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h2. Overview概要

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that record a static level (inventory levels, financial account balances, and measures of intensity such as room temperatures) are inherently non-additive across the date dimension and possibly other dimensions. In these cases, the measure may be aggregated usefully across time, for example, by averaging over the number of time periods.

The Constraint option is used for *semi-additive* values so that business users will be prompted if they try to create a report with incompatible values.  Use constraints to define how the aggregation is to be applied if the field is semi-additive. 

An example of where this function is useful is shown below:
||Month||Name||Head Count||
| | |*5*|*Sum*|

Given the above data, to sum the Head Count alone would result in 5 if Month were not included in the report.  This would be misleading for a user (since 5 people were never employed at one time). If you put a constraint rule on Month that it is a mandatory field when Head Count is being summed, then this would result in the following data: 
||Month||Head Count||
| |*5*|*Sum*|

As you can see from these results the report is more meaningful and correct.  By applying a constraint to the aggregation of headcount the correct usage of the attribute is ensured by the end user in their reports. To access the rules applied to fields the semi-additive option must be selected from the format tab; once it has been selected the "*Constraint*" tab will appear, this is where the user defines the rules.


|| *月*\\ || *名前*\\ || *雇用数*\\ ||
| 6月\\ | Fred | 1 |
| 6月\\ | Jane | 1 |
| 6月\\ | Mary | 1 |
| 7月\\ | Fred | 1 |
| 7月\\ | Jane | 1 |
| | | *5* | *合計*\\ |


|| *月*\\ || *雇用数*\\ ||
| {color:#333333}6月{color}\\ | 3 |
| 7月\\ | 2 |
| | *5* | {color:#333333}{*}合計{*}{color}\\ |



# Aggregation not permitted allows the user to indicate which action is not permitted for the metric. If sum or average is selected, the corresponding column will not be available to constrain against.
# When constrain against fields/categories box is selected a new section is displayed. A column for the sum constraint and the average constraint is displayed next to the fields allowed in the report. The user selects the constraint the want against the field.
# 「フィールド/カテゴリーに対しての制約」のチェックボックスをオンにすると、新しいセクションが表示されます。「集計の制約」および「平均の制約」用のカラムは、レポートの特定のフィールドの隣に表示されます。フィールドに対する制約を選択します。
are checkedフィールドに適用できるルールの種類は、「含めない」、「必須」、および「選択肢の1つ」です。デフォルトは「制約なし」となり、このとき、結果的にフィールドに制約がかけられていない場合と同じになります。
creating a report and the metric is being aggregated with sum or average.
The rules that can be applied to a field are: exclude, mandatory, and one of list. The default rule is no constraint; this will result in no constraint being applied to the field.
|*Exclude*|Being selected as the rule will result in the field not being allowed to be used in the report when the chosen aggregation is applied.|
|*Mandatory*|Being chosen as the rule will indicate the field must be used in the report when the relevant aggregation is applied.|
|*One of list*|Constraint will result in at least one of these fields being present in the report when being aggregated by the relevant field.|
\\| *含めない*\\ | 選ばれた集計が適用されるとき、このフィールドはレポートから除外されます。\\ |
| *必須*\\ | 関連する集計が適用されるとき、このフィールドは必ずレポートに含まれます。\\ |
| *選択肢の1つ* | 関連する集計が適用されるとき、これらのフィールドのうちの少なくとも1つがレポートに含まれます。\\ |
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