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{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. Overview {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Having created our view we are now ready to create reports using the Report Writer. When creating a new report you will have begin with an initialisation step. The step is required for you to select the source system and the view you wish to access, as well as the type of builder you wish to use. h2. Create New Report {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link on the main Yellowfin navigation - this will open the Initialise Report page. {column} {column:width=70%} !01create.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* On the Initialise Report page select to use the *Drag and Drop Builder*. *3.* Click on the *Ski Team* as View. {column} {column:width=70%} !02initialise.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *4.* This will open the Report Data page. From this page you will be able to define all your report components. {column} {column:width=70%} !40.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} bq. See [レポートビルダー] for more information. h2. Column Report with an Advanced Function {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} This example report is a column report including an advanced function applied to a field and an alert to highlight exception data. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Open the *Payment* and *Time* categories using the expand icon to see the fields. *2.* From the *Time* folder drag the *Year* field into the *Columns* panel. *3.* From the *Payment* category drag the *Invoice Estimate* into the Columns panel below Year. You will notice that this field now has a sum symbol on it. This means that the field will be aggregated, as a default aggregation of Sum was defined at the View level. {column} {column:width=70%} !41.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *4.* Click the !step_right_on.png! Next button to run the report and view your data. {column} {column:width=70%} !42.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *5.* Click the drop down menu link on the *Sum Invoice Estimate* column. *6.* This will open the drop down menu. Select *Sum Total*. {column} {column:width=70%} !43.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* The report will now refresh and a total will be displayed for the *Sum Invoiced Estimate* column. {column} {column:width=70%} !44.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} To add new columns and add drill down support you will need to edit the report data. *8.* Click the *Edit* button on the main report menu and select the *Data* option. {column} {column:width=70%} !45.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *9.* The Report Data page should now open. On the Report Options menu in the Analysis Section click the *Drill Down* radio button. This will enable drill down for the time hierarchy. {column} {column:width=70%} !46.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* From the *Payment* folder drag in another instance of the *Invoice Estimate* field *11.* Click the !advfn.png! advanced function button while the field is selected to apply an Advanced Function {column} {column:width=70%} !47.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *12.* In the advanced format popup select *Percentage of Total* from the list. *13.* Click *Save* to save the change and return to your data page. !save.png! *14.* The icon for this field will now be green instead of blue which indicates that the advanced function has been applied. {column} {column:width=70%} !48.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *15.* Click the !step_right_on.png! Next button to run the report and view your data. *16.* You will notice that the format of the advanced function still uses a *$* prefix and not a *%* suffix. {column} {column:width=70%} !49.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* Click the *Column* menu drop down and select *Format Column* {column} {column:width=70%} !50.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *18.* You will now see that the main menu has changed from Report to Column and the Display menu has opened. *19.* Remove the *$* Prefix and add a *%* into the Suffix box. Click the *Save* button. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !51.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *20.* You will now see the new formatting applied to the column {column} {column:width=70%} !52.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *21.* Click the {color:#357CB6}2006{color} Link to test the drill down from Year to Quarter. You will see the Year column is replaced with a Quarter data for that year. {column} {column:width=70%} !53.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *22.* To highlight data using *Conditional Formatting* click the drop down menu icon on the % of Total column. *23.* Select *Conditional Formatting* from the drop down menu {column} {column:width=70%} !54.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *24.* Click the {color:#357CB6}Add Rule{color} Link on the edit panel. {column} {column:width=70%} !55.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *25.* Select Display style as *Cell* and Type as *Value*. *26.* Choose the Style as *red* from the colour picker, for the rule choose *Less than* and for the value enter *15* *27.* Click *Save* to Close the form and update your report. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !56.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *28.* Your report should be refreshed and the % of Total should have cells highlighted in {color:#CC0000}RED{color} where the value is less than 15. {column} {column:width=70%} !57.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *29.* To save your report, click the *Report* icon from the menu bar and *Save* from the drop down menu. Give the report a name *% of total*, a description *This report was created using the Introductory Tutorial*, and save it into the *Tutorial* and *Formatting* Categories. *30.* Click *Activate* to publish the report. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !58.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} bq. See [高度な関数] for more information. h2. Cross Tab Chart Report {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} A cross tab report is a good way to present 3 dimensional data. In this example we create a cross tab and render it as a chart rather than a table. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Create a new report as described earlier. {column} {column:width=70%} !02initialise.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* Select *Table and Chart* under *Output Options* in the *Report Options* section. Select *Cross Tab* under *Data Output* and you will notice that the layout of the report data changes - row and metric fields are introduced. Select *Drill Down* under the *Analysis* section. {column} {column:width=70%} !59.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *3.* Open the *Payment*, *Athlete* and *Time* categories using the expand icon to see the associated fields *4.* Add the *Demographics* field as a Column, the *Year* field as a Row, and the *Invoice Estimate* field as a Metric. *5.* Click the !step_right_on.png! Next Button to progress to the output page and the chart builder. {column} {column:width=70%} !60.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the output page you will see the chart placeholder image. Click on this to open the Chart Builder. {column} {column:width=70%} !61.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* You will now see chart format options. Open the Chart menu. *8.* Select the *Stacked Vertical Bar* type. *9.* Click the *Save* button to start setting up the chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !62.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* Based on your chart selection and the data available you will see the Chart Data options. *11.* For the Label select *Year*, Series *Sum Invoiced Estimate*, and Colour *Demographic* *12.* Click *Refresh* to see your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !63.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *13.* To add some formatting to the chart, add some coloured bands. Click the *Gridlines* drop down panel. *14.* Select a light grey for the Band Colour from the colour picker. *15.* Select 30% opacity for the band. *16* Click *Save* to see the changes reflected on your chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !64.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* You will now see grid bands applied to your chart. *18.* Click *Close* on the chart menu to return to the main report page. !menu_close.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !65.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *19.* Save your report as before, seting the name to *Drill Down Chart*, description to *This report was created using the Introductory Tutorial*, and the Sub Category to *Charts*. *20.* Click *Activate* to publish the report. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !66.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} bq. See [テーブルレイアウトオプション] for more information. h2. Filtered Section Report & Export to PDF {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Using the filters and sections you can determine the data that is displayed in a report and how your data is to be grouped. In this example you will create a report which is sectioned by Gender. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Create a new report as described earlier. {column} {column:width=70%} !02initialise.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* Add the *Year* and *Invoiced Estimate* fields as Columns. *3.* Add *Demographic* to the Filters panel. *4.* Add *Gender* to Sections. *5.* In the properties give the report a name of *Section Report* and description of *A section report with user prompt filter created using the Introductory Tutorial*. *6.* Click the !step_right_on.png! Next button to navigate to the filters step of the builder. {column} {column:width=70%} !70.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* From the operator drop down list for the Demographic filter select *In List* *8.* Click the next button to go to the Report Preview page. {column} {column:width=70%} !71.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *9.* You will see a list to enter values. Click the !rpt_filterprompt.gif! prompt icon to search for possible values. {column} {column:width=70%} !72.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* A pop box will open and display all the possible values for the selected fields. Select *Adventure* and *Sport*. *11.* Click *Submit* to close the popup. !submit.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !73.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *12.* Click the *Go* button under the filter box to run the report. Your restricted results will be returned. !applyfilter.gif! {column} {column:width=70%} !74.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *13.* Add totals to the sections. Firstly using the column drop down menu add a *Sum Total* to *Sum Invoice Estimate*. {column} {column:width=70%} !75.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *14.* Next click the {color:#357CB6}Section{color} link on the main menu. This will open the section format options. *15.* Select the *Summary* menu and select Yes for Grand Totals. Click *Save* to close and save your changes. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !76.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *16.* Your report will now have grand totals for the sections as shown here. {column} {column:width=70%} !77.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* We will export this report to PDF, but first we want to ensure that our Filter values are displayed on external output. *18.* Click on the {color:#357CB6}Filters{color} tab at the top of the page, open the *Format* menu and set the *Display Filter Values* option to *Bottom*. *Save* !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !78.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *19.* Now select the Export link drop down and choose the {color:#357CB6}Export to PDF{color} option. {column} {column:width=70%} !79.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *20.* Select the appropriate export options for PDF and click *OK* to export. !ok.png! *21.* Follow the instructions of your browser to save your PDF locally. {column} {column:width=70%} !80.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *22.* Once saved to your hard drive open the PDF to view the results of your report. *23.* Save and activate your report for later use. {column} {column:width=70%} !81.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} bq. See [フィルター], [セクション], and [Exporting Your Reportレポートのエクスポート] for more information. \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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