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{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. Overview {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} The Yellowfin User Timeline consists of several tabs designed to allow users to track events that occur in the system, and collaborate with other users. ||Tab||Description|| |!tab_timeline_off.png! [Timeline|Timeline Events]|Events in the system are monitored, based on the user and their connections.| |!tab_fave_off.png! [Favourites]|View all the content a user has specified as a favourite. This can include reports, storyboards, and tabs.| |!tab_subscription_off.png! [Subscriptions]|View all the content a user is subscribed to; reports, report comments, and storyboard comments.| |!tab_connections_off.png! [Connections]|View the people a user is connected to, and search for additional connections to add.| |!tab_discuss_off.png! [Discussion]|View all the discussion groups a user is subscribed to, and open them.| |!tab_settings_off.png! [Settings]|Define options that adjust a users profile, and they way they view and interact with the system.| h2. User Profile {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} The User Profile panel is displayed on the left of all the Timeline tabs. {section} {column:width=1%} !profileParts.png! {column} {column:width=99%} *1. Profile Image* - The user can upload an image of themselves to display here, to make identification easier. *2. Full Name* - This is the full name of the user, as defined in their settings. *3. Job Title* - The user can specify their job title in their settings. *4. User Description* - This area can be populated with a small blurb about the user. Defined in their settings, this is an optional field. *5. Number of User Connections* - This displays the number of users someone is connected to and following in their timeline. This is not the number of users following this individual. *6. Number of Discussion Topics* - This displays the number of discussions the user is involved in or following. *7. Number of Favourite Content* - This the number of items specified as a favourite. *8. Filter Timeline* - Allows the user to search the events displayed on a timeline. {column} {section} h2. Posting to a Timeline {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} The Timeline feed allows you to post comments or updates on a user's timeline, much like the way you would post in a discussion group. You will always be able to post to your own feed, and you will be able to post to a user's feed you have connected to. To post to a user's feed that you aren't connected to their timeline will need to be defined as *Public* in their [user settings|settings]. h3. Creating a Post The first item on a timeline is an empty comment box, which allows you to start a comment thread. To post: # Navigate to the timeline you wish to post on by either: ## Clicking on your name to access your own timeline ## Locating another user through your timeline or connections and clicking on their name # Type your comment in the comment box at the start of the timeline !posting.png|thumbnail,border=1! # Attach a piece of content if desired, from the following types: ## {expand:title=*Report*: select a report from the list that is relevant to your post or the thread. {expand:title=Click to see steps.} * Click on the *Attach a Report* button !addReportButton.png! * Locate the report and drag it on to the post !addReportDrag.png! * You will now see the report sitting in your post !addReport.png! {expand} ## *Dashboard Tab*: select a dashboard tab from the list of available tabs to show readers of the thread. ## *Storyboard*: select a storyboard from the list that supports the discussion. ## *URL*: type or paste a URL that points to an external reference that is relevant to the discussion. # Define the post type from: ## *Update*: this is a general post, designed to update other users on your current work or progress. ## *Opportunity*: this is a post designed to discuss positive ideas or opportunities with other users. The post will have a blue flag to help identify it. ## *Issue*: this is designed to discuss issues with other users. The post will have a red flag to help identify it. # Apply security if the post needs to be private h3. Viewing a Post's Thread h3. Replying to a Post \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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