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Wiki Markup
h2. Overview
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The Output step of the Report Builder has two different functions, based on the status of the report:

# *Draft:* when a report is in draft mode, the Output step provides formatting functionality to allow the report writer to change the display of the table, and define the multi-chart canvas if required.
# *Active:* when a report is active, the Output step of the builder provides report action functionality, along with the option for appropriate users, based on role permissions, to place the report back into draft mode and edit various components. Report actions include exporting, sharing, and broadcasting the report.

h2. Draft Output Step
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||Icon||Menu Item||Description||
| |*Report*||
| |*Data*||
| |*Charts*||
| |*Related Reports*||
| |*Output*||
|!hide_table.png!|*Hide Table*||
|!show_table.png!|*Show Table*||
|!report_table_style_grey.png!|*Report Formatting*||
|!report_column_settings_grey.png!|*Column Formatting*||
|!report_column_conditional_grey.png!|*Conditional Formatting*||
|!report_section_grey.png!|*Section Formatting*||
|!report_related_grey.png!|*Related Reports Formatting*||
|!report_filter_grey.png!|*Filter Formatting*||
|!close_large_grey.png!|*Close Builder*||
|!sidenav_open.png!|*Report List Panel*||
|!chart_builder_grey.png!|*Multi-Chart Canvas*|This panel is available when multiple charts have been created on the Charts step of the builder. It allows you to configure your Mutli-Chart Canvas.
bq. See [Multi-Chart Canvas] for more information.|

h2. Active Output Step
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||Icon||Menu Item||Description||
| |*Report*||
| |*Data*||
|!close_large_grey.png!|*Close Builder*||
|!sidenav_open.png!|*Report List Panel*||
|!collaborationRootComment.png!|*Comments Panel*||

This allows you to;
* Create a *New* report, 
* *Copy* the current report, 
* *Delete* the current report, or
* Edit the *Name & Description*|
This allows you to place the report into draft mode and access each step of the report builder, as well as the chart builder.|
||Export|Using Yellowfin you can export your reports in a number of formats.  These include printing your report, exporting it into a PDF format or exporting the data into Excel / CSV (Comma Separated Values). 
bq. See [Exporting Your Report|Exporting Your Report] for more information.|
||Share|Yellowfin allows you to share reports with others on an ad hoc basis, through the use of internal Yellowfin Inbox Distribution, Ad Hoc Email Distribution, and Embedding into HTML, wiki, or blog pages.
bq. See [Sharing] for more information.|
||Broadcast|A report can be setup to have more than one broadcast and subscription process.  This allows you to have varying schedules for the same report - for example: you may wish to send a sales report out on a weekly as well as a monthly basis.
bq. See [Broadcasting|Broadcasting] for more information.|
||Bookmarks|Users can store the current drill paths and filter values applied to a report as a Bookmark, or can save the current result set (with drill and filters applied) as a Snapshot.
bq. See [Bookmarks & Snapshots] for more information.|
||Refresh|Some reports do not run automatically and require you to refresh the data contained in them.  If your report is not refreshed automatically the data you see when you open the report may be relatively old.
bq. See [Refreshing Report Data|Refreshing Report Data] for more information.|
||Report Details|The Report Details button, found on an active report's menu bar, allows you to view a useful collection of information on the report.
bq. See [Report Details|Report Details] for more information.|
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