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Wiki Markup
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h2. Overview
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The Thumbnail layout options allow users to view a gallery style list, rather than the text-based style. 

h2. Search
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This contains the Basic and Advanced Search functions, as well as summary information about a piece of content selected in the Main Content panel.

h3. Basic Search
The Basic options allow for a Keyword and Content Type search, defined below.


|1|*My |KeywordContent*|Restrict results to the [My Content] lists: All, Drafts, Favourites, Recent|
|2|*Search Terms*|This allows you to search for a string found either in the Name or Description of a Report, Dashboard, or Storyboard|
|3|*Content Type*|This allows you to restrict results to a specified type of content: All, Dashboards, Reports, or Storyboards|
|4|*Advanced*|Opens the Advanced Search panel (see below)|
|5|*Clear*|Clears the current search selections|
|6|*Sort By*|This allows you to sort the results returned by your search: Name, Recent (modified), Favourites (# of), Comments (# of), Views (# of)|
|7|*Layout*|This allows you to switch between the Thumbnail view, and the Folder/List text-based views.|

h3. Advanced Search
The Advanced options include the standard Basic options, as well as those listed below.


|1|*Content*|This allows you to restrict results to a specified type of content: All, Dashboards, Reports, or Storyboards|
|2|*Hidden*|This allows you to restrict the results to only display hidden reports|
|3|*Status*|This allows you to restrict the results to a specified status: All, Draft, or Active|
|4|Access*Shared*|This allows you to restrict the results to a specified access type: All, Public, or Private|
|5|Hidden*Tags*|This allows you to restrict the results to only display hidden reports|
|Source a piece of content with a specified tag applied directly to it.|
|6|*Source*|This allows you to search for a Report based on a specific Source. This will also return Dashboards and Storyboards that contain such a report.|
|7|*View*|This allows you to search for a Report based on a specific View. This will also return Dashboards and Storyboards that contain such a report.|
|Tags|This allows you to restrict results to a piece of content with a specified tag applied directly to it.|

h2. Content Display
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h3. Standard View

- Edit (Edit Metadata, Edit, Copy)
- Delete
- Show Info (opens the Exapaned View - see below)
- Name (Blue if Active, Grey if Draft)
- Content Type Icon
- Category & Sub Category
- # Comments
- # Favourites
- Line at bottom of display blue if active, grey if draft

h3. Expanded View (Show Info)

- Description
- Link to More Info (opens info popup)
- Recent User Icons
- Usage Chart

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