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{anchor:top} h2. Overview概要 {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} Once yourレポートの作成が完了したら、新しいダッシュボードタブを作成してレポートを追加できます。 reports have been built you will be able to create a new dashboard tab and add them to it. A dashboard is a way to present reports to users in a way that lets them quickly scan all their key metrics with out having to open each report individually. As such when designing a dashboard deciding what gets displayed is critical to providing users with dashboards that help them in their jobs. h2. Creating a Dashboard Tab ダッシュボードは、レポートをユーザーに表示する方法の1つです。ダッシュボードを使用すると、ユーザーは各レポートを個別に開くことなく、すべてのメトリック(数値)を迅速に把握できます。したがって、ダッシュボードを設計する際には、何を表示するかを判断することが、業務に役立つダッシュボードをユーザーに提供する上で非常に重要です。 h2. ダッシュボードタブの作成 {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* To create a new dashboard tab click the 新しいダッシュボードタブを作成するには、「{color:#357CB6#357cb6}Add Tabタブの追加{color} Link.」をクリックします。 *2.* This will open a drop down menu of tab types - from which you should choose a *Standard Tab*. {column} {column:width=70%} !81.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *3.* You will now see a blank tab. Search for the *Drill Down Chart* in the Report Search on the left. {column} {column:width=70%} !82.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *4.* Drag the report to the top portlet area on your tab, as demonstrated here. {column} {column:width=70%} !83.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *5.* Your chart will now appear on the dashboard tab. *6.* Resize the report by dragging the bottom edge of it downward until the data is easier to read. {column} {column:width=70%} !84.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* Your tab should now look like the one pictured. {column} {column:width=70%} !85.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *8.* Click the Save link to save this tab. Type in *Tutorial* as the name of the tab. *9.* Click *Activate* to save and activate the tab. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !86.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* The Tutorial tab is now published and ready for day to day use. You will notice that the drill down functionality is able to be used on the dashboard, as it is on the report preview page. {column} {column:width=70%} !87.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} bq. See [Dashboard] for more information. \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
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