Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Wiki Markup
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h2. Overview
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||Type||Icon||When to Use||
|*Line*|!chart_line.png!|You want to view trends over time by plotting data at points connected by lines. Use a line chart to plot many metrics.|
|*3D Line*|!chart_line3d.png!|Similar to the line chart, but in three-dimensional form.|
|*Z Chart*|!chart_z.png!|Trends over a short period of time; displaying the data, accumulative total, and moving total. |
|*Stepped Line*|!chart_step.png!|A line chart where movement is shown in steps rather than straight lines.|

h2. Chart Data Options
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|Label|This is the category label for the X axis|
|Series|Typically a numeric value such as $.  An item that you want to measure on your Chart|
|Colour|This option is only available if you have a cross tab data set available and is used to determine the colour applied for cross tab series data.|

h2. Line Chart Tutorial
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h3. Summary
In order to set up a Line Chart you will need:
# Create a report with chart display
## Select a field to use as the *Label*
## Select a field to use as the *Metric*
## Select a field to use as the *Colour* (if you have decided to create a cross tab report)
# Create your chart, selecting *Line* as the type
# Provide the *Label*, *Metric*, and *Colour* options and *Refresh*
# Customise the Chart as required
# *Close* the Chart Builder
# *Save* your report

h3. Tutorial
The following Line Chart tutorial can be used for any of the above listed Line Charts, with the exception of the Z Chart which is discussed later.

{column: width=30%}
*1.* Click on the *Create* link and select *Report* to begin building your report.
{column: width=70%}

{column: width=30%}
*2.* You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the *Drag and Drop Builder* as the build tool.
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*3.* Select *Ski Team* as the View.

*4.* Now click the !step_right_on.png! button to proceed.
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*5.* You should now be on the *Step 1. Report Data* page. To start with, set the Output Options to *Chart Only* by selecting it in the *Report Options* section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart.
*6.* Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the !expand.gif! next to the *Time* category to expand it. 

*7.* Drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Year* field into the *Columns* area. 

*8.* Now expand the *Athlete Payment* category and drag and drop the !rpt_metric.png! *Invoice Estimate* dimension into the *Columns* area below *Year*. You will notice that the icon has changed to !rpt_metric_sum.png!, this is because the default aggregation for this field has been set to *SUM* in the view. 

*9.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. 

*10.* You should now be on the Report Preview page. Click on the image of a Pie Chart (pictured here) to go to the Chart Builder page to setup your chart.

*11.* Click on the *Chart* Menu, select *Line* as the Chart Type and click on the picture of the *Line* Chart to select it. 

*12.* Click *Save*, this will load the options for a Line Chart. 

*13.* In the *Chart Data* section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart.

*14.* Set the Label to *Year*. 

*15.* Set the Series to *Sum Invoice Estimate*. 

*16.* Click *Refresh* to generate your chart.

*17.* You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured. 

*18.* You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. Click on the !menu_close.png! *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page.

*19.* It is now time to save your report. Click on the *Report* Menu and select *Save*.

*20.* Type *Line Chart Tutorial* as the Name, and *This Line Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description.

*21.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category.

*22.* Click *Activate*.

h2. Z Chart Tutorial
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h3. Summary
In order to set up a Z Chart you will need:
# Create a report with chart display
## Select a date field to use as the *Label*
## Select a field to use as the *Metric*
# Create your chart, selecting *Z Chart* as the type
# Provide the *Label* and *Metric* options and *Refresh*
# Customise the Chart as required
# *Close* the Chart Builder
# *Save* your report

h3. Tutorial
The Z Chart is a specially designed line chart used for period comparisons.

*1.* Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link.

*2.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Month* dimension, and !rpt_metric.png! *Profit Margin* metric into the *Column Fields* area.

*3.* Change the aggregation on *Profit Margin* to average by selecting the field and clicking on the   
!avg.png! icon.

*4.* Make sure that you select the *Chart Only* option as you have for the other charts.

*5.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step.

*6.* On the Report Preview page click {color:#357CB6}Columns{color} link.

*7.* Select *Month* as the Column.

*8.* Click on the *Display* Menu.

*9.* Set the *Format* to *Date*.

*10.* Select *Other* as the *Date Format*

*11.* Type *MMMM, yy* in the *Format* box.

*12.* These options will mean that instead of just displaying the Month names, Yellowfin will display the month name and then the year, eg: March, 09.	

*13.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before.

*14.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Line* as the Chart Type and *Z Chart* as the subtype.

*15.* Click *Save* to load the options for a Z Chart.	

*16.* Set the *Label* to be *Month*.

*17.* Set the *Series* to be *Avg Profit Margin*.

*18.* Click *Refresh* to view your chart.

*19.* Your chart should now look like this one.	 

*20.* You are now going to customise the look of your Z Chart. Click on the {color:#357CB6}Chart Format{color} Menu.

*21.* You are going to extend the chart so it shows 24 months worth of data at a time. When you do this, remember that Yellowfin needs *double* the amount of data in order to calculate the *Moving Total*. In this case it would need 48 months worth of data.

*22.* Click *Save* to see how these options have changed your chart.	

*23.* Click on the !option_closed.gif!arrow icon next to the *Periodic Value* to expand the options. 

*24.* Set *Line Shapes* to *Yes*.

*25.* Set the *Line Thickness* to *2*.

*26.* Repeat these steps for *Cumulative Total* and *Moving Total*.

*27.* Click *Refresh* to regenerate your chart.

*28.* Your chart should now look like the one pictured here.

*29.* You are now finished with this chart so *Save* and *Activate* it.

*30.* Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page.


*31.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Z Chart Tutorial* as the Name.

*32.* Type *This Z Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description.

*33.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category.

*34.* Click *Activate*.	 

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