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This tab allows the user to connect with other users in the system. Connecting to a user means that you will see their activity in your timeline and be able to post on theirs.




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Creating a Connection

Initially you will not be connected to any other users.
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From here, there are a few ways you can connect to a user:

  1. Search for a user on the Connections page
  2. Connect to a user from the Suggested list on the Connections page


In order to locate a specific user in the system you can search for them using the text box at the top of the connections page.

  1. Type all or part of the user's name into the search box and hit the Enter/Return key, or click on the Go button
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  2. Review the Search Results on the right of the screen
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  3. Mouse over the user you wish to add and click on the Connect to this user icon on the top right corner
  4. Your connection will now be displayed in the list

Note: if a user has set their timeline to be private, you will need their approval to connect to them. In this case, they will appear in your connections list with a Pending label until they approve the request.


While viewing the connections page you are presented with a list of suggested users to connect to. This appears until you search, when it is replaced with search results. To add a user simply:

  1. Mouse over the user you wish to add and click on the Connect to this user icon on the top right corner
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  2. Your connection will now be displayed in the list

Note: if a user has set their timeline to be private, you will need their approval to connect to them. In this case, they will appear in your connections list with a Pending label until they approve the request.


If a user has set their timeline to be private, you will need their approval to connect to them. In this case, they will appear in your connections list with a Pending label until they approve the request.
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Approving a Request

When your timeline has been set to Private you must approve any connection requests before a user can see your timeline.

  1. You will be notified of a request through your Timeline
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  2. From the request, click on the drop down arrow on the right of the notification and select Approve
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  3. Once you have approved the request you will have a connection event shown on your timeline
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Rejecting a Request

When your timeline has been set to Private you must approve any connection requests before a user can see your timeline. To reject a request:

  1. View the Request on your Timeline
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  2. Click on the drop down arrow on the right of the notification and select Reject
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  3. Once rejected you will have a connection event shown on your timeline
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    The user will also have a notification on their timeline to inform them their request was rejected
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Removing a Connection

In order to remove a connection from your timeline view you will need to:



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  1. 「コネクション」ページでユーザーを検索する
  2. 「コネクション」ページの「おすすめ」一覧からつながるユーザーを選択する



  1. ユーザーの名前のすべてまたは一部を検索ボックスに入力して、Enter/Returnキーを押すか「→」ボタンをクリックします。
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  2. 画面右側の「検索結果」を確認します。
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  3. 追加するユーザーの上にマウスカーソルを重ね、右上隅の「ユーザーとつながる」アイコンをクリックします。
  4. これで、コネクションが一覧に表示されます。




  1. 追加するユーザーの上にマウスカーソルを重ね、右上隅の「ユーザーとつながる」アイコンをクリックします。
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  2. これで、コネクションが一覧に表示されます。



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  1. リクエストはタイムラインを通じて通知されます。
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  2. リクエストから、通知右側のドロップダウン矢印をクリックし、「承認」を選択します。
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  3. リクエストを承認すると、自分のタイムラインにイベントが表示されます。
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  1. タイムラインでリクエストを表示します。
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  2. 通知右側のドロップダウン矢印をクリックし、「却下」を選択します。
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  3. 却下すると、自分のタイムラインにイベントが表示されます。
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  1. 「コネクション」タブを開き、削除するユーザーを探します。
  2. ユーザーの上にマウスカーソルを重ね、右上隅の「つながりを削除する」アイコンをクリックします。
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  3. OK」をクリックして、このユーザーとのつながりを削除することを確認します。