。
  3. 次にドリルダウン先のカラムを選択してください。
  4. 階層構造が構築されると下の図のようにその経路が表示されます。
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