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h2. Startup 起動/終了手続き
Shutdown Procedure
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Yellowfin has two main functional components involved in the startup and shutdown procedures:
# Database
# Application Server
The sequence for *startup* is to startup the database and then startup the application server. The sequence for *shutdown* is to shutdown the application server and then shutdown the database.

h3. Database
The Database *must be started up* and brought up successfully *before* the Application Server is started. If the database is not ready to accept database connections and calls before the application server is started, the Yellowfin Application server will fail to start up.

In the case of an unsuccessful start up of the database *DO NOT* attempt to start up the application server. Instead, determine the cause of the database start up failure and resolve the problem before attempting to start up the application server.

If the application server starts up and fails as the result of an unsuccessful database start up, wait until the startup sequence completes. Once it has completed, shutdown the application server.

h3. Tomcat Application Server
After the database has been successfully started up, startup the application server.

h4. Windows Users

|*If Yellowfin has been installed as a service:*|The Yellowfin application server will be controlled by the Service Manager (ie. _Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services_ under Windows 2000). |
|*If Yellowfin has NOT been installed as a service:*|The Yellowfin application server can be started and stopped by selecting the _Start Yellowfin Server_ and _Stop Yellowfin Server_ icons respectively in the _Yellowfin_ Program Group.|

Yellowfin can also be started and stopped using the {{startup.bat}}  and {{shutdown.bat}}  files located in the Yellowfinには、起動および終了手続きに関与する次の2つの主な機能コンポーネントが存在します。
# データベース
# アプリケーションサーバー

h3. データベース




h3. Tomcatアプリケーションサーバー


h4. Windowsユーザー

| *Yellowfinがサービスとしてインストールされている場合:* | Yellowfinアプリケーションサーバーはサービスマネージャーにより制御されます。(Windows2000の場合は_「スタート」__>__「プログラム」__>__「管理ツール」__>__「サービス」_)。 |
| *Yellowfinがサービスとしてはインストールされていない場合:* | Yellowfinアプリケーションは、「_Yellowfin_」プログラムグループ内の「_起動{_}{_}Yellowfin{_}{_}サーバー_」および「_停止{_}{_}Yellowfin{_}{_}サーバー_」アイコンを選択することでそれぞれ起動と終了を行えます。 |

Yellowfinは、{{$INSTALL_DIRECTORY\appserver\bin{}}}ディレクトリにある{{{}startup.bat{}}}} directory.

Once the Yellowfin server has been successfully started, check that the application is functioning correctly by selecting the _Yellowfin Home Pag_e in the _Yellowfin_ Program Group. および{{{}shutdown.bat{}}}の各ファイルを使用しても起動と終了を行えます。


h4. Mac / LinuxLinuxユーザー

Yellowfin can be started and stopped using the {{}} and {{}} files located in the {{$INSTALL_DIRECTORY\appserver\bin}} directory.

h2. Initial初回ログイン
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When first logging in to Yellowfin it is suggested that you use the user.  This user will permit you to undertake administration activities such as creating new source connections and views.

h3. Default User
When Yellowfin is installed the default user provided has the default administrator role.  

||User ID||Description||

h3. デフォルトユーザー


|| *ユーザーID* || *説明* ||
| |This user has full Administrative privileges. Any user with these authorities has the maximum capabilities with the system. It is recommended that very few users have access to this userid.このユーザーには完全な管理権限が与えられています。これらの権限を持つすべてのユーザーは、システムに対して最大限の機能を有します。限られた非常に少人数のユーザーのみがこのユーザーIDを使用できるようにすることをお勧めします。 |

{color: #C00000#c00000}{*Note:}注意:*{color} The initial password is 初期パスワードは、{{test{}}}.です。

h3. Updateパスワードの更新
It is highly recommended that these default password of default users be changed as soon as the installation has completed successfully for security reasons.
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