Wiki Markup |
{anchor:top} {toc: class=contents} h2. Overview {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} These are all designed with a particular kind of dataset in mind, resulting in highly specified charts. ||Type||Icon||When to Use|| |*Funnel*|!chart_funnel.gifpng!|Used to displayshow stepsthe instatus aof process, helps to identify bottle necks stages in a workflowprocess.| |*RadarProportional Infographic*|!chart_radarproportional.gifpng!|YouDisplays wantsegments toon comparean dataimage, bywith integratingthe multiplesegment axessize intorepresenting a single radial figuremetric value.| |*WaterfallComparative Infographic*|!chart_waterfallcomparative.gifpng!|WaterfallDisplays chartsimages aresized ain special type of Floating Column Chart. A typical waterfall chart shows how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leadingsuch a way to correspond to a final valuemetric.| |*EventRadar*|!chart_eventradar.gifpng!|MapsYou want theto occurancecompare ofdata eventsby againstintegrating themultiple valuesaxes ofinto a numericsingle data set over timeradial figure.| |*Week DensityWaterfall*|!chart_timeheatwaterfall.gifpng!|YouWaterfall wantcharts toare measurea thespecial densitytype of an occurance or a metric Floating Column Chart. A typical waterfall chart shows how an initial value basedis onincreased anand hour,decreased relativeby toa otherseries timesof inintermediate thevalues, sameleading dayto ofa thefinal weekvalue.| |*Z ChartEvent*|!chart_zevent.gifpng!|ThisMaps allowsthe youoccurrence toof displayevents trendsagainst overthe timevalues by chartingof a linenumeric for data, accumulativeset total, and moving totalover time.| |*TrellisWeek Density*|!chart_time_trellisheat.gifpng!|This allows youShows the density of occurrences based on hour relative to segmentother thedensities charton bythe multiplesame categoriesday onof eachthe axisweek.| h2. Chart Data Options {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} h3. Funnel, Radar, Waterfall, and Z Charts ||Option||Description|| |Label|This is the category label for the X axis| |Series|Typically a numeric value such as $. An item that you want to measure on your Chart| h3. Event Chart ||Option||Description|| |Label|Time value| |Value|Metric shown in the line (the top of the chart)| |Event|Binary values that signify if the event was occurring on each of the time values.| h3. Trellis Chart ||Option||Description|| |Column|You may select up to two different fields to use as columns in your trellis.| |Row|You may select up to two different fields to use as rows in your trellis chart.| |Colour|You can select one field to split your values by colour.| |Size|When you have a scatter plot trellis you will also be able to select a metric to use for the size of the bubbles.| {color:#C00000}*Note:*{color} at least one of either the Column or Row fields selected must be a metric. h2. Funnel Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link to begin creating your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !1.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *2.* You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Leave the *Drag and Drop Builder* selected as the build tool. *3.* Select *Ski Team* as the Database View (if not already selected). *4.* Now click either the !step_right_on.png! or {color:#357CB6}Click here to continue{color} button to proceed. {column} {column:width=70%} !2.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *5.* You should now be on the *Step 1. Report Data* page. To start with, set the Output Options to *Chart Only* by selecting it in the *Report Options* section on the right. {column} {column:width=70%} !3.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Booking Step* and !rpt_dim.png! *Athlete ID* fields into the *Column Fields* area. *7.* Drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Booking Status* field into the *Filters* area. *8.* Select the !rpt_dim.png! *Athlete ID* field and add a !count.png! *Count* aggregation to it. *9.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page. {column} {column:width=70%} !27.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* On the *Filters* page, set *Booking Status* to be *Equal to*. *11.* Click on the !rpt_filterprompt.gif! link to set the value. *12.* Select *Cancelled*. In this case, we are only interested in seeing bookings that have been cancelled, examining which step athletes cancel in. *13.* Click *Submit* to save your changes. !submit.png! *14.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page. {column} {column:width=70%} !29.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *15.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before. *16.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and *Funnel* as the subtype (click on the picture on the left). *17.* Click *Save* to load the options for a *Funnel Chart*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !30.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *18.* Set the Chart Data settings. *19.* Select *Booking Step* for the Label. *20.* Select *Count Athlete ID* as the Series. *21.* Click *Refresh* to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !31.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *22.* You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured here. {column} {column:width=70%} !32.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *23.* You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! *24.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Funnel Chart Tutorial* as the Name. *25.* Type *This Funnel Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *26.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *27.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !33.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Radar Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link. *2.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Camp Demographic* dimension, !rpt_metric.png! *Profit Margin*, !rpt_metric.png! *Invoiced (Pref Currency)* metrics into the *Column Fields*. *3.* Change the aggregations on both of the metrics to !avg.png! Average, using the same steps as before, selecting Average rather than Count. *4.* Make sure that you select the *Chart Only* option as you have for the other charts. *5.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !34.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before. *7.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and *Radar* as the subtype (click on the picture in the middle). *8.* Click *Save* to load the options for a *Radar Chart*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !35.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *9.* Set the Label to *Camp Demographic*. *10.* Select *Avg Profit Margin* and *Avg Invoiced (Pref Currency)* as the Series. *11.* Click *Refresh* to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !36.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *12.* You should now have a chart that looks like this. {column} {column:width=70%} !37.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *13.* Click on the Gridlines Menu and set the *Show Gridlines* option to *Yes*. *14.* Click *Save*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !38.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *15.* Click on the Labels Menu and set the *Labels* option to *Yes*. *16.* Click *Save*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !39.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured here. Each line should have a label corresponding to a Camp Demographic, and the gridlines should now be visible. *18.* You are now finished with this chart so *Save* and *Activate* it. {column} {column:width=70%} !40.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *19.* Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! *20.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Radar Chart Tutorial* as the Name. *21.* Type *This Radar Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *22.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *23.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !41.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Event Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click on the Create link to begin creating your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !1.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} In order to complete this tutorial you will need to import some sample data to use. Make sure you have a writable data source prepared. *2.* You should now be on the Initialise Report page. Select the *Spreadsheet/CSV Import* option. *3.* Select your writable data source in order to store the spreadsheet data. *4.* Select a view category *5.* Select the [Tutorial - Special Purpose Charts^EventChartSample.csv] file. *6.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !eventLoad.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* You should now see the spreadsheet preview (as pictured here). Select *Report* as the category for each of the columns. *8.* Set the spreadsheet name to be *Event Chart Sample* and the description to *Tutorial Data*. *9.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !eventImport.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *10.* You should now be on the *Step 1. Report Data* page. To start with, set the Output Options to *Chart Only* by selecting it in the *Report Options* section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !3.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *11.* Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the !expand.gif! next to the *Report* category to expand it. *12.* Drag and drop *EventDate*, *SocialMediaCampaign*, *OnlineCampaign*, *PaperCampaign*, and *WebsiteHits* fields into the *Columns* area. *13.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !45.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *14.* You should now be on the Report Preview page. Click on the image of a Pie Chart (pictured here) to go to the Chart Format page where you can setup your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !ChartClick.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *15.* Click on the *Chart* Menu, select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and click on the picture of the *Event* Chart to select it. *16.* Click *Save*, this will load the options for an Event Chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !46.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* In the *Chart Data* section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart. *18.* Set the Label to *EventDate*, set the Value to *WebsiteHits*, and select the Events; *SocialMediaCampaign*, *OnlineCampaign*, and *PaperCampaign*. *19.* Click the *Refresh* link to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !47.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *20.* You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured. *21.* You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !48.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *22.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Event Chart Tutorial* as the Name. *23.* Type *This Event Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *24.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *25.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !49.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Week Density Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Click on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link to begin creating your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !1.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} In order to complete this tutorial you will need to import some sample data to use. Make sure you have a writable data source prepared. *2.* You should now be on the Initialise Report page. *Select the Spreadsheet/CSV Import* option. *3.* Select your writable data source in order to store the spreadsheet data. *4.* Select a view category *5.* Select the [Tutorial - Special Purpose Charts^WeekDensityChartSample.csv] file. *6.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !weekLoad.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* You should now see the spreadsheet preview (as pictured here). Select *Report* as the category for each of the columns. *8.* Set the spreadsheet name to be *Week Density Chart Sample* and the description to *Tutorial Data*. *9.* Change the *Transaction ID* field to a *Dimension* and ensure the *Transaction Time* field is recognised as a *Timestamp*. *10.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !weekImport.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *11.* You should now be on the *Step 1. Report Data* page. To start with, set the Output Options to *Chart Only* by selecting it in the *Report Options* section on the right. This will ensure that the information appears as a chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !3.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *12.* Now you need to add metrics to your report. Click on the !expand.gif! next to the *Report* category to expand it. *13.* Drag and drop *Transaction Time*, *Transaction ID*, and *Transaction Value* into the *Columns* area. *14.* Apply a *Count Distinct* to the *Transaction ID* and *Sum* to the *Transaction Value* fields. *15.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !51.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *16.* You should now be on the Report Preview page. Click on the image of a Pie Chart (pictured here) to go to the Chart Format page where you can setup your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !ChartClick.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *17.* Click on the *Chart* Menu, select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and click on the picture of the *Week Density* Chart to select it. *18.* Click *Save*, this will load the options for an Event Chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !52.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *19.* In the *Chart Data* section you will need to select the data for each setting in the chart. *20.* Set the Label to *Transaction_Time*, set the Series to *Count Distinct: Transaction_ID* or *Sum Transaction_Value*. *21.* Click the *Refresh* link to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !53.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *22.* You should now have a chart that looks like the one pictured. *23.* You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !54.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *24.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Week Density Chart Tutorial* as the Name. *25.* Type *This Week Density Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *26.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *27.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !55.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Waterfall Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} The waterfall chart is used to display cummulative values of a series. In this tutorial, you are going to examine the total invoiced amount for 2009, split by month. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link. *2.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Month* dimension and !rpt_metric.png! *Invoiced (Pref Currency)* metric into the *Column Fields*. *3.* Drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Year* dimension into the *Filters* section. *4.* Make sure that you select the *Chart Only* option as you have for the other charts. *5.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page. {column} {column:width=70%} !56.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the filters page leave the *Year* set to *Equal to* and click on the !rpt_filterprompt.gif! icon to select *2009*. *7.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !57.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *8.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before. *9.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and *Waterfall* as the subtype (click on the picture on the right). *10.* Click *Save* to load the options for a *Radar Chart*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !58.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *11.* Set the Label to *Month*. *12.* Select *Sum Invoiced (Pref Currency)* as the Series. *13.* Click *Refresh* to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !60.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *14.* You should now have a chart that looks like this. You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !61.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *15.* Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! *16.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Waterfall Tutorial* as the Name. *17.* Type *This Waterfall Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *18.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *19.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !62.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Trellis Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} The trellis chart is a type of combination chart that changes depending on the combination of column and row segmentations selected. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link. *2.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Demographic*, !rpt_dim.png! *Gender*, !rpt_metric.png! *Age at Camp*, and !rpt_dim.png! *Athlete ID* fields into the *Column Fields*. *3.* You will need to remove the aggregation from *Avg Age at Camp* by selecting the field and clicking the !clear.png! *Clear* button. You will also have to apply the !countdistinct.png! *Count Distinct* aggregation to the *Athlete ID* field. *4.* Make sure that you select the *Chart Only* option as you have for the other charts. *5.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page. {column} {column:width=70%} !63.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before. *7.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Special Purpose* as the Chart Type and *Trellis* as the subtype (click on the picture on the right). *8.* Click *Save* to load the options for a *Trellis Chart*. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !64.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *9.* Set the Columns to *Age at Camp* and *Demographic*. *10.* Select Row to *Count Distinct Athlete ID*. *11.* Set the Colour to *Gender*. *12.* Click *Refresh* to generate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !65.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *13.* You should now have a chart that looks like this. You now need to *Save* and *Activate* your chart. {column} {column:width=70%} !66.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *14.* Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! *15.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Trellis Tutorial Tutorial* as the Name. *16.* Type *This Trellis Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *17.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *18.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !67.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} h2. Z Chart Creation {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} {expand} The Z Chart is a specially designed line chart used for period comparisons. {section} {column:width=30%} *1.* Start creating a chart as you did with the other charts by clicking on the {color:#357CB6}Create{color} link. *2.* On the Report Data page, drag and drop the !rpt_dim.png! *Month* dimension, and !rpt_metric.png! *Profit Margin* metric into the *Column Fields* area. *3.* Change the aggregation on *Profit Margin* to average by selecting the field and clicking on the !avg.png! icon. *4.* Make sure that you select the *Chart Only* option as you have for the other charts. *5.* Click on !step_right_on.png! at the top of the page to move to the next step. {column} {column:width=70%} !68.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *6.* On the Report Preview page click {color:#357CB6}Columns{color} link. {column} {column:width=70%} !69.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *7.* Select *Month* as the Column. *8.* Click on the *Display* Menu. *9.* Set the *Format* to *Date*. *10.* Select *Other* as the *Date Format* *11.* Type *MMMM, yy* in the *Format* box. *12.* These options will mean that instead of just displaying the Month names, Yellowfin will display the month name and then the year, eg: March, 09. {column} {column:width=70%} !70.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *13.* On the Report Preview page click on the Pie Chart image as before. *14.* Click on the *Chart* Menu and select *Line* as the Chart Type and *Z Chart* as the subtype. *15.* Click *Save* to load the options for a Z Chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !71.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *16.* Set the *Label* to be *Month*. *17.* Set the *Series* to be *Avg Profit Margin*. *18.* Click *Refresh* to view your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !72.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *19.* Your chart should now look like this one. {column} {column:width=70%} !73.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *20.* You are now going to customise the look of your Z Chart. Click on the {color:#357CB6}Chart Format{color} Menu. *21.* You are going to extend the chart so it shows 24 months worth of data at a time. When you do this, remember that Yellowfin needs *double* the amount of data in order to calculate the *Moving Total*. In this case it would need 48 months worth of data. *22.* Click *Save* to see how these options have changed your chart. !save.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !74.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *23.* Click on the !option_closed.gif! icon next to the *Periodic Value* to expand the options. *24.* Set *Line Shapes* to *Yes*. *25.* Set the *Line Thickness* to *2*. *26.* Repeat these steps for *Cumulative Total* and *Moving Total*. *27.* Click *Refresh* to regenerate your chart. !refresh.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !75.png! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *28.* Your chart should now look like the one pictured here. *29.* You are now finished with this chart so *Save* and *Activate* it. {column} {column:width=70%} !76.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {section} {column:width=30%} *30.* Click on the *Close* button to go back to the Report Preview page. !menu_close.png! *31.* Click on the *Save* Menu and use *Z Chart Tutorial* as the Name. *32.* Type *This Z Chart was created using the Charts Tutorial* as the Description. *33.* Enter *Tutorial* as the Category and *Charts* as the Sub Category. *34.* Click *Activate*. !activate.png! {column} {column:width=70%} !77.png|thumbnail,border=1! {column} {section} {expand} \\ \\ {horizontalrule} {styleclass: Class=topLink}[top|#top]{styleclass} |
Page Comparison