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h2. 概要
{styleclass: Class=topLink} [topページトップ|#top] {styleclass}Yellowfinは、ドラッグ&ドロップインターフェースを備え、コンピュータの知識のないユーザーでも簡単にご利用になれるソフトウェアです。これを使えば、特別なコーディングの知識なしに複数のデータベースの情報にアクセスできます。複雑な技術的知識なしで、ユーザーが慣れ親しんでいるビジネス用語でデータを扱うことが可能です。

h2. データはどこから?
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h2. Whatセキュリティについて
about security?
{styleclass: Class=topLink} [topページトップ|#top] {styleclass}Yellowfin is very secure. Your administrator has many options for managing security profiles. All of the rights you have as a user are granted by your administrator. The administrator defines:
- The parts of the Yellowfin interface you can access. Your administrator can restrict the availability of Yellowfin functionality, such as access to certain menu commands;
- The Categories and Subcategories of reports that you can access;
- The views you can access for creating and editing queries;
- Your ability to publish public reports; and
- The data that you can access

The permissions assigned to each user define the content they can see and the functionality they can access. This profile-based security system allows a single report to be distributed to many users - with end users having access only to the information that they are authorised to see.

h2. What Data Analysis can you do?

- アクセスできるYellowfinのインターフェース。特定のコマンドを使用できなくするなど、ユーザーに利用可能な機能を制限できます。
- アクセスできるレポートのカテゴリーとサブカテゴリー。
- ビューを作成したりクエリーを編集したりする権限。
- 共有レポートを公開する権限。
- アクセスできるデータ。


h2. データ分析
{styleclass: Class=topLink} [topページトップ|#top] {styleclass}Using Yellowfin you can create many types of reports to suit your reporting needs. These can vary from basic tabular reports to far more advanced varieties.Yellowfinを使用して、ユーザーは、ニーズにあったさまざまなタイプのレポートを作成できます。レポートは、基本的な表形式からはるかに進んだ形式までと多様です。

# With Yellowfin you may be able to create and distribute reports that are "drillable." This means that other users can simply click on values in the report to see more detail as they feel they need it, without having to run the query all over again.
# You can set up a report to include calculations and Conditional Formats.
# You can include prompts that let you obtain just the information you need, and filter out the rest.
# You can choose from a wide variety of chart formats to represent the data. If you think another graphical format would make the data clearer, you can change the format in a couple of mouse clicks:

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