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h2. Overview概要

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order for Yellowfin to retrieve results to populate reports a database connection must exist. This connection record provides Yellowfin with the location, user credentials, and logon method to be used in order to access your database.

Database connections must be set up in Administration, following the steps outlined below.

h2. Steps

h2. ステップ
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*1.* Click the ナビゲーションバーの「{color:#357CB6#357cb6}Administration管理{color} link on the navigation bar. This will open a shortcut menu. If you wish to go to the main Administration page, click on the General link, for this tutorial we will click on the 」リンクをクリックします。ショートカットメニューが開きます。メインの「管理」ページに移動するには「全般」リンクをクリックしますが、このチュートリアルでは、「{color:#357CB6}Source Systems & Views#357cb6}ソースシステム&ビュー{color} short cut though.


You will see a table containing a list of source connections and a table with folders containing views of those source connections.	


*2.* Click the 「データソースと接続」表の「{color:#357CB6#357cb6}Ski Team{color} Link in the Data Source and Connections table. This will open the connection details page.  

*3.* You will see all the connection parameters required for a source connection.  


bq. See [Source Connection Parameters] for more information.

*4.* To test how the connection works make a slight change to the database URL and click the 接続の動作方法をテストするため、データベースURLを少し変更して、「{color:#357CB6}Click here to test connection#357cb6}ここをクリックして接続をテスト{color} link.  The connection should return a failed message.  


*5.* NowURLを元の状態に戻して、もう一度接続をテストします。今回は、成功のメッセージが表示されるはずです。
return the URL to its original state and test the connection again - this time you should see a successful message.

If you cannot reset the URL click the *Cancel* button at the bottom of the page to close the connection settings without saving your changes.



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